The bottomless pit of sex/pornography addiction

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11 minutes ago, JoCa said:

Lie of the century.  I truly am sorry you are sucked into this philosophy of men and deny the Power of Christ . . .honestly I am.

Mental illness is not a hardware problem, it is a pack of lies from the father of lies himself.  Why deny the power of Christ?  Why deny the power of Satan?  The Scriptures, the holy word of God describes evil spirits, devils, etc. Was Christ just telling them lies to conform to their "cultural belief" of devils.  Did Christ cast out devils, but really all he was doing was healing mental illness. 

Quite frankly, being blunt, you have cognitive dissonance.  Either the scriptures are true and Christ really did cast out devils and evil spirits from individuals who were taken by Satan, or all he really was doing was just healing people of their mental "hardware defect".

What I have is over a decade of personal experience.  I have two children with serious mental health issues.  The fact that one of them is a temple endowed faithful member of the church didn't prevent her from having to be hospitalized for several months earlier this year.  What you are are saying is incredibly ignorant, and I never said that Christ was healing mental illness.  I said that in theory some cases of people with a porn addiction could be possessed of an unclean spirit in fact. 

The reality of mental illnesses no more denies the power of Christ than the existence of cancer or any other illness does.  We live in a fallen world where our bodies are subject to all kinds of malfunctions.  Some people have a 'hardware problem' with their eyes and are blind, some with their ears and can't hear, why would the brain be exempt from the same thing?

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10 minutes ago, JoCa said:

That's great that we have "addiction recovery videos" tell people to go see therapists, etc. If those steps eventually lead people to Christ, to understanding His miraculous power for individuals to really know Him, then that is 100% awesome and it's fantastic, wonderful.

You should watch them for yourself and see.

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29 minutes ago, Latter-Day Marriage said:

What I have is over a decade of personal experience.  I have two children with serious mental health issues.  The fact that one of them is a temple endowed faithful member of the church didn't prevent her from having to be hospitalized for several months earlier this year.  What you are are saying is incredibly ignorant, and I never said that Christ was healing mental illness.  I said that in theory some cases of people with a porn addiction could be possessed of an unclean spirit in fact. 

The reality of mental illnesses no more denies the power of Christ than the existence of cancer or any other illness does.  We live in a fallen world where our bodies are subject to all kinds of malfunctions.  Some people have a 'hardware problem' with their eyes and are blind, some with their ears and can't hear, why would the brain be exempt from the same thing?

Yeah well, I got experience with it too . . .so there. Do you really want to play that game?

You tell me what I say is incredibly ignorant.  Did you even bother to listen to the audio from a licensed psychologist? No you didn't b/c it challenges your world-view.

That's great someone is a temple endowed faithful member . . and Satan attacked Christ, Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith, etc.  that didn't prevent them from having serious problems.  What do you think it means when the scriptures tell us that we will "wish the mountains to cover us", no those Men of God were well acquainted with both the Power of God and the power of Satan.  If you read the scriptures you will see the prophets mental anguish alive in them.

Again you say "in theory some cases of people with a porn addiction could be possessed of an unclean spirit in fact" dude that's a lot of caveats into the "in theory".  You sort of want to believe, b/c "in theory there are some cases of people who could in fact have the spirit of God in fact" but really who knows????

Either Satan wants to destroy us or he doesn't. Which is it . . .pick a side.

The bold is false.  No the "reality" of mental illness is vastly different than the reality of cancer. And in my life, I've dealt with both.  One is an actual disease that you can touch, you run tests on, you can extract from the body and see with your own eyes the cancerous material. The "reality" of mental illness is only a mental construct, you can't touch it, you can't extract it, you can't run tests repeatable verifiable tests on it and verify through a non-biased source.  Mental illness is a mental construct created by atheistic godless men. The founders of modern psychology were atheist. As proof, homosexuality was once a "mental illness", now it is not.  What happened, did any new verifiable science show that it wasn't a "mental illness" no, nothing new happened except a bunch of godless men got together and decided to vote on removing it from being a mental illness.

The only thing mental illness has are subjective measure with a few behavioral traits.  Subjective as in "how do you feel today", that's not science, that's not cancer.  You don't ask a cancer cell . . . oh how are you doing today?  Behavioral as in, someone continues to indulge in an action that other people thing is bad, i.e. pornography or some weird trait. That's not science, that's a mental construct.  

