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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/16 in Posts

  1. I read 5 chapters a day of the scriptures of a morning. Im currently reading the Book of Mormon institute manual and i do two chapters a week, i like answering the questions and stuff. Other then that i read all my stuff for Sunday.
    3 points
  2. I think recent prophets have suggested 30 minutes a day, although lately I've been lazy and just listen to the audio version on LDS.org, one chapter a day. I think if you stop and ponder what is really being sad, then the Scriptures aren't boring. Pray to have the Spirit with you and they will not be boring. Section 1 in the Doctrine and Covenants, for example - you could give a whole talk on just about every single verse in there. Another example: I took a semester class on just Isaiah at BYU. It was fascinating. It might help you to also read books and commentaries. I like the Institute manuals, which are free on LDS.org. There are many other good books also. If you want to see how much depth there can be in the Scriptures, check out the books and lectures by Hugh Nibley, for example. It also helps to ask yourself questions about what you read, and to liken the Scriptures unto yourself.
    2 points
  3. You are really a Mormon if you can eat green jello!
    2 points
  4. I'm with you on this.. When I has testimony the Church was true there was no way I couldnt act on it without knowing what I was doing would have been wrong. In that case me refusing to be baptised would have been rejecting the Gospel. My husband is a non member, he likes the lifestyle of the Church, has members who are friends, feeds the Missionaries, we have family home evening etc.. But there is just certain things he just doesn't get.. I'm going to do his work or the kids can do us both, i see no reason if I uphold my Covenants why we won't be together. We think of time as a straight, measurable line, but that's not how Heavenly Father sees it.
    2 points
  5. I think setting aside time to read the ponder the scriptures is indeed important and I have no problem with the way your stake president outlined spending that 30 minutes. The problem is, that we as a society are so task oriented that many do not implicitly understand that we must allow ourselves space during our reading so the spirit may enter in. In fact, despite this being the most important aspect, we leave it out. Instead we create another task on our to do list. We focus our minds on completing the task and feel that we must accomplish some good thing (it may be getting through two chapters, or even trying to force ourselves to feel the spirit). However, as long as we are in such a frame of mind it is hard for the spirit to enter. Pushing in this way, over time, we feel weighed down by scripture study instead of lifted up. What I'm saying, is for that 30 minutes or 5 minutes, just forget what you need to accomplish. Just lose yourself in the words. You may lose yourself by searching the scriptures, or simply by considering one verse. In that space the spirit will come and what was a chore will become a joy.
    1 point
  6. Traveler, thanks to the faithfulness and obedience of your great grandparents, 150 years later, on the other side of the world, I, and presumably others, gain the benefit of your posts. Its interesting to reflect on how things come about, and how decisions, both good and bad, can have such long lasting effects on so many people.
    1 point
  7. I know just barely enough about Warhammer 40,000, to know that when Unixknight is concerned, behind all that carefully crafted symbology and zeal beats the heart of a heretic.
    1 point
  8. tesuji

    getting older...

    I'm sad that you feel ugly and unloved. Is that how your husband sees you? As a man, I have to think "shame on him." I think a husband should always make his wife feel attractive, cherished and loved. After so many years together I would expect he would be way past superficial physical appearance. Once you know a person, beauty and attraction are mostly about what's inside. I'm not going to try to analyze your marriage from a few posts by you, and I'm not a counselor anyway. But it sounds like marriage counseling might help you guys figure out how to be happier. Best wishes.
    1 point
  9. Yeah; one of the things with the newer forms of feminism is that they *say* it's all about a woman's choice, but if a woman chooses to do what the feminists don't want her to do then her choice is somehow "wrong" or she's been pressured into it.
    1 point
  10. It's green jello with carrots in it. A favorite joke among Mormons. I always thought of it as a joke that was never actually served until I had some at my grandpa's funeral a few years ago.
