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  1. Colirio


    I am grateful for the liberty, comforts, and technology that we have in the world compared to ages past. I am grateful for having the priesthood so readily accessible in the world. I am grateful for having temples that dot the land. #GiveThanks
    3 points
  2. Yesterday I threw my back out beating the dirt out of carpets. Then I am grateful this happened to me. I was walking in the Walmart parking lot later at night and tripped and fell. After landing on my right side I was not injured except for a minor bruising of my right foot. When I woke up today about two-thirds of the pain I was feeling in my lower back was alleviated. Edit: Five hours later and my back is hurting even less and I am feeling even better. It is strange that a fall could help heal you.
    2 points
  3. Carborendum


    11/21/2020: I'm thankful for indoor plumbing and toilet paper. For those of you who don't remember what I've said in the past, this is quite sincere since for the first few years of my life I didn't have either of these. 11/22/2020: I'm thankful for talents. I'm hearing my son practicing some Christmas carols on our piano right now. I've been making marvelous progress on catching up to him. Our family loves singing songs together. Hymns have parts all separated for us and we make quite the choir. #GiveThanks
    2 points
  4. estradling75


    Since this is suppose to be a daily thing. I am grateful for my wife, my kids, my parents and my brother and sisters.
    2 points
  5. estradling75


    I'm grateful for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice. I am grateful for the Plan our Father in Heaven has for us
    2 points
  6. My missionary daughter has found herself being the teacher in her MTC class. The instructors as well as the other students have a hard time understanding Isaiah. And they are going through the section of Second Nephi where he's quoting Isaiah a lot. So, Hermana Carbette is translating a lot for them. When she pointed out the differing wording of 2:9 They pointed out the differing wording from Nephi They had a lot of questions about this. I've found that when there are differences like this, there is an alternate meaning that explains both passages as being correct. I suggested that we take a look at the interlinear Bible (Hebrew) and the Blue Letter Bible to help us out here. I first assumed that the common interpretation of the verbiage in the KJV simply meant that This sounds perfectly logical and an acceptable explanation. I theorized that obviously, if you had idols, you would bow down to them. And doing so should bring down the wrath of God. At the same time, if you're bowing down to those idols, then you won't be bowing down to the Lord. No man can serve two masters. So, both translations are true. HOWEVER... The interlinear bible was not helpful to one unfamiliar with Hebrew. Either way could be considered a valid translation depending on what "filler words" you add to the literal word for word translation. Meanings are rather interesting. "People" in this context refers to the "common man". We may say "average Joe." It also refers to the lowly rather than the noble or celebrity. Other uses of the word can also mean "mankind." "Each man" in this context is the "man of worth". We can say "noble" or "celebrity" or something similar. "Bow down" and "humbles himself" are rather interesting literal translations because other Biblical translations mean something else. Here are some alternative translations. There were only a few (aside from the KJV and alternate KJV) which read as the Authorized Version reads. But look at this llist. All of them indicate that the people in question will be COMPELLED to be humble. And we know what Alma said about that. So, which is it? They are unforgiven, but why? Because they bow down to idols? Or because they Don't bow down to the Lord? I'd say it is both. Consider celebrities engaging in cancel culture. They, themselves, have been caught up in the web of their own idolatry. They've said a word out of line and have been brought low. Their apologies sound like confessionals begging for their god's forgiveness. And yet, they refuse to bow to the God of Israel. This led us to reading the next few verses. And this indicates how sometimes, the answer to a forced dichotomy is "both". It is interesting to note that the Greek translation says the first bolded phrase (sea) the Hebrew says the second (Tarshish). But the Book of Mormon says both. Now, I have to wonder what the possibility is that an uneducated farm boy (who could barely dictate a well thought out letter) knew about two foreign language translations and decided to combine them into a third translation that he supposedly made up out of whole cloth. What are the chances?
    1 point
  7. Carborendum


    In case you missed it, the broadcast from Pres. Nelson challenged us to use social media to give thanks for the next 7 days. Since this is day one, I'm going to start with the low hanging fruit. I'm thankful for the Atonement of Christ. I'm thankful for my wife and children. #GiveThanks
    1 point
  8. maklelan