Look if you want to put your faith in a dead, atheistic philosophy that brings no real solutions, be my guest.

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22 minutes ago, Latter-Day Marriage said:

You should watch them for yourself and see.

I have . . .it's been a long while, in general I don't have a problem with but it again all goes back to what I was saying. When someone wants it bad enough they will quit and if they don't no amount of "addiction recovery" will help.

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On 10/20/2017 at 12:32 AM, MadMaddy said:

Hi all!

I've been married to my husband, and best friend, for 20+ years. The majority of these years he's been plagued by a pornography/sex addiction. In the beginning I tried to be supportive, I asked what I could do to help, etc., He said he'd get control of it himself. Little did I know, it was not something he could take care of himself. His addiction grew from viewing pornography occasionally, to viewing it daily, to eventually committing adultery with numerous women over the course of about 5 years. After I discovered this ( I honestly think he would have taken the secret to his grave)  I became angry and separated from him. We have 4 kids, and I knew they needed their Dad, so I agreed to work on things, if he would get into intensive therapy. Well, he did! Yay! Things were looking up, and I was able to forgive and forget and we moved forward. 

Fast forward 7 years....things are getting bad again. He's having "slips" more often, and instead of being transparent with me, he hides it. I'm terrified. I put so much into getting this marriage "back up and running" and I feel like he's throwing it all away. I'm starting to fall into a depression, knowing I will NEVER be enough for the man I love. I try so hard every day to make him feel like #1-- I text him "love messages" throughout the day, give him my undivided attention when we're together, we go on weekly date nights, I fulfill his needs in the bedroom, but it will never be enough. He tells me I'm beautiful, but I no longer believe him. I'm sad, and I don't know where to go from here. He could get into therapy again, but we paid hundreds/thousands of dollars for therapy over the course of 3-4 years, and if he won't use the tools they taught him, it's useless anyway. 

Should I just end things? 

The following is based on my own ideas and speculation and might or might not be fully consistent with official church doctrine.

I believe that in the pre-existence, we knew and agreed in advance to many, maybe even all, of the key conditions and circumstances that shape our lives here in mortality, and that to some extent, we made these decisions on the basis of what we believed would most enable our return , after mortality, to our Father in Heaven. I believe that much of what we are experiencing in this life is a result of informed choices we made in the pre-existence, and that we made those choices on the basis of what we believed was best for us. Elder Neal A Maxwell spoke about this idea when he spoke about the”customised curriculum” of mortality. (See

So applying this general idea to your specific circumstances, perhaps you agreed, in the pre-existence, to marry the man who is now your husband, knowing that he would be subject to the trial of addiction in this life, and knowing that being his wife was the best way for you to overcome your weaknesses, and develop the attributes and qualities that would prepare you for exhaltation.

So if you get to the point where you start to think about whether you should leave or go I recommend that you give extensive, careful and prayerful consideration to the following question:

In the pre-existence, did I fully understand my own character, personality, strengths and weaknesses, and also the character, personality, strengths and weaknesses of the person who I would chose in mortality to be my eternal companion, and, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of myself and my future husband, did I then choose who would be my husband in mortality, in the belief/hope/knowledge that being his helpmeet in mortality would provide me with the opportunities I needed to refine my weaknesses into strengths and thereby better prepare me for life in the celestial kingdom? Did you choose your own furnace of affliction knowing that that was what would be best for you and that that would most enable your return to the presence of your Father?

I don’t know if the answer for you will be yes or no but I believe that these are questions to which you should give some serious consideration. If you get an answer to these questions, that should help you decide what to do.

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On 10/19/2017 at 6:23 PM, MadMaddy said:

Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement and advice. To answer a few questions some have had...

We are very active LDS, and we are devoted to the gospel. In fact, this trial has refined my relationship with my Savior, and for that I am so grateful. Also, ironically, it has made me love my husband so much more-- I think because I had to fight so hard to hold our marriage together. A downside is that it has really increased my insecurities. If it wasn't for this one thing I really believe our marriage would be perfect. I'm not even as worried about the slips with pornography. Yes, it isn't an ideal situation, and makes me feel bad about myself, but I would rather deal with that than the infidelities again. That was so heartbreaking, I don't think I could come back from it again.

