Who still has TV service through cable or satellite?


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So my contract with DISH network is up in April and I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of TV.  I'm so tired of paying the high costs for the extremely small amount of channels that I do watch.    I will miss football but I was told of a program called Sling.  Haven't checked it out yet.


Anyone out there get rid of TV?  What services do you use now to watch shows etc?  Do you subscribe to Netflix, Hulu+ etc?


Do you miss it?  If so what do you miss about it?

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I got rid of it this year.  I never watched anything but Sportsman and Outdoor.  And even that was getting boring and repetitive.

I never watch football.  I don't consider "sports" as watching tv.

As to the shows or programs I have long realized them to be garbage.  Propaganda for the left, the "new morality", the agenda, a lot of cheap and tawdry sex titulation, and commercial after commercial.

So I had not watched any of that for years.

Even the so called news is not news, but a finely selected and specific slant for the 'agenda'.

So why spend $140 a month.  I'll use the money elsewhere.


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Just_A_Girl and I haven't had cable our entire marriage.  I'm not a sports fan, so I never really missed being able to watch games in real time; and I'm enough of an internet news junkie that I still know what's going on about 2-3 days before people at the office start talking about it (seriously--CNN is like Drudge on a time delay).


Once the kids started coming we got a Netflix subscription, which has been great for kids' programming.  Just_A_Girl and I have had to work really hard not to let Netflix dominate our evenings after the kids are in bed, though--lately we've been doing a bit better at reading or doing projects around the house instead.

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We haven’t had TV service for years. I’m not much of a TV person. Hubby gets his news from the Internet and has never cared for sports. No worries there. We have a Roku which gives us access to the shows and movies we already own on Amazon and Google. We can also rent things to watch. It also gives us access to the Mormon channel, Pandora and BYU TV. It gives access as well to things like Netflix and Hulu, but you have to have an account from those places for it to work. We did have a Netflix account for a while so I know that works quite well with the Roku, but I prefer not having accounts there so we don’t use those.  It works well for us. We can use what we want and ignore the rest.

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I have a powered antenna and over-the-air tv (and internet, of course).  I refuse to pay for television ever since I discovered that the city government dictates what channels can be offered and controls the price in more ways than just how much they tax the service.  (Maybe my understanding wasn't accurate, or isn't anymore, I don't know, but the cable company confirmed my observations when I called to cancel.)


Haven't missed it.  I watch some TV shows, but am actually glad not to have more options for addiction. :)

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In eight years of marriage my wife and I have never had a TV subscription. We did pick up a digital antenna that let's us get 3-4 channels for free after the analog channels were disbanded. I always wanted a house with no TV at all, but we now have two (one came with the house we bought six months ago) and we do have a subscription to Netflix which means that unfortunately we watch more TV than we would if we did have regular TV like cable or satellite.


We are also not sport fans so we don't miss that, and most of the programming does seem like junk so why pay. Like JaG said the news is on the internet and you don't have to watch for 45 minutes just to get to the part you're interested in.


The one time I do wish I had a provider (and the only time I care much for sports) is when the Olympics are on. I can find quite a bit on the internet but I can't always see the events I want to. Also certain broadcasters appear to have the rights to certain events that they want you to pay to watch even online - and as much as I find it fun, I just won't pay.


I've never used a PVR or any such device so I can honestly say that I don't even know what a modern TV watching experience is like, but I don't miss advertisements at all, and i don't miss waiting for a full week to watch the next episode of something of interest (hence with Netflix we can end up watching too much).

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I have Hulu, and Amazon prime which fills my needs.  We haven't had cable or satellite since we were married.  I would like cable or satellite but mainly for sports (BYU football, basketball).  I don't watch pro sports much anymore, except highlights on youtube.

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We had cable for a brief time because it was offered in a cheaper package with the internet. Never worked properly.

Now we don't even have local channels.

We can watch news on the web, and all shows we care about will be online sooner or later.

We do have Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.

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We got rid of satellite about 1.5 years ago. I MISS SPORTS!  I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I MISS WATCHING SPORTS!


We have Hulu and Amazon prime (this is a great thing--so many perks) and that helps. We also bought a Roku 3 which really helped. BUT I MISS SPORTS!


The only sports we get is what's on ABC, NBC or CBS. Can't watch Monday Night Football, can't watch a lot of the Pacer games, can't watch a lot of college games. I get Colts games because they have some deal with the local station to show their games (although, I could skip this season....we need help!). But, overall, I can't watch sports. And it's REALLY gonna suck when the Olympics are on. 


I haven't looked at Sling too much. When Hulu and Amazon is less than $10/mo, Sling's charge seems like a lot. But, it looks like if I really wanted to watch sports, it would be a great thing to get. 


Even if you get Sling, I would recommend looking into a Roku 3 if you get rid of cable. There are tons of free channels and you can watch your Sling on there too. It'll still be cheaper than cable.