    Isaiah Translation

    I disagree that "is abased" necessarily indicates an outside force. One can abase themselves by the actions they choose. In fact, that's the prototypical use. The Oxford English Dictionary indicates "abase" is "chiefly reflexive." The Hebrew verb here can be used as a stative, meaning it describes a state rather than an action. The semantic focus then is simply on the state rather than on the agent that caused it. It nowhere occurs in the passive, either, so in the absence of a separate subject acting on the object of the verb, a reflexive sense is most likely. I don't know that the Hebrew is that unclear. This verb would have to be piel or hophal or something in order to understand it to clearly mean someone else put them in that state. There are verbal forms that are passive/reflexive (niphal), and others that are purely reflexive (hithpael), but it has a lot to do with the nature of the verbal root, too. Here, it's a stative, as described above. Translators can stick with traditional interpretations for lots of reasons. A widespread. consensus among translations of the Bible doesn't necessarily indicate much, especially when they're all rather conservative translations. These translations all get Genesis 1:1 entirely wrong, too, just like they do It doesn't. The text in Nephi is altering the King James Version of the Bible, so it's not necessarily a reflection of the underlying source text. Frequently it's just trying to make sense of an English text that's problematic, either logically or theologically. When we start using the English text of the Isaiah chapters as commentary on the original text of Isaiah, we enter some incredibly complex territory where our theory of Book of Mormon translation has the potential to be very distorting. The KJV and other translations are assuming verses 11 and 17 out to be used to interpret verse 9. Incidentally, in verses 11 and 17, the KJV interprets in the passive the exact same verbal root as is found in verse 9. It's not about contrasting, it's about repeating. It's synonymous parallelism. It's repeating the same thing over again in slightly different terms. This convention has been described as "A, and what more, B." In other words, there's repetition that frequently also builds on the meaning. This is the single most basic feature of Biblical Hebrew poetry. 1 Sam 17:4, 23 uses the phrase איש־הבנים, which literally means "man of mediation," and refers to the single soldier who fought another single soldier as a proxy for the whole battle. That is precisely the concept of the "champion." Without knowing the Hebrew we can misunderstand the occurrence of איש to be standing on its own, but it's not. In Biblical Hebrew it refers to someone who is vigorous or mighty, so "hero" or "warrior" usually in the Hebrew Bible. In Modern Hebrew, however, it's the generic word for "male." Translating it the same way we translate איש־הבנים is misleading. I'd be careful about using "historical momentum" as an argument. It's always good to see someone trying to dig deeper into the text, and I hope to encourage more of that, but one of the reasons we have the saying that someone knows "just enough Hebrew to be dangerous" is because having a small number of resources can cause more problems than it solves if we don't also know the rules, conventions, and boundaries of the language.
    1 point
  9. NeedleinA

    The election

    2006 - on CNN. Smartmatic machines from Venezuela, etc. Here is a video you won't find readily available.
    1 point
  10. NeedleinA

    The election

    I should have. I should have watched President Nelson's message when it aired last Friday. If I had I would have behaved different during that day. Among other things, this hit home especially in light of this particular thread. Part of President Nelson's prayer:
    1 point
  11. estradling75


    I'm grateful for the scriptures... From the Book of Mormon, to the Bible and all the Modern Revelations, that help me better know and understand God and Christ as well as what they would have me do.
    1 point
  12. Carborendum


    I'm thankful for in-person contact. Our ward is ahead of the curve as far as getting back to normal. In our meeting yesterday, we were shaking hands and patting each other on the back. Some of us even gave each other hugs.
    1 point
  13. Perhaps not first in terms of when it was recorded but first in the timeline is the fall of Lucifer.
    1 point
  14. JohnsonJones


    More things I'm grateful for is my wonderful and beautiful wife and the wonderful family we have had together.
    1 point
  15. NeuroTypical


    I'm doing this thing on Facebook, and one of the cool things I'm appreciating, is all the dozens of LDS folk that rarely use facebook, out there thanking their hearts out. It's cool to see.
    1 point
  16. Traveler