    1 point
  11. Our stake president challenged us to spend 30 minutes each day studying the scriptures and the most recent general conference talks (for the latter, in an earlier year, he challenged us to re-read all of them before the next conference - which is pretty easy to do with 1-2 / week - I do 2 / week when there's no RS lesson to study, and 1 in weeks when there is an RS lesson - works out well). It has been a blessing to heed his counsel. I read the conference talks on Sunday. The rest of the week, I study the chapters for the Sunday School lesson, the RS lesson and associated scriptures, and in weeks where that doesn't take up all six days, I'm working through the Old Testament. Early in the month, I use one day to study the visiting teaching lesson (which can be stretched into 30 minutes if you actually study the topic). Any other reading I do (such as that prompted by some posts here), is in addition to my usual 30 minutes. As part of this, I'm training myself to be more flexible - in the old days, breaking off my Old Testament reading to go read something else would have driven me nuts because I tend to be a "start to finish and curséd be all interruptions" sort of person. For making something more interesting, I think study rather than reading, letting yourself get sidetracked (ala "why would they footnote that word?"), pondering, and the institute manuals have always helped deepen my understanding. Highlighting, commenting (journaling thoughts), tagging, linking, and similar things (made infinitely easier by the Gospel Library app - which changed my scripture study forever, once I recognized the possibilities and embraced them, forcing myself to give up the paper*) also help to increase understanding, recall, and recognizing patterns and relations between various scriptures. FWIW. *I still read paper for fiction, exclusively, and will as long as that's an option; but for things I need to study, it took a while to recognize the advantages, but now I have gone wholly digital - the tools and aids are just too useful and beneficial. The only benefit from the paper was my ability to remember position on page and shape of paragraph, but I've found ways to replace that and am not hindered by its loss. In other words, I'm madly in love with the Gospel Library app.
    1 point
  12. We aren't knights. A bit of backstory: We're Imperial Space Marines from a game called Warhammer 40,000. It's set in the distant future at a time when mankind has spread across a galaxy engulfed in war. The Space Marines are divided into Chapters, usually 1,000 marines strong. My buddy on the right in blue is a member of the Crimson Fists, whose chapter is closely aligned with mine. You can't really see it but his right kneepad has the same Maltese Cross pattern as my shoulder pauldrons, and my left gauntlet is red, which is a solidarity thing. Next to him is his wife, who is representing the Space Wolves Chapter. Imagine a viking themed Chapter. I am representing the Black Templars Chapter, which is known for eternally crusading around the galaxy smiting the enemies of the Emperor, and ignores the 1,000 marine restriction on chapter size. (The Space Wolves do that too but it's estimated that there are more Black Templars than Space Wolves.) I knew the symbol was a Maltese Cross as opposed to the more traditional, simpler cross actually worn by Templars, but given that it's forty millennia in the future, some historical inaccuracy is forgivable. I chose that Chapter because it's the only official Space Marine Chapter whose insignia is a direct symbol for Jesus Christ. I also play that Chapter in the game. Here's a pic of some of my marines: I've actually got a little over 100 of these guys, and yes... I painted them all. They stand about 30mm high. I think the people who make money doing it often earn it by winning costume contests. In a lot of conventions there are two separate divisions, one for professionals and one for amateurs.
    1 point
  13. Also, @Zarahemla, while pondering @NeedleinA's question, it might be wise to review each verse and ask yourself whether we are living that verse today. I would recommend you ponder whether you are correctly applying the principle taught in that quote from Joseph Smith. And ask yourself how that fits with this quote from Joseph Smith: ...and for that matter, every revelation he taught, because the Gospel only works when the whole of what you know is considered as a whole, each truth helping to shed light on every other truth so that the light of the whole gives you a clearer picture than the light from any one piece alone (which is why we are constantly striving to learn more - to increase the total light, which increases our understanding of each piece we already have).
    1 point
  14. Why do you think Zarahemla? What have you learned from your studies?
    1 point
  15. I do believe D&C is inspired by God. It's of divine origin. It does seem like a clear revelation to me. I believe in the restoration. I of course believe in Christ. I believe on occasion comments are left here with dubious intentions and really have nothing of value to contribute to believing members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. And the Nation he represents!