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Guest Godless

Ditto what Beefche said. Less than $20/month for Hulu+ and Netflix, and my wife and I get most of what we want, plus some cool stuff for the kiddo. I still have the standard TV package (but no cable box), so I can still watch Sunday and Thursday night football on my Roku via the Time Warner app. I miss ESPN but can live without it. If there's a non-network game that I REALLY want to watch, I can hang out at work at watch it. I'm not familiar with Sling, but I'll have to look into it. It also kinda sucks having to wait a year to catch up on our FXX shows and Walking Dead since the current seasons don't stream on Hulu, but I think we'll live.

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We use Netflix and Amazon Prime.  However, we're not sports fans, so I'm not sure how I would access games.  We have rabbit ears that allow us a few TV channels, but we've been spoiled...the commercials drive us nuts, and we go back to streaming.  I wonder if Roku or the Amazon Fire systems have sports channels that are streamed?

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I stopped watching the boob tube almost two years ago.  It all has to do with keeping inappropriate content out of my home.  I have to deal with immodesty when out in the world, but I can seriously limit it coming into my home.  I find that the TV is a major channel for the influence of evil spirits.  The media is also the preferred method for worldly propaganda.  TV, videos, movies, and radio are filled with subtle, satanic worldly ideas that can ensnare an unwary Latter-day Saint/Christian if he is not constantly on guard for deception.  Even some so-called "LDS" inspired movies are deceptive.  One specifically is the Singles Ward. 


The Parents Television Council did a study of "family friendly" TV shows.  Fully 99% of them contained "adult" content.  The only thing the overwhelming majority of TV shows and movies do is anesthetize the masses into thinking that all is right with the world.  For those who indulge, it forms their thinking through a distorted, perverted view of how the world should be.  This is called "progressive thinking," but and all is part of the Gadianton plan to subvert people into believing in concepts like, "Live and let live," and "Go along to get along."


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Guest MormonGator

I stopped watching the boob tube almost two years ago.  It all has to do with keeping inappropriate content out of my home.  I have to deal with immodesty when out in the world, but I can seriously limit it coming into my home.  I find that the TV is a major channel for the influence of evil spirits.  The media is also the preferred method for worldly propaganda.  TV, videos, movies, and radio are filled with subtle, satanic worldly ideas that can ensnare an unwary Latter-day Saint/Christian if he is not constantly on guard for deception.  Even some so-called "LDS" inspired movies are deceptive.  One specifically is the Singles Ward. 


The Parents Television Council did a study of "family friendly" TV shows.  Fully 99% of them contained "adult" content.  The only thing the overwhelming majority of TV shows and movies do is anesthetize the masses into thinking that all is right with the world.  For those who indulge, it forms their thinking through a distorted, perverted view of how the world should be.  This is called "progressive thinking," but and all is part of the Gadianton plan to subvert people into believing in concepts like, "Live and let live," and "Go along to get along."

The PTC sort of creeps me out. In a free society, I have the right to watch what I want too. Of course they have the right to say what they want as well (we all do) but they are way, way to eager to censor everything. That's creepy. I also think there is a strong degree of snobbishness to them. They look down their nose at the dirty people who :: gasp :: enjoy TV shows. I like 24 and a few (horror of horrors) reality shows like Big Brother. 

Someone who is really bossy, fussy and self-rigetous can make anything sound sinful and evil. Take what they say with a grain of salt. 

I was told once I shouldn't go to art galleries because I might see a nude painting. I go to galleries about three times a month. Still do. 

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Haven't had cable for 6 years now.

We use Roku.

Roku has ESPN and Sling ESPN for sports.

Netflix subscription via Roku.

Also a digital antenna.


All in all, it saves money and gives us control of the shows we see.

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The PTC sort of creeps me out. In a free society, I have the right to watch what I want too. Of course they have the right to say what they want as well (we all do) but they are way, way to eager to censor everything. That's creepy. I also think there is a strong degree of snobbishness to them. They look down their nose at the dirty people who :: gasp :: enjoy TV shows. I like 24 and a few (horror of horrors) reality shows like Big Brother. 

Someone who is really bossy, fussy and self-rigetous can make anything sound sinful and evil. Take what they say with a grain of salt. 

I was told once I shouldn't go to art galleries because I might see a nude painting. I go to galleries about three times a month. Still do. 


No one said you couldn't watch any show you wanted.  That's your agency.  It doesn't change the fact that 99% of "family friendly" TV shows contain adult themes.  What I simply cannot understand is why people (not saying it's you) think that if something is not appropriate for a child to watch, it's OK for an adult. If it's garbage and will damage a child spiritually, it's garbage for an adult and will damage him spiritually. 


