New garment styles

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1 minute ago, NeuroTypical said:

So . . . I often wear button-down shirts with the collar button left open.   I also wear crew-necked garment tops.  I’ve never really worried about a bit of garment showing; figuring it’s indistinguishable from a regular T-shirt.  Have I been in apostasy all these years?

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10 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

So . . . I often wear button-down shirts with the collar button left open.   I also wear crew-necked garment tops.  I’ve never really worried about a bit of garment showing; figuring it’s indistinguishable from a regular T-shirt.  Have I been in apostasy all these years?

I often wear t-shirts at home and on weekends.  Have had anxiety and frustration centering around the neck and sleeves.  For years I've just adjusted my t-shirt habits and lived life.  I'm just happy to have this choice because it appears to fit better with my personal preferences.  Not really a big deal.  Posting it here for folks who might have missed it elsewhere.

(I'm secretly hoping it'll help me with my fitness/weight goals too.)

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These new garments for men are really good. I live in a very humid tropical environment and the fabric breathes really well and they actually built a pouch for guys (what took them so long) so it keeps things from sticking too your legs. Also the bottoms don’t roll up on your legs. The sleeves are slightly shorter and don’t bunch up under you shirt. Add in the fabric is very soft. Win win win win. 

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Guest Mores
17 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

So . . . I often wear button-down shirts with the collar button left open.   I also wear crew-necked garment tops.  I’ve never really worried about a bit of garment showing; figuring it’s indistinguishable from a regular T-shirt.  Have I been in apostasy all these years?

It's not too late to repent.  You can get your brand new low cut garment top, on sale today.  So c'mon down.

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On 5/14/2019 at 6:10 PM, NeuroTypical said:

A question about this mention:

"“We are thrilled to be able to offer new garment styles specific to what men have been asking for"

Are the garments based on man's asking for changes or God designing what's best?

Thank you,


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9 minutes ago, GaleG said:

A question about this mention:

"“We are thrilled to be able to offer new garment styles specific to what men have been asking for"

Are the garments based on man's asking for changes or God designing what's best?

Thank you,



Do you know why it is ok to use water instead of wine; or bread, chex mix, or even Bananas for the sacrament?

It is because they are emblems.  The emblems become empowered by our thoughts and actions.  The sacrament is blessed but Garments are not.

It’s up to you to sanctify your garments. 

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4 hours ago, GaleG said:

Are the garments based on man's asking for changes or God designing what's best?

I hear tell that God gave some pretty detailed instructions to the Brother of Jared on how to build a boat.  But from what I can tell, when He's dealing with clothing designers, architects, web developers, and the like, He usually just gives us principles and we take it and run with it.

Are you thinking that the church is somehow erring in this new garment style?  That it's somehow not approved by the Lord?  Anything you're basing that on, besides your question?

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21 hours ago, mikbone said:

Do you know why it is ok to use water instead of wine; or bread, chex mix, or even Bananas for the sacrament?

It is because they are emblems.  The emblems become empowered by our thoughts and actions.  The sacrament is blessed but Garments are not.

It’s up to you to sanctify your garments. 

From the little I know of your church, Jesus apparently gave a revelation that wine
was no longer to be used.  Water would replace it.  As for chex mix or bananas, we'll
see if a future 'revelation' comes or if the leadership decides to go that route without
direction from Him.

But as for the garments, it seems God is not giving the revelation as to what to wear
or how long or how short things should be, but men taking a consensus to decide what
they like instead of previous generations of people have asked for and have worn.

If you could provide references where God is directing the LDS Church to change the
size or design of the garments instead of the members deciding we want this or that,
then that would help me understand more.

Thank you,


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16 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

I hear tell that God gave some pretty detailed instructions to the Brother of Jared on how to build a boat.  But from what I can tell, when He's dealing with clothing designers, architects, web developers, and the like, He usually just gives us principles and we take it and run with it.

Are you thinking that the church is somehow erring in this new garment style?  That it's somehow not approved by the Lord?  Anything you're basing that on, besides your question?

No. I am not saying that.  See my reply to mikbone for a clarification to my question.

Thank you,


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2 hours ago, GaleG said:

From the little I know of your church, Jesus apparently gave a revelation that wine
was no longer to be used.  Water would replace it.  As for chex mix or bananas, we'll
see if a future 'revelation' comes or if the leadership decides to go that route without
direction from Him.

But as for the garments, it seems God is not giving the revelation as to what to wear
or how long or how short things should be, but men taking a consensus to decide what
they like instead of previous generations of people have asked for and have worn.

