What's your calling in your ward?


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I am 1st Assistant to the HP Group Leader.

Side Note - I love teaching so my ideal calling:  Youth Sunday School Teacher.  You teach on Sunday, and have 0 additional responsibility :) (aside from Home Teaching).  They are old enough to ask good questions, and often ask and participate with more excitement than adults because most youth don't already think they know everything (at least about the gospel anyway).

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5 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

I'm interested in seeing what everyone's callings are right now. I'm Executive Secretary and have been for 20 months now.

Lucky!  Exec Sec is the best calling in the church.  You get to hear everything that's going on, and when they're handing out marching orders none of it is directed at you. :)

I'm currently Ward Finance clerk.  I was introduced to my new calling with a three hour finance audit.  We were dinged for paying a sister an extra dollar for cheese.

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I teach the conference talks in Relief Society. This calling is one that I love because I love teaching but trying to teach the conference talks can be testing. The talks are often pitched above my level of expertise and I spend a month gnawing on the talk and trying to extract the marrow. If all else fails, buzz groups!

i also work in the temple. This calling is at once sublime and also difficult. I have learned a lot, not least of which is the vast extent of the Lord's love for all of us.

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54 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

d'Oh!  Murphys law dictates now that Mirk isn't doing that stuff for the church any more, the time for preparation is over.  The zombie Fiat currency global economic pandemic invasion collapse is nigh!!!

[runs off to finish minefield]

Gee, you make it sound like that's a bad thing.  Sheesh!

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Man, we can form an entire ward of callings here on this thread.  2 choir directors is awesome!  We need a bishop...

My family:

Mr. Anatess - Scoutmaster and YM Presidency (the counselor over the deacons)

Anatess Jr. - President of Teachers Quorum and ward choir pianist.  (There are only 3 teachers - they get to take turns being President).

Anatess III - President of Deacon's Quorum  (There are only 3 decons as well - they get to take turns being President too).

Anatess - Bear Cub Scout Dean Leader.  I've had this calling since they changed to the new BSA requirements.  I love this calling because I'm learning boy stuff that I didn't learn as a mother of 2 boys (my husband always did scouting while I go shopping or something).  Yesterday, we worked on Critter Care!  It was the first time I held my son's pet snake who has lived with us for over 7 years...  And bonus benefit for a calling in Scouts - I get to attend as a student in Sunday School and RS.


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Relief Society Teacher for the Conference talks.  It's my first calling and I was really worried I wouldn't be able to do it.   I pray a lot and really get a good discussion going.  Lots of sisters have complemented my teaching and I really enjoy it.  My youngest goes to nursery in September though so I may get called to do something else as I have more time on my hands :) 

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