What you consider "bossy, fussy and self-righteous" is nothing more than the truth.  I have no doubt in my mind that the same could have been said of Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, Abinadi, Moroni, and Jesus Christ.  All of them told the truth and some of them were killed for it.



1 And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear.

2 And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.

3 And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.

(1 Nephi 16:1–3)


You are free to watch any movie, TV show, or video you want, but you aren't free to choose the consequences of watching them. 



Brethren, there is neither happiness nor peace to be gained from surrendering to the weakness of indulging in these things which degrade and destroy. When such material is on television, turn off the set. Stop being a boob in front of the tube. Avoid titillating videotapes as you would a foul disease. They are in the same category.


President Gordon B. Hinckley

CR, Oct 1992, Pg. 73

My thoughts will center on our sometimes innocent involvement in one of the terrible, unclean things referred to by this ancient prophet. Satan, the very devil and the father of all lies, has slyly and slowly lowered the social norms of morality to a tragic and destructive level. In magazines and books, on CDs and tapes, on our television and theater screens is portrayed more and more often a lifestyle that might even rival the excesses of those who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. The screens, music, and printed materials are filled with a profusion of sex, nudity, and vulgarity.

One of the great tragedies is that too many men and boys who hold the priesthood of God are watching and listening to this type of so-called entertainment. Some do it only casually at first. They think they are spiritually strong and will be immune to its influence.

Elder H. Burke Peterson

CR, Oct 1993, Pg. 59


Exposure to suggestive, obscene literature and entertainment, which provides repeated examples of indiscretion and immorality, leads to a breakdown in one's moral values. A person soon finds that by this subtle means he has been induced to tread the path to the point where immorality becomes a common and accepted practice with him, with personal degradation and misery the end products.

Bishop John A. Vandenberg

CR, Apr 1969, Pgs. 16-17


Brethren, I plead with you to leave it alone. Stay away from any movie, video, publication, or music—regardless of its rating—where illicit behavior and expressions are a part of the action. Have the courage to turn it off in your living room. Throw the tapes and the publications in the garbage can, for that is where we keep garbage.

...Anytime we look at or listen to the kind of material we have been speaking of—even in its mildest form—the light inside of us grows dimmer because the darkness inside increases..

Remember, our mind is a wonderful instrument. It will record and keep whatever we put into it, both trash and beauty. When we see or hear anything filthy or vulgar, whatever the source, our mind records it, and as it makes the filthy record, beauty and clean thoughts are pushed into the background. Hope and faith in Christ begin to fade, and, more and more, turmoil and discontent become our companions.


Again I say, leave it alone. Turn it off, walk away from it, burn it, erase it, or destroy it. I know it is hard counsel we give when we say movies that are R-rated, and many with PG-13 ratings, are produced by satanic influences. Our standards should not be dictated by the rating system. I repeat, because of what they really represent, these types of movies, music, and tapes serve the purposes of the author of all darkness.


Elder H. Burke Peterson

CR, Oct 1993, Pgs. 59-60


One might well wonder about the term "adult entertainment." Could it be that something unclean or immoral which is not fit for children is wholesome for adults? Is "adult evil" acceptable? How consistent is it to have a double standard?


Or how would anyone be so shortsighted as to partake of that which would impair his physical or mental or spiritual capacity, and say to himself, "It's not good for children, but it's all right for me"?


If the content of a magazine encourages loose morals and low-mindedness and permissive, degrading attitudes and practices, should we buy it? Should we read it? Should we have it around the home?


If a book is filthy, should we buy it? Should we read it? " ...Hooks," said Thomas Carlyle, "are like men's souls." (Inaugural Address, Edinburgh, 1866.)


Should we keep a television or radio presentation exposed to viewing or listening if it is one of crudeness or brutish violence or indecent suggestion —or even if it is simply trashy or trivial?


"Unless virtue guide us," said William Penn, ". . . our choice must be wrong" (Some Fruits of Solitude: Temporal Happiness.)


The commandments of God have not been repealed. The laws of cause and consequence are still in force.


Honest and wise men needed


The creators of community influence and environment and example—which is all of us—would well remember the words of our Savior concerning whosoever "shall offend one of these little ones"—or older ones—or whosoever devotes his life to the production or promotion or support of mind-corroding, soul-destroying evil in any of its forms.


Elder Richard L. Evans

CR, Apr 1969, Pg. 74


By watching anything that has inappropriate content, anything that would subvert morals, decency and God's laws, or anything that would desensitize us to accepting perversion as normal, we are supporting industries that are in direct opposition to our Heavenly Father.   I just can't see the Savior going to some place where a photographer is proudly displaying nude photographs or paintings claiming they are "art." Why anyone would bring this garbage into their home or go see it in a theater baffles me; it's playing with fire.