That's why I have had thoughts of leaving--running away before it happens again? I don't know...maybe it will never get to that point again. I'm just afraid. 

--also, in his defense, he had a horrific childhood. We learned, through therapy, that any addiction is used as a coping mechanism--an escape. He's done a lot of work to deal with those past demons and shame, and I don't want to lose him to it all over again. 

I understand being afraid of things where your spouse is concerned. It's a horrible thing when one's spouse does things that causes the other terrible grief and fear.  Reading that you love your husband even more through this is exactly the kind of love Christ has spoken of so many times, it's a perfect love, while you're not prideful of the love you bear your husband through this, your love and devotion is ever so honorable. It is incredible, wonderful and blessed.  I don't have any answers to give you about what to do except to take your troubles in this matter to heavenly father, having done that, you have done exactly what is necessary. 

It is a wonderful wife who stands beside her husband through his trials in life, for such a wife is truly what heavenly father intended for man. Blessed is your husband. I'm so glad he has you by his side through his pain and his addictions for these are truly illnesses and sicknesses of the spirit, and I imagine the torment is huge. You two hold on to one another with all your might. Such a love is truly beautiful and overcomes all adversities. 

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13 hours ago, JoCa said:

Yeah well, I got experience with it too . . .so there. Do you really want to play that game?

You tell me what I say is incredibly ignorant.  Did you even bother to listen to the audio from a licensed psychologist? No you didn't b/c it challenges your world-view.

That's great someone is a temple endowed faithful member . . and Satan attacked Christ, Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith, etc.  that didn't prevent them from having serious problems.  What do you think it means when the scriptures tell us that we will "wish the mountains to cover us", no those Men of God were well acquainted with both the Power of God and the power of Satan.  If you read the scriptures you will see the prophets mental anguish alive in them.

Again you say "in theory some cases of people with a porn addiction could be possessed of an unclean spirit in fact" dude that's a lot of caveats into the "in theory".  You sort of want to believe, b/c "in theory there are some cases of people who could in fact have the spirit of God in fact" but really who knows????

Either Satan wants to destroy us or he doesn't. Which is it . . .pick a side.

The bold is false.  No the "reality" of mental illness is vastly different than the reality of cancer. And in my life, I've dealt with both.  One is an actual disease that you can touch, you run tests on, you can extract from the body and see with your own eyes the cancerous material. The "reality" of mental illness is only a mental construct, you can't touch it, you can't extract it, you can't run tests repeatable verifiable tests on it and verify through a non-biased source.  Mental illness is a mental construct created by atheistic godless men. The founders of modern psychology were atheist. As proof, homosexuality was once a "mental illness", now it is not.  What happened, did any new verifiable science show that it wasn't a "mental illness" no, nothing new happened except a bunch of godless men got together and decided to vote on removing it from being a mental illness.

The only thing mental illness has are subjective measure with a few behavioral traits.  Subjective as in "how do you feel today", that's not science, that's not cancer.  You don't ask a cancer cell . . . oh how are you doing today?  Behavioral as in, someone continues to indulge in an action that other people thing is bad, i.e. pornography or some weird trait. That's not science, that's a mental construct.  

Look if you want to put your faith in a dead, atheistic philosophy that brings no real solutions, be my guest.

Mental anguish and mental illness are two very, very different things.  I've been attacked spiritually by the enemy and it is not the same thing.  And I said theory because that is accurate, there aren't even any anecdotal stories as far as I know of people claiming they were cured of porn addiction by having an evil spirt cast out of them, so it is just an idea with nothing to substantiate it.

There was some tribe long ago that would try to cure a headache by drilling a hole in the person's skull to let the evil spirits out.  That is what you sound like to me talking about mental illness.  Just because our understanding of cancer is more advanced than our understanding of mental illness doesn't mean mental illness is not real.  Was cancer any less real back when medical science had no way to test for it?  And it isn't about my world view, it is about personal experience with people I know and love dealing with very serious mental health problems.  Drastic enough to leave them completely delusional and at risk of harm and even death without proper treatment.  Nothing your or any 'expert' says will change what I've seen.