If you could provide references where God is directing the LDS Church to change the
size or design of the garments instead of the members deciding we want this or that,
then that would help me understand more.

Thank you,


If is difficult having a discussion with non-members about garments.  I have no idea of your beliefs.  I’ll assume you are Christian.

God gave instructions for Moses to create the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant.  Noah was given instructions to make the ark.  But there was lots of areas where they were allowed to make their own decisions about the construction.

You probably don’t have any knowledge of how garments have changed since God made the first set of garments for Adam and Eve.  They used to be made from coats of skin.  In the past 200 years there have been huge advances in textiles.  There are garment styles for the military, cold weather, different fabrics, etc.

The new ones I am excited about don’t have tags (Adam’s probably didn’t), and mesh vents for cooling.  I live in Redding CA where it routinely hits > 100 deg for 30-60 days a year.  And my son is currently serving his mission in Cambodia 🥵.

Furthermore the church has found a way to make these new high tech styles with sizing to fit almost all figures and each piece retails for < $4.  It’s a miracle!

On the spiritual side, it is still up to the wearer of the garment to understand the significance and sacredness of the garment.  Our thoughts and actions empower the garments, not the fact that the cotton originates from the Giza plateau. 


D&C 27:2 For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory-remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.

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2 hours ago, GaleG said:

From the little I know of your church, Jesus apparently gave a revelation that wine was no longer to be used.  Water would replace it.  As for chex mix or bananas, we'll see if a future 'revelation' comes or if the leadership decides to go that route without direction from Him.

Clarifying this: the physical items which are used during the sacrament are symbols.  The bread (for example) itself is not spacial as bread, but is special in that it is is serving as an symbol reminding of Him.  It literally does not matter if you were to use bread or Chex Mix, or wine/water/juice/etc because the item itself is not the point- Christ is the point.

To quote the Lord in D&C 27:2 "For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory—remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins." 

2 hours ago, GaleG said:

But as for the garments, it seems God is not giving the revelation as to what to wear or how long or how short things should be, but men taking a consensus to decide what they like instead of previous generations of people have asked for and have worn.

This is largely on point: the Lord did not micromanage was fabric garments were to be made of, or what specific cuts, etc.  Such things are left for human leadership to decide, and they do take input from members to best serve those needs.  So it's quite natural that styles will change over time, just based off of members preferences.  Hey, even my own preferences change based on how hot/cold it is outside :)

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4 hours ago, mikbone said:

You probably don’t have any knowledge of how garments have changed since God made the first set of garments for Adam and Eve.  They used to be made from coats of skin.  In the past 200 years there have been huge advances in textiles.  There are garment styles for the military, cold weather, different fabrics, etc.

I saw this from the church's web site:
"The garment should be treated with respect at all times. It should
not be exposed to the view of those who do not understand its
significance, and it should not be adjusted to accommodate different  
styles of clothing. When worn properly, the garment provides
protection against temptation and evil"

God rejected and replaced the fig leaf aprons with coats of skin (Genesis
2:25; 3:7,21). This was considered 'exterior clothing'. That is, they
did not wear a concealed special garment under their exterior clothing.

After their disobedience, I believe they fell further and followed their own
way to hide their shame/nakedness instead of waiting on Him for
further instruction.

Which garment (I refer to it as 'inner clothing') do you believe God
advised Adam, Eve, and all their progeny to wear to protect against
temptation and evil? 

I understand if you cannot share some details if is against church or
forum policy.

Thank you,


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15 minutes ago, GaleG said:

I saw this from the church's web site:
"The garment should be treated with respect at all times. It should
not be exposed to the view of those who do not understand its
significance, and it should not be adjusted to accommodate different  
styles of clothing. When worn properly, the garment provides
protection against temptation and evil"

God rejected and replaced the fig leaf aprons with coats of skin (Genesis
2:25; 3:7,21). This was considered 'exterior clothing'. That is, they
did not wear a concealed special garment under their exterior clothing.

After their disobedience, I believe they fell further and followed their own
way to hide their shame/nakedness instead of waiting on Him for
further instruction.

Which garment (I refer to it as 'inner clothing') do you believe God
advised Adam, Eve, and all their progeny to wear to protect against
temptation and evil? 

I understand if you cannot share some details if is against church or
forum policy.

Thank you,


Gale, garments are symbolic things, reminding us of God.  It doesn't matter what fabric they were/are literally made out of (leaves/fir/cotton/etc).  What's important is remembering Christ and that we are His disciples.  

