I owe $15,000 in tithing, Can I pay it elsewhere?


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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, pam said:

Is this a post and run?  

It is. It's a post that we've all seen before, and we'll all see it again. 

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Guest MormonGator
10 hours ago, Bad Karma said:

"With all due respect" usually involves none.

"Can I be honest with you officer" (You mean you weren't before? Gosh! Who knew?)

Along with "I'm a humble guy."  No you aren't. Humble people don't say they are humble. 
And "This isn't personal." usually means "This is personal." 

We could go on. 

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15 hours ago, zil said:
16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

I would rather give it to an organization where i can SEE with my own eyes the impact I'm having or even participate myself!

I see the impact of tithing with my own eyes.  I get to participate myself through church attendance, magnifying my calling, and striving to live a Christ-like life (which includes being anxiously engaged in many good things, in and out of the official church structure, of my own free will).  IMO, if you cannot see, you are not looking, or are looking from the wrong perspective.  If you don't feel like you are participating, well, go talk to someone in your ward leadership - I'm sure they can help you to find more ways to participate.

+1. Additionally, if you'd rather see the money (and your participation) spent elsewhere, you can move elsewhere and use your gain and talents to build up that area (and Zion) locally.

Edited by mordorbund
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16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

Hey there, I owe about $15,000 in tithing from this last year.  

Passive brag? 

16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

 "the Mormon commandment checklist schedule" (also, that's a whole other conversation) 

Which check list is this? I think you will find in ALL religions that there are expectations.


16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

instead of being a tithing check writing sheep

Let's not judge now

16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

Any thoughts? ( 

Yes your a _______.  

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16 hours ago, danny1042 said:

Hey there, I owe about $15,000 in tithing from this last year. Its in my bank account right now set aside...My question is I would like to pay my 10% to a different entity other than the church. I would rather give it to an organization where i can SEE with my own eyes the impact I'm having or even participate myself! For example, there are villages in the jungles where the people have no clean running water and for about $1,200 you can get a pump and well there to supply the entire village. Or what about schools or hospital clinics or entrepreneurial programs where they can be a farmer or something to help people get self-sufficient? I want to actually HELP. The church as billions of dollars and I don't think another 10-15K is gonna make any difference and frankly, I don't really care about building more church buildings with no decor and with classrooms that look like jail cells.  ( that's a whole other conversation) The church has plenty of money for that while there are people genuinely with nothing in the jungles and remote locations in different countries. ( I want to see how MY MONEY is directly affecting someone) 

Since this is last year's tithing, what advice did your bishop give you during tithing settlement at the end of the year?

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17 hours ago, danny1042 said:

I genuinely want to help people and see how my money is making a difference out there instead of being a tithing check writing sheep...

I'm not the only one who doesn't mind being compared to a sheep, right?

I mean, I get the common reaction - sheep are fools who set their tiny amount of intellect aside in order to blindly follow whoever it is they follow.  Ignorant dupes, fooled by greedy rich white guys who tell them 'pray, pay, and obey' is the only road to happiness.  

I don't really see it like that.  I'm someone who spent a good part of my life outside of the church and not believing, someone who did much soul-searching and criticism-researching, someone who came within a few credit hours of a minor in philosophy looking for which truth I should follow.   I did not go blindly or ignorantly into my testimony - I sought it as an earnest seeker of truth.  And when I finally, after a year or so of earnest searching, received undeniable spiritual witness of the reality and divinity of God, that He and His Son really were what these outlandish books claimed Them to be, I was grateful.  

Been happy to number myself among the flock of disciples who follow this particular Good Shepherd.  The safety, rest, and direction I've received at the Lord's hand has been worth a heck of a lot more than mere money.  I'm glad He left his ninety and nine to come get me.

"Tithing check writing sheep".  Heh.  Maybe I should change my tag line.

Edited by NeuroTypical
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1 hour ago, DoctorLemon said:

There is a song by Cake called "Sheep go to heaven, goats go to . . . "

Did someone mention cake?   Oh you mean the group. :P

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Just now, pam said:

Did someone mention cake?   Oh you mean the group. :P

You know how the Church is always encouraging us to develop our talents?  Well my talent is being an encyclopedia of pop culture from 20 years ago.