Some prescription medications have clinically proven side effects of depression or anxiety.  Street drugs can cause people to become delusional, irrational, have hallucinations etc.  Are those all just 'mental constructs?  If certain drugs can impair a properly functioning mind to a point where it shows the same symptoms as a mental illness, they it stands to reason that a person can have a defect in the function of the brain that causes the same thing without drugs, and that the right medication should be able to relieve it to at least some degree.

You want to dismiss it as mental construct, but then how is it that medication that alter the operation of the brain in very specific ways allow them function normally?  How does a pill erase a mental construct when at first they don't even have the faculties to know they were medicated, or why does one medication that alters the brain one way work and another that alters a different aspect of the brain not work if it just something they create their mind and not an actual problem with how the brain works? 


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I perused some of this thread, so let me give some additional perspective:

I believe the biggest threat to marriages of pornography are two-fold: 
1 - the USER will grow their lusts to where they cannot be satisfied and seek adultery and other sins.  (This has already happened according to the OP.)
2 - It turns spouses into mothers, instead of wives.  Spouses feel like they have to 'parent' their husbands and treat them like boys, rather than men.

If you 'placate' your spouse, it will be felt and it will cause him to dive DEEPER into pornography.


Pornography is a drug.  I believe that it is used to help change & alter people's states because there is an aspect of their life that doesn't "measure up".  Now, let's think about LDS culture:  We don't allow coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, or any other drugs.  Pornography is easily accessible on any device with a screen & internet connection.

Using pornography may FEEL like it's a way to "take control" over how one feels compared to how they may otherwise feel.  The problem may also be that, once they fix that part of their lives, that the habit will continue.


Treat him and respect him as a man, not a boy.

Watch this video.  Do you think he might use pornography when he feels so disconnected with his wife?  (The video doesn't say, but it isn't a far off conjecture.)  He was challenged to do something different in the way he treated HER for 90 days, THEN to determine the next step.


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When teenage boys hit puberty at 12-15yrs old they become a slave to siemen. Ejaculation of the siemen is what the body wants to do naturally. How do I know? because as a young 13yr old I started to have wet dreams, my innocent little mind could not comprehend the act of sex nor have I ever seen pornography but in the middle of my dreams I would dream of being aroused by images of women and ejaculate naturally in my bed.

Over those first few months I began to figure things out and instead of having to wait till sleep time to enjoy that sensation, I could look at magazines of clothed women and masterbate to it. I was born and raised LDS and I knew looking at dirty magazines (this was back in the 90s) was wrong. However I could not resist and I did get my hands on some porn magazines in order to satisfy my urge to ejaculate, every single time after the act I would feel guilt and shame and knew I was doing something wrong.

This porn problem stayed with me, off and on, while on my mission and well into my marriage at age 25, all through out my thirties I battled with this addiction, all along while repenting and pleading with the Lord to rid me of this addiction. When I was about 33yrs old I was talking to a co-worker, he was 59yrs old at the time and married, he told me that his urge to have sex was just as high as when he was 20yrs old, his wife trys hard as possible to be intimate with him but she cant keep up. His story along with the many storys in the news of old men preying sexually on younger kids got me worried and discouraged about life, thinking that this problem of "satisfying the urge" will be with me the rest of my life.

At age 38 something weird happened, my sex drive started going down, the "urge" went away and I had no desire or even temptation to look at porn. Biologically I heard that around age 40 some men start to have lower testosterone and so I attributed it to a biological change in my body, which I also believe is an answer to my prayers. So low was my sex drive that my wife asked me whats going on, I no longer pursued her as frequently in the bed, I told her Im an old man now and no longer need sex as often, lol. I went to the doctor and they said my testosterone levels are healthy and fine but I just suffer from low libido. It doesnt matter, im super happy, no more porn for like two years now, I feel clean in my head with that filth no longer occupying space.

I share my story because women do not understand men, my wife still doesnt understand the way men look at women at the gym or out in the streets, even after hours and hours of talks about the sexual nature of men, and what Im doing to protect her and my daughters. I share this for the OP in hopes that you continue to plead with the Lord to help your husband be repentant and use the atonement of Christ in his life everyday until he can rid himself of the addiction, it will come eventually just hang in there.



