Knitting/Crafting in Church?


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Guest LiterateParakeet

Is it too late to officially step away from this thread as the owner?


I didn't intend to start any sort of discord, and the last time I'd looked at this page we were sitting at 2 pages of text and now it's up to 8. This is making the non-confrontational tendencies in me really work. Hurrah, anxiety!


Don't worry it's not you.  This topic always blows up like this...but you didn't know that, so no worries. :)    Perhaps you could doodle---er---take notes. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Some?  Half the reason I learned to knit was so I could carry two big metal spikes into places that wouldn't allow a pocketknife.


I use bamboo circular and double pointed....we could roast marshmallows! 

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Is it too late to officially step away from this thread as the owner?


I didn't intend to start any sort of discord, and the last time I'd looked at this page we were sitting at 2 pages of text and now it's up to 8. This is making the non-confrontational tendencies in me really work. Hurrah, anxiety!


I've felt the itch to do something with my hands, that's a big part of it. Based on what I'm seeing, I don't think I will be bringing my knitting with me to my small YSA branch. 


Don't take it personally. Threads take on a life of their own. Though I'm not sure I've seen many fights over something as inconsequential as yarn. . .

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As long as it's reverent. Lol

Someone got a call on cell phone once while Sacrament was being passed and they answered the phone and all you heard was....I can't talk right now they are passing the Sacrament. Then they repeated it. True story


My mother-in-law did this... she was watching my kids while they were babies and I called her home phone and she picked up the phone and before I can even say Hello, she says, "I can't talk to you right now, I have babies in the car" and immediately hung up... I told my husband this and my husband asked my mom if she can watch our kids next time...

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I get the sense that the knitters here seem to be okay with their activity but frown at other activities, such as doodling or phone games (angry birds, or perhaps candy crush - even minesweeper and solitaire can be pretty mindless). Is that accurate? Why is yours reverent and not the others?

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I get the sense that the knitters here seem to be okay with their activity but frown at other activities, such as doodling or phone games (angry birds, or perhaps candy crush - even minesweeper and solitaire can be pretty mindless). Is that accurate? Why is yours reverent and not the others?


And are certain forms of knitting irreverent?  What would happen if someone brought 100 pounds of steel wool to church and started to knit a stove?

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I get the sense that the knitters here seem to be okay with their activity but frown at other activities, such as doodling or phone games (angry birds, or perhaps candy crush - even minesweeper and solitaire can be pretty mindless). Is that accurate? Why is yours reverent and not the others?

The lace covers on temple alters are hand knit - generally using the 'tatting' method. I think that reverent.  


I didn't read all of the 163 responses on this thread, but of what I read I didn't see anyone actually say it would be okay to knit in church. My responses may have been favorable to the notion that knitting is meditative, but I never said it is acceptable behavior in church. I am in agreement with more reverence in the chapel and class. I grew up Catholic and am generally frustrated by the lack of reverence in our chapels.

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I get the sense that the knitters here seem to be okay with their activity but frown at other activities, such as doodling or phone games (angry birds, or perhaps candy crush - even minesweeper and solitaire can be pretty mindless). Is that accurate? Why is yours reverent and not the others?

The difference is on whether an activity can or would be distracting, within reason, to yourself and others. I think it largely depends on the individual. doodling to me wouldn't be, phone games certainly would be. Staring would be conductive to day dreaming, which would also be distracting. Same thing can go for notes, if you are so busy taking notes that it distracts from feeling the spirit...don't do it. Is reading scriptures in the middle of a meeting bad if it distracts you or others from the speaker? 

I don't think it's cut and dry yes or no.

Generally as a rule of thumb, if someone can do this and respond in a thoughtful manner to the instructor during a meeting, I personally see no problem with it. (Yes there are potential exceptions to a rule of sleeping)


Edited by Crypto
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