    1 point
  18. yjacket

    getting older...

    Well bolded is problem number 1 and problem number 2. As a man thinkth so is he. So much of life is about self-confidence. No one likes to be around a party-poper who is always saying, I'm too fat, I'm too old, I'm too ugly, etc. etc. etc. Old and ugly?? if you're still working, you're not that old, what will you be like when you're 80 and have very wrinkly skin. If you don't like the way you look do something about it. And while yes when you get older it is harder to change your body. However, most people who exercise over the long-term (10+ years) don't really care so much about how they look from working out but about how they feel from exercising and eating right. Exercising puts endorphins into the body, makes you look and feel younger, and help your overall well-being. It's amazing what exercising some self-control to take control of a situation can do for you. Taking charge and doing something meaningful to make you look better will naturally make you look better-not because you've actually physically changed, but because you are doing something about what you don't like and taking charge-which will make you feel better inside and that good feeling will radiate out of your body and you will start to look better. As for the first bolded item-that's the other half of your problem. You are practically divorced because you don't make the time to actually be married. Unless you are in a situation where you must work, why are you working? God set up the family and the main family unit (i.e. man and woman) for the man to be the provider (i.e. make money) and for the woman to be the nurturer (i.e. take care of hearth and home). This is the natural order. There are so many things that a woman can do to contribute to society without the need to work a 9-5 job. My goodness, the world needs more women to step up and be volunteers for their communities, churches, schools, etc. We have society that encourages women to work in the "glorious" rat-race and denigrates women who don't, so both spouses end up working full-time jobs, their schedules don't overlap, they are both exhausted from work, they eat out a bunch (b/c no one wants to cook a healthy meal) and put on more and more weight. etc. etc. etc. It is such a ludicrous situation that people have bought into this absolute myth that for a woman to have worth they must "break the glass-ceiling". When it's all said in done, they end up gaining the world, but losing what is most important-family. You don't need to be an old codger to recognize the root of the problems in your marriage.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, no. People don't make $100k/yr going to conventions. I mean, Captain Kirk can pull in maybe $35k for a weekend for the big ones. Apparently Richard Dean Anderson, Hamil, or Fillon can make more, but don't tell Kirk or he cries. Most actors from the shows will be $1.5k-$10k per weekend. Cute chicks in revealing attire won't pull down much posing for pictures that she can't stop people from taking anyway.
    1 point
  20. Some have already responded - but the point is that everyone gets the opportunity to hear about and accept the atonement of Christ. What we learn from scripture that point to the future is that all will bend knee and accept Jesus as the Christ and so overcome sin (death) and be resurrected. Beyond that great act of sacrifice and mercy of G-d we may then make an account before G-d as to the law (Celestial or otherwise) that we are desirous and capable of abiding by. This will all be accomplished by whatever chances or opportunities are necessary or needed to complete – in this life or the spirit world. Part of what is necessary to complete anyone’s chances are the ordnances performed in the temple – either in this life or by proxy for someone in the spirit world. The Traveler
    1 point
  21. It's green jello with carrots in it. A favorite joke among Mormons.
    1 point
  22. Correction: Is there someone out there that doesn't believe lots of folks vote Republican because they are pro 2nd amendment, pro traditional marriage, and pro life? Attributing it to uneducated white males is your classic definition for... Tat-tada... BIGOTRY.