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19 hours ago, priesthoodpower said:


At age 38 something weird happened, my sex drive started going down, the "urge" went away and I had no desire or even temptation to look at porn. Biologically I heard that around age 40 some men start to have lower testosterone and so I attributed it to a biological change in my body, which I also believe is an answer to my prayers. So low was my sex drive that my wife asked me whats going on, I no longer pursued her as frequently in the bed, I told her Im an old man now and no longer need sex as often, lol. I went to the doctor and they said my testosterone levels are healthy and fine but I just suffer from low libido. It doesnt matter, im super happy, no more porn for like two years now, I feel clean in my head with that filth no longer occupying space.

I share my story because women do not understand men, my wife still doesnt understand the way men look at women at the gym or out in the streets, even after hours and hours of talks about the sexual nature of men, and what Im doing to protect her and my daughters. I share this for the OP in hopes that you continue to plead with the Lord to help your husband be repentant and use the atonement of Christ in his life everyday until he can rid himself of the addiction, it will come eventually just hang in there.



I love the calm that a lower libido has given me, my wife is still full of questions about it, I simply let her know it's just the natural slowing down a man experiences, I still pursue her, just not as often, she's still quite attractive to me, I just no longer have the drive a pimple infested 16 year old boy does.  I'm very happy with that, I've got more fishing and hunting done than I would have imagined! Very healthy pursuits. As for porn, I feel like I can just loftily walk on by it as if it didn't exist and just not care. There are real blessings to getting a little older. A calmness, a sense of balance and tranquility.

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2 hours ago, Bad Karma said:

I love the calm that a lower libido has given me, my wife is still full of questions about it, I simply let her know it's just the natural slowing down a man experiences, I still pursue her, just not as often, she's still quite attractive to me, I just no longer have the drive a pimple infested 16 year old boy does.  I'm very happy with that, I've got more fishing and hunting done than I would have imagined! Very healthy pursuits. As for porn, I feel like I can just loftily walk on by it as if it didn't exist and just not care. There are real blessings to getting a little older. A calmness, a sense of balance and tranquility.

Thanks for sharing, I really think that in order to tackle these issues we cant skip around the bush, therapy and counseling is the least effective way of tackling issues and is designed to do one thing...make money for a company.

OP: please share this video with your husband, I marked it to start at the 10:57 mark, basically Mr McAfee is saying that the reason porn is free on the internet is because the porn websites are installing virus's to gather information about you, bank records, passwords etc..This will make any man think twice about watching porn on their phones.


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2 minutes ago, priesthoodpower said:

Thanks for sharing, I really think that in order to tackle these issues we cant skip around the bush, therapy and counseling is the least effective way of tackling issues and is designed to do one thing...make money for a company.

OP: please share this video with your husband, I marked it to start at the 10:57 mark, basically Mr McAfee is saying that the reason porn is free on the internet is because the porn websites are installing virus's to gather information about you, bank records, passwords etc..This will make any man think twice about watching porn on their phones.


Oh? Man, I'm kinda a pretty intense PTSD case, without therapy, I'm tons of fun. 

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Guest MormonGator
13 hours ago, Bad Karma said:

 There are real blessings to getting a little older. A calmness, a sense of balance and tranquility.

Amen to this. As I've gotten older I've really acquired that sense of peace and tranquility that I never got as a younger man. Don't get me wrong, I think we all still have moments of doubt and insecurity, but as you age I think most of us find some kind of peace and balance. 

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I think we have also reached that “slowing down” phase, but the man still thinks of sex constantly. We’re only intimate 3-4 times a week, but he’s always making comments, and insinuating things. I don’t really mind—he’s funny and fun, but I just want his sexual thoughts ONLY ABOUT ME. I know this is hardly possible, given the amount of porn he’s seen, and his past with other women.

When can I expect his sexual thoughts to slow down? We’re in our mid-40’s, but I think he still has the brain of an 18 yr old kid! 

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17 minutes ago, MadMaddy said:

I think we have also reached that “slowing down” phase, but the man still thinks of sex constantly. We’re only intimate 3-4 times a week, but he’s always making comments, and insinuating things. I don’t really mind—he’s funny and fun, but I just want his sexual thoughts ONLY ABOUT ME. I know this is hardly possible, given the amount of porn he’s seen, and his past with other women.

