How did you know your spouse was "the one?"


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Just for fun... how did you know that your spouse was the one? You always hear the mind-blowing stories like "we knew it was right on our first date," or "I had a dream about him before we met," but I'd like to hear a wide range of experiences!

When I was dating my husband, and we began considering marriage, I kept stressing because I wasn't getting that "lightning bolt" experience I thought was de-facto for all engaged couples. Eventually I figured out that, hey, the Spirit has never spoken to me in that way; why should it now? And I realized (by way of D&C 58:26) that God trusted me with this decision, and knew I would make the right choice without Him spoonfeeding it to me. Our relationship was so strong and we were so right for each other, that seemed like it wouldn't make sense not to marry - which was, of course, what God wanted me to see for myself, without just relying on Him to tell me what to do.

Edited by annamaureen
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Yeah, but, there are some people who made promises to be together on earth. My mother met a woman whose patriarchal blessing said that she had promised to wait to meet the person she promised herself to in the life before this. She met her husband whose patriarchal blessing said the same thing.

I have also had a personal witness that my parents wanted to be together here on earth and that all of my siblings wanted them as parents and that we all wanted to be together.

I knew that I wanted to marry my husband, that I wanted him for forever. But I didn't know it was okay to marry him until I got a peaceful feeling while praying about it. Just the prayer was stressful and scary since I was sure I was going to get a no way in hell sort of answer since my husband was and is, not a member. But I got a green light.

Basically, I don't think you know your choice is right until you pray about it and get a stamp of approval from the Lord.

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...yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price.

I used to believe this until I experienced what it's like living in a marriage that lacks that 'soulmate' connection. It does feel like 'paying a price', and I don't believe we should feel that way in a marriage.

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I met my fiance in an internet multi-player game called Final Fantasy 11, or FFXI (kind've like World of Warcraft, only everyone knows WoW and no one knows FFXI lol). We were both fearless, daring, and loved to attack things normal people would wait 10 or 20 levels to fight. And we loved to drive others nuts while doing it. We were destined to be together, yet it took about 2 years to do it, with 2 more years waiting for him to graduate college. We are now finally together IRL and it's all I hoped.

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First date. Not only was I very strongly attracted to her (which I later found out was mutual), but I was just so comfortable with this girl I barely knew -- being with her was like being home. In retrospect, marriage was almost a foregone conclusion, though I didn't see it that way at the time.

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Haven't met my eternal companion yet, but I'm pretty sure the event will consist of me- adorned in shining armor sitting astride a brave steed- saving her from the evil dragon that has come to devour her.

AKA, shaving basin, windmill, and a chick from your singles ward named Dulcie

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My experience was more or less similar to Annamaureen's. Basically I said to God, "If this isn't right, please let me know; otherwise I'm gonna do it."

Never heard anything more.

I'm pretty sure that this is closer to the way we're supposed to make decisions than some others.

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