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18 hours ago, danny1042 said:

Hey there, I owe about $15,000 in tithing from this last year. Its in my bank account right now set aside...My question is I would like to pay my 10% to a different entity other than the church. I would rather give it to an organization where i can SEE with my own eyes the impact I'm having or even participate myself! For example, there are villages in the jungles where the people have no clean running water and for about $1,200 you can get a pump and well there to supply the entire village. Or what about schools or hospital clinics or entrepreneurial programs where they can be a farmer or something to help people get self-sufficient? I want to actually HELP. The church as billions of dollars and I don't think another 10-15K is gonna make any difference and frankly, I don't really care about building more church buildings with no decor and with classrooms that look like jail cells.  ( that's a whole other conversation) The church has plenty of money for that while there are people genuinely with nothing in the jungles and remote locations in different countries. ( I want to see how MY MONEY is directly affecting someone) 

Before you even think about judging me, (if you do YOU are the one that needs to repent) If I gave my 10% over there, I don't believe for ONE MINUTE that Jesus is gonna be mad at me for doing that. I don't believe for one min that I'll "miss my blessings" I'm still giving my 10% and its for helping the poor and needy and afflicted which is CHRISTIANITY AT ITS FINEST in case any of you forget that while doing "the Mormon commandment checklist schedule" (also, that's a whole other conversation) My heart is in the right place and I genuinely want to help people and see how my money is making a difference out there instead of being a tithing check writing sheep thinking nothing of my offering which is how Ive been in the past and probably how a lot of others feel) Just being honest...

Any thoughts? ( 

If any of you have a legitimate organization where I can do something like this please comment below. 

You're looking in the wrong place for an answer. I suggest you go to the General Conference section of lds.org and do a search using the word tithing. If you look long enough you will come to a told in General Conference many years ago where one of the apostles relates an incident, and his response, to almost exactly the same kind of situation that you are proposing. The prophetic response was different from your proposal.


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I'm just responding to the initial question in the headline to this OP. Others may have suggested this already, but in lieu of just sending back tithes in, there is:


The theory behind it is that if the chaplain is happy everyone is happy. You can all it in at 782-728-2572* (STARBUCKPC)


* Don't actually call this number. I have no idea who might actually answer.  This is a joke. 

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Guest MormonGator

I think he raises a good question, even though he doesn't realize it. If you haven't paid tithing in a year or so and want to restart, should you just start over or do you have to worry about the debt? 

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5 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I think he raises a good question, even though he doesn't realize it. If you haven't paid tithing in a year or so and want to restart, should you just start over or do you have to worry about the debt? 

I've been told (by a Bishop) that you can catch up the back amount if you want to, but all that's required is to make an honest effort to be current now and stay that way.  It's a huge burden to worry about past stuff.

Edited by unixknight
Remembered it wrong. Corrected it.
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1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

I think he raises a good question, even though he doesn't realize it. If you haven't paid tithing in a year or so and want to restart, should you just start over or do you have to worry about the debt? 

You should talk to your bishop.  I know what my former bishop would have said, but I think it's better for people to talk to their own bishop about this.

I know at least one person who deliberately doesn't pay tithing until the end of the year (puts it all in the bank) because of the wording of the scripture in D&C which instructs us on tithing.  I prefer the "pay as you go" plan, for oh so many reasons.

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, unixknight said:

I've been told (by a Bishop) that you can catch up the back amount if you want to, but all that's required is to be caught up for the current year.  It's a huge burden to worry about past stuff.


1 minute ago, zil said:

You should talk to your bishop.  I know what my former bishop would have said, but I think it's better for people to talk to their own bishop about this.

I know at least one person who deliberately doesn't pay tithing until the end of the year (puts it all in the bank) because of the wording of the scripture in D&C which instructs us on tithing.  I prefer the "pay as you go" plan, for oh so many reasons.

 Good. In case anyone is in the situation, here is the answer. 

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