Any other Star Wars geeks excited?


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I think the prospect of live action Ahsoka is what got me through 2020 lockdown.  Basement treadmill while watching episodes of The Clone Wars and Rebels, before turning on the news and watching all the horrible.  Holy crap did I enjoy Ahsoka's arc - it was well worth sitting through 130 episodes of CW blah.

I'm pretty sure we saw Zeb in the last Mandalorian episode.  And now seeing some movement on Ezra and Sabine? Yay! image.thumb.png.c02baef4adc32fb3b81b5f089154607e.png

I mean, I don't often channel my inner teenage girl, but I've waited five years for them both to grow up enough so they could kiss!



And watching this guy:
turn into this guy:

is just too much to handle.  It's official.  I'm demanding a 2nd walkthrough of my teen fanboy years. 

Edited by NeuroTypical
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Star Wars has totally sucked lately. I'd be excited...but Disney has proved time and again that they'll ruin it. Again...and again...and again. They are totally incompetent. 

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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7 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

dude, I thought you were only into Star Trek?

Dune has 'em all beat, but it's not like ST or SW has absolutely zero to offer.  (Despite Disney's efforts to the contrary, as @The Folk Prophet astutely observed.)

But yeah, I also hope the next Dune movie can be as impressive as the first. 


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Guest Godless
1 hour ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I hear the 3rd Season is dropping the ball. I haven't seen it yet. 

Yeah, it's not great. I'm invested enough in the Star Wars universe to watch anything they put out, even if some of it is suboptimal. The Mandalorian is getting tiresome, Obi Wan was forgettable, and Andor was one of the best TV series I've seen in a long time. It's kind of a crap shoot at this point.

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To put it bluntly, I am at this point pretending that the Disney-era productions don't exist. 

The franchise has been so badly mismanaged, and Disney in such a shambles, that it's hard for me to feel excited because there's no guarantee anything will actually survive very long. 

I mean... Episode 8 collapses with the question of "Where were the B-Wings?". 

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For those wondering - 

In Return of the Jedi (1983), the Rebels - the good guys - introduced the B-Wing torpedo bomber. Although it only had a few appearances in the movie itself, the novels, comic books, video games, and so forth that came after made heavy use of it. 

The B-Wing has enough torpedoes to bring down two Imperial (re: the bad guys) corvette ships. 

The director for Episode 8 either did not know about them or did not care, and instead did an "epic" scene in which an entire flight of traditional gravity-fed bombers (yes, gravity-fed bombers in space...) sacrificed themselves to take out a bad guy dreadnought. The rest of the movie hinged on the aftermath of this sequence. 

However, if B-Wings had been utilized instead of those bombers, the dreadnought could have been destroyed from a safe distance once the X-Wing fighters suppressed its defenses. 

That entire scene could have ended with no good guys dying. 

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Hated all the Sequel movies of The Force Awakens and beyond.  Obi Won series was trash in my opinion.

I really liked the Mandalorian all seasons minus a few episodes in the whole series.  Episode 6 of Season 3 in the Mandalorian was just so stupid.  I am so afraid of more trash they will do to Star Wars in the future now that Kathleen Kennedy is getting involved again.

The Rey Skywalker future series also looks awful.  Rey Skywalker does not exist in my mind.  I have banished her from my Star Wars galaxy.

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I totally get the heat and hate from y'all.  I'm willing to put up with an awful lot for an occasional burst of coolness.  Plus, there are plenty of JarJars and stupid plotlines in plain old human existence, and it's not like I'm giving up on that.

I'll stay positive that Ahsoka is getting her due.  Such a cool character, still arcing.

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Guest Godless
3 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

Hated all the Sequel movies of The Force Awakens and beyond.  Obi Won series was trash in my opinion.

I really liked the Mandalorian all seasons minus a few episodes in the whole series.  Episode 6 of Season 3 in the Mandalorian was just so stupid.  I am so afraid of more trash they will do to Star Wars in the future now that Kathleen Kennedy is getting involved again.

The Rey Skywalker future series also looks awful.  Rey Skywalker does not exist in my mind.  I have banished her from my Star Wars galaxy.

I would definitely give Andor a chance if you haven't already. 

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