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51 minutes ago, GaleG said:

Which garment (I refer to it as 'inner clothing') do you believe God
advised Adam, Eve, and all their progeny to wear to protect against
temptation and evil? 

I understand if you cannot share some details if is against church or
forum policy.

Thank you,


If you were truly interested in garments you would investigate the church, learn from the missionaries, and find out for yourself.

I’m reluctant to continue further discussion with someone who might be a troll

The America flag can be made out of various fabrics and sizes.  Some may burn or spit on the flag.  Others honor old glory and would lay down their lives to defend it.

I know where I stand.  I don’t know your position.

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1 hour ago, mikbone said:

If you were truly interested in garments you would investigate the church, learn from the missionaries, and find out for yourself.

GaleG is an investigator, a very thorough one at that.  She/He has been on here several times before with good questions and really listening.  

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Guest Mores
19 hours ago, GaleG said:

God rejected and replaced the fig leaf aprons with coats of skin (Genesis
2:25; 3:7,21). This was considered 'exterior clothing'. That is, they
did not wear a concealed special garment under their exterior clothing.

Underclothing during the copper age was probably not a thing.  There was only one layer of clothing.  No "exterior clothing" nor "under clothing".  Just clothing.

I'm afraid I have to inform you that you are yet again looking beyond the mark.  There are the parts of various observances that are symbolically important to the ceremony, to history, to doctrine, and for our spiritual edification. Then there are parts that are simply incidental to the observance.  These designs being discussed are merely incidental.  But you're placing a great deal of thought and emphasis on something that is of no import.

There is symbolism about Adam and Eve that needs to be explained for you to get a better idea here.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they sought their meager earthly means of covering themselves (symbolically, covering their sin).  This was, of course, futile.  We simply cannot hide anything from the Lord.  But the Lord gave them something to cover their nakedness (symbolically, weakness and complete inadequacy before God) and allow them to have a chance of repentance, forgiveness, and eventually sanctification.

The new covering that provided this to all was "coats of skins".  Why?  What symbolic purpose would that have?  How are we forgiven?  In order to create coats of skins, something must be killed.  Blood must be shed.  The blood of one who had nothing to do with the sin in the first place.

From the beginning of the Bible, we have a type and shadow of Christ.  He was killed.  His blood was shed.  And it is through Him that we may obtain forgiveness for our sins.  It is His Atonement that allows us to truly cover our weakness. We are clothed in the Atonement and are given a probationary period as Adam and Eve were so that we have a hope to become sanctified.

You also don't appear to have heard of the concept of "tokens" in holy observances.  That is that the observance does not tend to perfectly imitate the original.  It is an "image" or "symbol" of the original.  This concept of "token" is not without precedent.  Many observations throughout scripture and throughout cultural history throughout the world indicate that there was a literal beginning.  But we now remember that literal beginning by using something only resembling it.  And sometimes, it doesn't even resemble, but acts as a "pointer" to the original.


1) When Jews celebrate the Passover, they do not wipe lamb's blood over their doors anymore.  That was the literal Passover.  But they take several token remembrances for their Seder.
2) When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper, the tradition would have been for him to break the bread in two parts to hand down the table.  Each person then took a piece off and handed the remainder down the line.  Today, we don't do that.  We still take a piece of bread.  But the means of doing that is very different.
3) John the Baptist baptized in a river.  Today we baptize in many types of bodies of water, including mad-made fonts.
4) When He passed the wine around it was not in tiny cups.  It was in a large cup where everyone drank a sip and passed it along.  I know of no Christian sect that does it that way today.
5) In the U.S. we tend to celebrate Thanksgiving by feasting on a turkey.  But the reality is that turkeys were not used as food at the time of the Pilgrims day of thanks giving.  But it is the traditional token to remember the important event of people who were starving that were saved through the grace of God.
6) Chaunakuh menorah was devised to commemorate the burning of the light for eight days with only enough oil for one.  Today they don't put one day's oil into a single lamp and expect it to burn for eight.  They place candles on a menorah.  They light new ones each day, adding to it.  That certainly isn't a copy of the original.
7) Catholics wear a crucifix on their necks.  But they don't carry a literal cross everywhere they go.  It is merely a token.  And it means something to them.

We don't know whether the coats of skins was literal or figurative.  But today, we are not commanded to get a set of leather clothing and wear it all the time.  But we are commanded to carry with us some token reminder of those coats of skins (in the form of the garments) as a reminder that we are clothing ourselves in the Atonement of Christ.  Clothing our nakedness.  The method given to us through the Lord's Prophet is the way we're doing it today.

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