Is it just me, or does JojoBag's adorable kitten avatar, when viewed


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with peripheral vision, look like a pig? I think it took me two weeks before I actually looked carefully at his avatar and realized it was a kitten. Maybe it really is just me, but try reading one of JojoBag's posts without ever looking directly at his avatar, and see if your impression of what is represented is a pig lying on its belly and looking at you.



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with peripheral vision, look like a pig? I think it took me two weeks before I actually looked carefully at his avatar and realized it was a kitten. Maybe it really is just me, but try reading one of JojoBag's posts without ever looking directly at his avatar, and see if your impression of what is represented is a pig lying on its belly and looking at you.




I never noticed until you provided this UNCANNY COMPARISON.  It's as if a mirror were held up to the kitten/pig.


 After all, they are both four-legged mammals

Both are used as a food source in many third world countries.  

They both provide a large litter of offspring per pregnancy.  

They both provide comfort to their owners (did anyone see Babe?).

They both are among the less effective but active diggers in nature.

Both have a mouth.

Both have two pointy ears.

Both provide a mess to their owners (look what the cat dragged in).


Of course, to see the similarity I had to squint my eyes until the images were so blurry, they were nothing more than a colored blob.  But beyond that...


Why did I never see the similarity before?!?

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I guess I'm there with you.  All I ever saw was a kitten.  I don't see a pig at all.


I've squinted my eyes, crossed it like when you're looking at them 90's abstracts that have "hidden" pictures... did a quick glance over... did a side-glance while reading at text...




I guess it's because I see a gold and white dress....

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I'm with you, Vort.

Before I actually looked at it directly (i.e. when it was only seen in the peripheral), I subconsciously thought it was a pig.

Now that you've directed my attention to the image and I've processed it for what it is (a kitten), I have a hard time getting the pig.

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Folks, I'm starting to get a little worried.  Are any of you actually being serious that it looks like a pig?  I thought Vort was just joking.  But judging from the nature of the responses, I'm beginning to wonder.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Folks, I'm starting to get a little worried. Are any of you actually being serious that it looks like a pig? I thought Vort was just joking. But judging from the nature of the responses, I'm beginning to wonder.

Totally serious. I see the pig first, then the kitten EVERY time.

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