    As much as I believe speaking thanks is good - I do not believe that words of thanks come close to deeds of thanks. I am thankful for the freedoms and liberties of this country: I volunteered during a time of war to join the military - knowing that combat was likely and I could have avoided the draft. I am thankful for the restoration of the Gospel: I have accepted and served in every calling I have been given - even when it interfered with my education, my profession and with planned family' activities and of course --- when I did not understand why I was called (example - my calling a nursery leader when I have no idea how to deal with little children - leaving such things to my wife when our children were little). I also paid for my mission from my personal savings. I am thankful for others. I believe in service but realize than I am not mindful of such things so I make it a point to volunteer then try to be the first to arrive and last to leave. I am thankful for my personal witness of the restoration: I make an effort to witness my belief in the restoration when posting. I am thankful for many forum members: I make a conscious effort to give thanks when I disagree and I apologize if I offend. Sadly I do not often realize when I offend and so I apologize now for my lack of understanding of such things. I thought to name some but rather than do that - Thanks to you all. I am thankful for the Saints of Zion: But I must admit that often I am not certain how to express such thanks to the Saints - but I do sustain and support even business owned and operated by fellow Saints. I am thankful for the leadership in the Church: I will not speak ill or wish for anyone to be released (not any more). I will support anyone in their calling - even if they are unworthy of their calling - I know I am unworthy myself to stand in church callings as a proxy for Christ. I am thankful for all that covenant with G-d and I will stand by them especially in times of their difficulty. The Traveler
    1 point
  17. I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost that gives us revelation of God's divine will. I am also grateful for the freedom and liberty we have in many places in the United States. Most days I pray for the preservation of liberty as I believe that freedom is rare and it is fragile.
    1 point
  18. Jane_Doe


    I very much enjoyed Pres. Nelson’s message and happy-cried like a baby. I am grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life and all of the interactions with them (in person or via tech).
    1 point
  19. Colirio


    I’m grateful for the relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father. I’m so grateful to Jesus Christ for His atoning sacrifice and example. I’m grateful for my wife and family and that we have a happy home life. #givethanks
    1 point
  20. mikbone


    Third Hour is the only social media with which I participate... 11/20 I'm thankful for: my family, our health, prophets and scriptures, the cosmos, good food, technology, trials and growth. 11/21 Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. The ability to experience life and still overcome our mistakes and sins. The power of love, sacrifice and determination. 11/22 The wonder and excitement of childhood, the power and beauty of youth, and the wisdom and knowledge of maturity. 11/23 For the insight to see the Hand of God in both Science and the Arts. It has only been in the last century that we have been able to look into the sub-atomic level and recognize that the Universe is tens of billions of light-years across. I love being able to read a book, appreciate a painting, or watch a movie that can remind me of the love of God and our limitless potential. 11/24 A sincere smile, a laugh that broadens the soul, and a sense of humor. 11/25 Traditions, holidays and weekends. 11/26 Gravy #GiveThanks
    1 point
  21. Carborendum