    1 point
  23. Terrible advice. Don't bother your bishop with your high school drama he has bigger fish to fry.
    1 point
  24. Ok.. Some interesting points, thanks for the replies guys.. 1, I am taking the advice and taking the rains in the Gp classes, we are doing charity this week, I come up with questions about philanthropy, what it means in the Bible to have a pure heart and if a pure heart is applicable only to LDS/ Christians. If advertising your humanitarian work is following not letting your right hand know what your left is doing. How can people focus on spiritual matters if their basic needs arnt already met and if using the power of decernment is judging others. This is making the class much more interesting ? I understand totally what Gator saying however I don't agree! I came to ask about this book in a faith promoting capacity, If I wasn't bothered about what I was looking at I wouldnt have asked. fair play if you can be that impartial though, I'm not sure I could
    1 point
  25. You mean something like @prisonchaplain's boss?
    1 point
  26. I find it interesting that the costume you have selected utilizes the primary symbol of the order of Knights of Saint John – a knightly order that has its roots in the Crusades alongside of the Knights Templar. This order later became the Knights Malta – the symbol is now known as the Maltase Cross. It would be interesting to know if the creator of our character knew what they were doing and intended to utilize this symbolism of an ancient warrior class that still exists today – though mostly in secret. I know of no military organization currently openly displaying this warrior symbol. As near as I have been able to determine – the battles currently being fought by the Knights of Malta are done as lawyers in the courts of law. The symbols for the other knights were not obvious to me. Is there a reason you are drawn to this symbolism or is it just the characters themselves? The Traveler
    1 point
  27. Yes.. Which is probably disappointing for her that she failed to grab the spot light..
    1 point
  28. Haha yeah I had noticed.. Ive gone from being a loveable Catholic to a religious nut job to some. My best friend actually asked me if Im allowed to touch tea bags or would I have to tell the Bishop if I touched one ?
    1 point
  29. It is interesting to me that some members think than kids should be good for nothing???? Often when I teach in HP I will pass out candy to those that respond. I have never had a complaint from a parent of a HP - but I have had some complaints from their children. The Traveler
    1 point
  30. If it was only one treat and happened only once a week I could live with that. That would be nice. When it's something in class, then something in sharing time, and then something from the Bishop that starts to add up. And if some of those givers don't limit it to a sole cookie but give out several then that adds up even more and at some point it becomes too much. My wife stated her preference once asking that they consider the volume of treats being dispensed, and we haven't said anything since so I guess we're OK living with more than one a week. We are by no means health nuts -- the entire lunch was ice cream at our house the other day. After thinking about it more, the treat volume is actually pretty reasonable now that certain people have changed callings or moved. In fact, I don't remember any treats being eaten after church yesterday, or hard feelings about who got what, or children not eating dinner. And, thankfully there aren't daily treats in the schools where we now live. Thankfully we're in a ward in the Eastern US that is quite the opposite of gloom and inactivity. Very, very friendly and welcoming people. Sacrament meeting attendance is around 70%, we have over 60 young men and women with about 95% of those being active, and a large primary that's almost 100% active. This is the ward that used to have a no treat primary president just a few years ago. Judging by how they're turning out, it didn't damage our youth too much.
    1 point
  31. Been working in Primary for so long. Always have food in my classes. I'm in Cub Scouts now. We still have food in our den meetings. We did have a ward-wide rule come out - if you offer food to your kids at sacrament meeting, you have to clean up immediately after. The Deacons complained about fruit loops and goldfish left on the pews for them to clean such that they are late attending their meetings. If a ward-wide no-food rule comes out, we're gonna have upset kids and adults. We love our chocolates in Relief Society.
    1 point
  32. Our bishop gives candy or pretzels to kids after church. They all go to the bishop's office to report what they learned that day and get the goods. They report on fast Sunday but don't get the goodies. It's cute to see the freshly-arrived-at-Sunbeams go to the bishop and say, "I learned it's fast Sunday today so we don't get candy." LOL. One of my kids get the candy and hand it to me so I get candy every Sunday... it's awesome to have a kid that don't like candy.
    1 point
  33. Jesus Christ is the way to exaltation/purification/etc. There is no other way but by him. He is the way, the light, and the life and no man can unto the Father, but by him.
    1 point
  34. Answer: No. However, some individuals were commanded to do it, so for them, it is maybe leaning toward yes. Or at least, they will miss out on promised blessings.
    1 point