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Paul spends quite some time discussing the circumcision in this weeks CFM

Romans 2:25-29

I was pondering the practice and just thought how it’s kinda bizarre.

The removal of the sensitive part of the tissue…

Health concerns

Only men do it.  

It obviously shouldn’t be displayed in public (like garments).  Garments seem to allow daily reflection, whereas the circumcision probably didn’t especially if it was done without trauma (although, I have seen some ugly complications from botched circumcisions).


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25 minutes ago, mikbone said:

Paul spends quite some time discussing the circumcision in this weeks CFM

Romans 2:25-29

I was pondering the practice and just thought how it’s kinda bizarre.

The removal of the sensitive part of the tissue…

Health concerns

Only men do it.  

It obviously shouldn’t be displayed in public (like garments).  Garments seem to allow daily reflection, whereas the circumcision probably didn’t especially if it was done without trauma (although, I have seen some ugly complications from botched circumcisions).


From a modern medical perspective – what are the benefits and risks?

It seems to be a practice mostly supported by women (mothers)?  (It was my mother that recommended to my wife and I, encouraging us to insure our male children were circumcised. 

Anciently, it seems to be an indication of male children being born under divine covenant.  I wonder if this is somewhat of an indication of male worthiness before G-d for young ladies considering a mate?

I do not think it is part of modern revelation?  Or recommended in modern scripture as to be included the dispensation of the restoration of all things.


The Traveler

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1 hour ago, mikbone said:

Paul spends quite some time discussing the circumcision in this weeks CFM

Romans 2:25-29

I was pondering the practice and just thought how it’s kinda bizarre.

The removal of the sensitive part of the tissue…

Health concerns

Only men do it.  

It obviously shouldn’t be displayed in public (like garments).  Garments seem to allow daily reflection, whereas the circumcision probably didn’t especially if it was done without trauma (although, I have seen some ugly complications from botched circumcisions).


@mikbone got up this morning and said to himself, "Self, what off-the-wall topic can I post on TH that will be sure to bring a reaction from Vort?" He quickly settled on circumcision.

Well, I'm not playing your game. So there. Nyah nyah nyah. This post doesn't count, since it's just a recognition that I refuse to recognize this topic. But I fully recognize your nefarious intent behind it. You Can't Fool Me.

(And since this post doesn't count, I will divulge that I lied to myself and was swayed by familial peer pressure, self-deception, foolishness, and idiocy into allowing my oldest son to be circumcised, a decision that I would literally give all my money away for if I could go back in time and disallow that. Only my first, though. My other sons were left intact.)

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1 hour ago, mikbone said:

Paul spends quite some time discussing the circumcision in this weeks CFM

Romans 2:25-29

I was pondering the practice and just thought how it’s kinda bizarre.

The removal of the sensitive part of the tissue…

Health concerns

Only men do it.  

It obviously shouldn’t be displayed in public (like garments).  Garments seem to allow daily reflection, whereas the circumcision probably didn’t especially if it was done without trauma (although, I have seen some ugly complications from botched circumcisions).


You can make a decent living as a mohel -- $750 per milah, plus tips!

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No record in the scriptures of circumcision until Abraham.  Interestingly some of the Egyptian priests also performed circumcision amongst themselves. Perhaps they were jealous of Joseph’s priesthood and thought that it was a secret ritual that would allow them to acquire God’s favor…

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58 minutes ago, mikbone said:

No record in the scriptures of circumcision until Abraham.  Interestingly some of the Egyptian priests also performed circumcision amongst themselves. Perhaps they were jealous of Joseph’s priesthood and thought that it was a secret ritual that would allow them to acquire God’s favor…

But was circumcision unique to Abraham and the people of Israel? I know tribes in Africa have traditional circumcision rituals. Nelson Mandela even talks about his in his autobiography. Are these cultural diffusions from Judaism, or was it a practice of other cultures/religions at the time?

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4 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Today...right now...I am reminded of how grateful I should be to be the father of daughters. 😉

I have a son and this was a super hard decision to make.  I got it done at the hospital when he was 5 days old because if I left the hospital without it being done the medical guidelines were to not do it until he was 6 months old.  I do think there was religious aspect to my decision making, call it hedging your bets I guess lol

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My understanding is that in Romans, Paul uses “circumcision” as a sort of metaphor/ shorthand for the outward performances of the Mosaic law generally.  See, eg,

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On 8/10/2023 at 8:41 PM, rcthompson88 said:

But was circumcision unique to Abraham and the people of Israel? I know tribes in Africa have traditional circumcision rituals. Nelson Mandela even talks about his in his autobiography. Are these cultural diffusions from Judaism, or was it a practice of other cultures/religions at the time?

Well...that's a tricky question.

Religiously some indicate that the twelve tribes and their beliefs were scattered and many of the religious traditions that others have today probably can be found rooted in the scattered tribes.  Others will say that all belief came originally from the Lord and his gospel, and thus finding elements of that gospel among others should not be unexpected.

More scholastically  speaking, it is not unusual for different cultures to arrive at similar ideas or conclusions.  It is not unusual for pagan cultures to have pantheons of various deities they worship, with different spheres of influence ascribed to such pantheons. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 12:51 AM, marge said:

I have a son and this was a super hard decision to make.  I got it done at the hospital when he was 5 days old because if I left the hospital without it being done the medical guidelines were to not do it until he was 6 months old.  I do think there was religious aspect to my decision making, call it hedging your bets I guess lol

I circumcised my sons.  It was an easy decision and my pediatrician concurred.   

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Many years ago I spent some time teaching in a boys Catholic boarding school on a small island off the coast of Papua New Guinea. This was an extremely remote area with the school generator being the only source of power on the island, and it only ran for a few hours a day. My wife one day noticed some students wearing pants with bloody areas around the crotch. When we made some inquiries we learned that it was not uncommon for students around the ages of 14 - 16 to go out into the bush by themselves and circumcise themselves, sometimes with a machete, and sometimes with a pocket knife. They might stay out in the bush for a day or two until the bleeding stopped and they felt ready to return. None of the other staff, both the locals and the four white Catholic Brothers who ran the school seemed interested in or disturbed by the practice. 

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