When can I expect his sexual thoughts to slow down? We’re in our mid-40’s, but I think he still has the brain of an 18 yr old kid! 

Wait......are you my wife?

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3 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

"only"...? Out of curiosity, what do you "believe" is normal/average for mid-40s?

I’m not sure? Our first few years of marriage, it was a daily occurrence, but then kids came along, and it waned slightly. I think it’s at a good point now, but like I said, I feel like his libido is still pretty sky-high. I think if he had the time and energy, he’d still like it daily. 

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Just now, MadMaddy said:

I’m not sure? Our first few years of marriage, it was a daily occurrence, but then kids came along, and it waned slightly. I think it’s at a good point now, but like I said, I feel like his libido is still pretty sky-high. I think if he had the time and energy, he’d still like it daily. 

The statistical average at age 40 is 1.5 times a week.  Now that's just averages and there's lots of variation, but that's what it is.

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1 hour ago, Jane_Doe said:

The statistical average at age 40 is 1.5 times a week.  Now that's just averages and there's lots of variation, but that's what it is.

Holy cow. That's depressing.

Well, not if everyone's okay with it, I guess. But I have to think that the average suggests a lot of early middle-aged guys who are not getting the physical affection they could use.

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8 hours ago, MadMaddy said:

I think we have also reached that “slowing down” phase, but the man still thinks of sex constantly. We’re only intimate 3-4 times a week, but he’s always making comments, and insinuating things. I don’t really mind—he’s funny and fun, but I just want his sexual thoughts ONLY ABOUT ME. I know this is hardly possible, given the amount of porn he’s seen, and his past with other women.

When can I expect his sexual thoughts to slow down? We’re in our mid-40’s, but I think he still has the brain of an 18 yr old kid! 

Id hate to break it to you MadMaddy but we can learn a lot from patterns of other people. Which is the precise reason why I mentioned in my previous post of why I was afraid of the future if my sexual urge was not controlled and porn habits eliminated. Like alcohol and tabacco being a gateway into harder drugs, porn is a gateway into sicker things.

My father born-n-raised LDS is now 67yr old and also has a brain of a 18yr old kid. Early on in his marriage before I was born he cheated on my mom but they worked through it. They had a lot of ups and downs through their marriage, his addiction to porn got so bad about 10 yrs ago that he would watch it right in the living room with my mom sitting at the dinner table. He even tried to get my mom to indulge in it with him, My mom tried to stick it out with him but realized that he was too deep in it, she gave him a proposition "Me or porn", my father looked her in the eyes and said PORN! She divorced him and moved out. My mother says that he is sick with some kind of mental illness and possibly possessed by spirits.

I cant tell you when your husbands libido will slow down because everyone is different. I can only speak for my self and say I had an ideal mormon upbringing, no sexual or physical abuse with me or my siblings. No alcohol or drugs anywhere around me, my libido went down around 38-39yr of age.

One thing to look out for is where are you husbands priorities. Does he still value his member ship in the church, does he wear his garments with pride and purpose. Does he tell you that he doesnt like his addiction, is he continually repentant and sorry for his actions even though it keeps re-occuring, does he teach your kids to be morally clean and live all the commandments? All these are good signs.


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22 hours ago, MadMaddy said:

I think we have also reached that “slowing down” phase, but the man still thinks of sex constantly. We’re only intimate 3-4 times a week, but he’s always making comments, and insinuating things. I don’t really mind—he’s funny and fun, but I just want his sexual thoughts ONLY ABOUT ME. I know this is hardly possible, given the amount of porn he’s seen, and his past with other women.

When can I expect his sexual thoughts to slow down? We’re in our mid-40’s, but I think he still has the brain of an 18 yr old kid! 

That's not unreasonable request. What kinds comments and insinuations is he making? 

My beautiful wife is irrationally jealous and very insecure, she has no reason to be and I will never give her a reason, but it effects her deeply and brings her great pain. It breaks my heart she is so tormented, because I love her dearly. She literally is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in every way. I'm blessed to be married to her. As far as my fidelity to her, I am a mountain that can't be moved, chipped away at, a rock if you will. 

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