Wear ORANGE to Church day?


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Okay, first read this:


Now: I like this idea a lot, but it seems awfully reminiscent of the wear-purple-to-church stunt done by some MoFems a couple of years ago which I think I condemned as inappropriately distracting.

What say ye? Can I wear an orange necktie to church without making myself a hypocrite?

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i'm going to go a bit against the grain here.
there is a time to work, a time to play, a time to pray, a time to say, a time to mourn, a time to praise.
Does such help us and others focus on God and Christ? Is it respectful to them(God and Christ)? Is putting the sacrifices of good men on a pedestal in church appropriate?
I think something like this would be great for 6 days of the week. However I'm not sure that it should be something that is pushed for church attendance as it doesn't strike me as the right direction for where the ultimate focus should be. as well as opening a can of worms.

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Is putting the sacrifices of good men on a pedestal in church appropriate?


I don't see it as putting them on a pedestal so much as recognizing their sacrifice for their Christian faith and the example they provide for the rest of us as truly holding to their faith in the face of extreme consequences.  That's something a lot of us could learn from, myself included.

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I'm with Blackmarch on this one. I would wear the orange ribbon everywhere and everytime to raise awareness but not on Sunday services unless instructed by the Bishop/Prophet.

Edited by anatess
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If people's efforts to raise awareness about something, do not interfere with my ability to do my thing on Sunday, then more power to 'em.


The deal with awareness campaigns, is (if they're genuine) they're about raising awareness.  "Here's stuff you maybe didn't know, that maybe will cause you to think a little, maybe."  I like learning new things, even at church in the hallway.  But I don't necessarily agree with every new thing I hear.  

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In Exodus 39 there is a precedent for wearing something as part of what a person wears for religious purposes to help us remember things. However, the instructions for these "clothes," their design, and what they memorialised came from the Lord.


 ¶And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israel.

 And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, that they should be stones for a memorial to the children of Israel; as the Lord commanded Moses.

in a latter day context, I'm guessing that the church's preference for men to wear white shirts is to help us focus on things like purity and cleanliness 

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I don't see how the two correlate and how you could be called a hypocrite.  In one aspect the concept was to "stand out" and say the Church is wrong in their standings.  In this case, the idea is support for victims nothing against the Church.  


Are we wrong to buzz our heads when a family member or close friend is diagnosed with cancer, and we show up on Sunday with such support?  I don't think so.  I notice some people wearing pink ties in support of cancer awareness.  They quietly and reverently worship without drawing attention to themselves.


Wear an orange tie and quietly and reverently worship. Now, just my personal opinion, I wouldn't wear an orange collared shirt for support, but a necktie -- sure.  

Edited by Anddenex
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Sure. go ahead. My guess is that most LDS won't have any idea why you're wearing it. 


I saw the same article on fox and wondered if it would apply to us. I can't imagine any church leader making this a public announcement.

I don't own anything orange...bad look for a man, and you are right. No one would know...my upbringing is NEVER use Church for political statements. I will wear a flag lapel pin, these days learning more toward American / Israel pins. I live in a Ward that has 6 Jews (by linage) in my Ward. Each of them are uneasy about the way Israel is being thrown under the bus and the reemergence of anti-Semitic attitudes rising again in Europe.
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Okay, first read this:


Now: I like this idea a lot, but it seems awfully reminiscent of the wear-purple-to-church stunt done by some MoFems a couple of years ago which I think I condemned as inappropriately distracting.

What say ye? Can I wear an orange necktie to church without making myself a hypocrite?


Yes, you can wear an orange necktie without being a hypocrite. Your apparel is not an attack on or instruction toward the Church or its leaders or membership, but a remembrance of those murdered.


Having said that, I still consider it inappropriate to introduce non-worship-related elements into our worship service. During sacrament meeting, at least, I think it would not be appropriate to wear an orange tie. But even then, I would not equate it with the "wear purple" people.

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I don't own anything orange...bad look for a man, and you are right. No one would know...my upbringing is NEVER use Church for political statements. I will wear a flag lapel pin, these days learning more toward American / Israel pins. I live in a Ward that has 6 Jews (by linage) in my Ward. Each of them are uneasy about the way Israel is being thrown under the bus and the reemergence of anti-Semitic attitudes rising again in Europe.

More like Israel throwing itself under a bus, and its more of an anit-Israel attitude than an anti-Semitic attitude as more people are coming to realise how Israel is more interested in hindering the peace process than participating in it.

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 During sacrament meeting, at least, I think it would not be appropriate to wear an orange tie. But even then, I would not equate it with the "wear purple" people.

So what colors, designs, or patterns should be allowed? (a bit tongue in cheek) I'm all for getting rid of ties, I hate the things.

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So what colors, designs, or patterns should be allowed? (a bit tongue in cheek) I'm all for getting rid of ties, I hate the things.


I think sacrament meeting is not the time to make social or political statements with ones dress or conduct. Imagine wearing a campaign button into an endowment session. Same impropriety, IMO.

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Guest MormonGator

I'm wearing an orange tie to show solidarity. If something was happening and ISIS were terrorizing LDS I'd expect the same. It's a harmless thing to do. 

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...Having said that, I still consider it inappropriate to introduce non-worship-related elements into our worship service. During sacrament meeting, at least, I think it would not be appropriate to wear an orange tie. But even then, I would not equate it with the "wear purple" people.


Why? What if someone looked good in an orange tie. Do you think orange ties are not serious enough? What do you think of this description of a person who wears an orange tie?


One who wears an orange tie may be perceived as enthusiastic and creative with a fun personality.





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Guest LiterateParakeet

My old Bishop had an orange tie. :) I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I understood Vort to mean that wearing something to make a statement during Sacrament mtg would not be appropriate. The idea being that you should focus on the Savior and not trying to make a statement or attract attention to yourself.

I understand but personally I think this idea is unobtrusive enough. I was on crutches recently that attracted a lot more attention than any color tie and certainly more than I wanted LOL.

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Why? What if someone looked good in an orange tie. Do you think orange ties are not serious enough? What do you think of this description of a person who wears an orange tie?


One who wears an orange tie may be perceived as enthusiastic and creative with a fun personality.






Sorry you misunderstood me so badly. I thought I was crystal clear in context, but apparently I was not.


Wearing special clothing or styles in order to make a political statement is inappropriate at Church, especially at our sacrament meeting.


Hope that's clear enough.

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Guest MormonGator



Wearing special clothing or styles in order to make a political statement is inappropriate at Church, especially at our sacrament meeting.



I'll still do it. I've worn some political buttons on sweatshirts to church events (without knowing it, totally absent minded) and everyone is fine with it. 

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