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Guest MormonGator




  I just can't see the Savior going to some place where a photographer is proudly displaying nude photographs or paintings claiming they are "art." Why anyone would bring this garbage into their home or go see it in a theater baffles me; it's playing with fire.

 Different strokes, different folks. I've seen people say that The David is "raunchy". Or that a Degas nude is "offensive". That kind of critique shows much more about the critic than artist. 

The PTC is just like that. They also have no right whatsoever to tell a person what they can or can't watch. Well, they can tell them, jump up and down, stomp around and scream-but they can't use force to stop them.  


And I stand by this-a really fussy/bossy/or self-righteous person can make anything SOUND sinful. It's the same way that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. You shouldn't go to the beach. Or a public pool. Or a mall. Or a theatre. You might see someone wearing something that is "offensive". In fact, why are you reading this? You should be at bible study.

See the slippery slope aspect? 

The issue with cutting yourself completely off from the culture is you begin to lose perspective and become snobby. I grew up in a highly religious culture and the people who watched TV or listened to music were sometimes called horrible names like "trash" or "rednecks". That's not cool. Pride is also sinful.

I obviously have some strong feelings on this issue.  :) 

(My turn to say it-not personal Jojo. Huge respect for you. I mean that seriously. Love your posts, even though I may disagree with them.) 

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I am sports crazy ....watch college and pro football .....college and pro hockey. College and pro basketball. I also watch English football and rugby and of course I watch baseball and NASCAR


You could have left off sports.  Let's be honest here.  You are just crazy. :P

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 Different strokes, different folks. I've seen people say that The David is "raunchy". Or that a Degas nude is "offensive". That kind of critique shows much more about the critic than artist. 




Sorry, but what I'm inferring from the context of this is that you think there is nothing wrong in displaying images of nude people. Pornography in any form, be it displays from several hundred years ago or current displays from Playboy is against the Gospel standards. There is no exception to God's laws when it comes to artistic expression. The commandments of God are for all people, regardless of what religion they belong to or if they are atheist, or if they are an artist. One of those commandments is modesty; modesty in thought, word and dress. You are right in that this says something about the critic. It says that he agrees with God. 

The PTC is just like that. They also have no right whatsoever to tell a person what they can or can't watch. Well, they can tell them, jump up and down, stomp around and scream-but they can't use force to stop them.



 Liberals-progressives-socialists (they're all the same) and critics would have you believe that only their opinion is the opinion that matters. The PTC has an opinion, which, BTW, happens to be in line with the Church's opinion regarding inappropriate media, but you seem to be saying that they cannot express that opinion. Nor have I read any one single thing or anything they have done that shows they have advocated any form of force to make people comply with that opinion. Nor does anyone have a right to tell them they cannot try and induce the entertainment industry to change at least some of their shows. That's called a double standard, which is a classic liberal-progressive-socialist tactic, which is a form of conditioning to get children to accept immodesty and, later on, pornography as normal.


And I stand by this-a really fussy/bossy/or self-righteous person can make anything SOUND sinful. It's the same way that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. You shouldn't go to the beach. Or a public pool. Or a mall. Or a theatre. You might see someone wearing something that is "offensive". In fact, why are you reading this? You should be at bible study.

See the slippery slope aspect? 



No, I don't see the slippery slope aspect. If something is sinful, it is sinful, no matter what any other person might say. To restate what The Folk Prophet said, I'd rather be on the slope that slides toward God. I never go to public pools or the beach because I don't want to subject myself to walking pornography. I avoid malls as much as possible; I don't go to movies, I don't watch TV, I don't play video games, I don't read dirty books, and I never voluntarily bring filth into my home. What I enjoy the most is researching and reading various Gospel subjects and discussing them with my wife. In fact, I absolutely love discussing all Gospel subjects. Instead of Bible study, I prefer the Book of Mormon.

The issue with cutting yourself completely off from the culture is you begin to lose perspective and become snobby. I grew up in a highly religious culture and the people who watched TV or listened to music were sometimes called horrible names like "trash" or "rednecks". That's not cool. Pride is also sinful.



I gladly cut myself off from all the worldly aspects of culture, because we are to be in the world, but not of the world. I don't care about the opinion of the world in any way, shape or form. I've told my kids that nobody's opinion counts at all if their opinion does not conform to the revealed word of God. The current prophet and apostles and well as all the former prophets and apostles have all condemned inappropriate media and literature. In fact, one apostle called R-rated and most PG-13 rated moves as being satanic in origin. That's good enough for me.

I obviously have some strong feelings on this issue.  :)



Me, too.

(My turn to say it-not personal Jojo. Huge respect for you. I mean that seriously. Love your posts, even though I may disagree with them.) 




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Guest MormonGator





That proves my point that people on this forum are the greatest. I know I sound like a broken record, but people here can disagree and remain civil. That's a rarity on the internet. Shows that the Book of Mormon really does change people, huh? 


God bless 

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