    The election

    A lot more than the Democrats. Multiple planks in the Democrat platform spit straight into the face of the Constitution. And most average Democrats like you are all for them. I'm personally hoping that you are not one of them. But many moderate Democrats fall right in line with these planks that dismantle the Constitution. #1 on the list is the criticism of "original intent" philosophy. OK , let's. Did he actually do anything to shut them down? Having a desire to do something and actually doing it are two different things. The comments he made were basically about keeping the pres honest (which they are not). There have been and still are some laws against FALSE statements by the press. And if they continually make false statements, then they can be prosecuted and have various licenses taken away. But even though Trump could have had them on those grounds, he didn't push it. Why? Because he really does believe in freedom of the press even when they lie about him. That was indeed a travesty. And IF Trump gave him such a directive to do so, then that was a BIG mistake on Trump's part. Otherwise, it's a good thing Trump FIRED Sessions. I (and many original intent interpreters) disagree that eminent domain is itemized as a power granted to the government. I believe that the 5A prohibits eminent domain. BUT it DOES allow the government to engage in commerce with private citizens. That phrase has only been interpreted that way because of people with big government ideas. I'd like to see your references for what Trump, himself, actually did to "make it easier to SEIZE" land, so I can assess what this was about. Land had to be purchased to achieve an appropriate function of government. As long as the process was not anything nefarious (which happens all over the place) then it should have been part of the process. If "making it easier" was simply a matter of bringing common sense negotiation conditions to the table, then there's nothing wrong with it. I remember the Air Force had a very interesting way of dealing with eminent domain. They actually kept tabs on various real estate statistics (both rural and urban) to determine just how much some piece of land should cost. When a piece of Air Force property happen to drop on private land, they would come up with the appropriate land value and rental value. They would then go to the land owner and offer them 125% of what they determined the use of the land would be based on the estimated time of encroachment to retrieve the property. If the land owner refused, then they would tell them that they would get a court order to pay them only $100 percent and force the process on them. Consider that. "Threatening" that they would only receive 100% of the fair market value. Is this nefarious? Who's getting the better deal here? This is why I want to know the details of such an accusation. No, it doesn't. Again, you're reading this based on present eyes and conditions. The original intent was specifically to counter the DEMOCRAT position that freed slaves should not be considered citizens. It was only by LEGISLATION that anchor babies were allowed. It is not "counter to the Constitution" that such babies should not be granted citizenship. If you don't believe my statement about the intent and original interpretation, what was the purpose of the legislation to make it that way? Sure. What I'd really like to see is some list of statements (I'm sure someone has put one together) that showcases how much the Democrats LOVE the Constitution as the Founders intended. I note that several of these complaints are more about Trump than "Republican Ideals." But "Democrat Ideals" (not just Biden or Harris) are about a lot worse. What I have heard from the Left a LOT of lately is: The Constitution is inherently racist. The Constitution IS The PROBLEM, not the solution. Get rid of private property. Allow the Federal Government to keep people at home indefinitely and not allow them to leave their homes. The Federal Government under Democrat leadership should have power to arrest anyone for not wearing a mask. But Republicans should stay out of local/state riots even when they vandalize Federal Property. We should get rid of the Electoral College. Defund the police. The "actual police" are not a part of the Constitution. But this movement also affects Sheriffs offices, which ARE a part of the Constitution. Religion should be pushed to the far bottom of all freedoms (if honored at all) rather than honored as the FIRST freedom itemized in the Bill of Rights. Freedom of speech is only allowed if we agree with it. Otherwise we'll demonetize and/or cancel you. At the very least we'll call you a racist or homophobe, or whatever. Freedom of assembly is exempt from COVID restrictions if you're a casino or a strip club, but not ok if you're a house of worship. Judges should be able to (effectively) legislate from the bench. In California the State Supreme Court "interpreted" that an AMENDMENT to the STATE CONSTITUTION was "unconstitutional" (because they didn't agree with it politically) when it was passed by a 65% majority in the state. All liberal SCOTUS justices agree with this mentality. Get rid of any national boundaries. The UN, Globalism, international culture/opinion/customs/ should have power over the US Government The Constitution is up to interpretation by anyone at any time. In other words, it can mean anything we want it to mean. And when it means what we WANT it to mean, THEN it is the correct interpretation. Then you have the BLM list of goals that they have since scrubbed from their website because of the backlash. If you're of a superior race (i.e. not white) then government owes you more rights and goodies than "others" (i.e. whites). The FISA court is a tool for the Democrat Party to spy on Republicans who won't play ball. But if a Republican wants to genuinely look into a severe abuse of power by a Democrat, that should be impeachable. Again, this is all based on that same ONE report that said so. And I've already explained why it is a flawed report. Do you have any other ORIGINAL source? Or do they all go back and cite that one report? The thing is that I'm not concerned about who agrees or disagrees. I'm concerned that someone publishes a report and no one is taking a critical look at that report. No one is even asking the right questions. The data are almost all conjecture, but no one even pointed that out. They just take it as gospel without question. This is not scientific inquiry. It is group think by central leadership.
    1 point
  22. Saturday and Sunday I got sad news. It is expected I suppose to a degree, but it hits somewhat close to home. Two friends of mine have passed away this week from COVID-19 (or that is what I was told). One was someone I got to know through my daughter as she had a close friend when she was younger and I got to know that friends parents. Both parents came down with Covid but while one made it through, the other did not. The other one was also somewhat unexpected. I am part of a club where we dress up as Cowboys sometimes, and do cowboy things such as riding horses and doing rope tricks and rodeo tricks as well as other such things. These days we didn't do as much (age gets you a little slower at times) but we still did parades and fairs at times. One of them passed away this week as well. You may wonder what this has to do with thanks, but it has brought to me a stark realization of a blessing that I've had thus far. I've been around students and others who have had diseases (not just Covid, students have all sorts of illnesses and ailments. Strep can be a particularly lethal one if untreated, they also have flus, colds, etc.) which probably are not the best things that I am exposed to. I have been blessed with protection in many ways from being as affected by some of these as others. I am VERY grateful for the protection I have been blessed with thus far. I do not know how long it might continue, but I have been blessed tremendously in the past few months. I am grateful for that protection from ailments and sickness as well as with being healthy. There have been times when I may not have the best health, but I am still alive and am still breathing and exercising. I AM sorry for losing friends, but I am grateful for the time i have to spend with my family and those I love on this earth for at least a little bit longer and the protection and health that I have been blessed with.
    0 points
  23. Tell them not to worry about it, I got it covered this time.
    0 points
  24. Just_A_Guy

    General Authorities

    You broke the code, man. Two goons carrying violin cases will be on your doorstep shortly.
    0 points