Will the church take me back?


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I'm just wondering if the church will allow me to regain membership status after resigning. I'm sure I have a pretty thick file with the Church Membership Committee. I want to get back to the Temple and receive revelation. I miss and love those things. After reading Revelations I have a longing desire to be marked as one of God's servant. The problem is that I have weak and wavering faith. It's like one min I love the church and the next I'm thinking about all the problems. In addition, I have trouble with the fact it's ran by man. Then again all churches are led by man. I'm also a Targeted Individual who is going through extreme torture -- sleep deprivation. I've came to the realization it is probably something spiritual. I don't think man is capable of what I have experienced at least I think. Ive always said I would rejoin the church when my daughters inevitable ask me to. It's not to that point, but I feel the time is right. What do you all think? Will they let me back again? I think they will I just don't know what they have in my file...

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Welcome, @Tyme!  First, you shouldn't worry about files or "they".  Worry instead about your faith, your intentions, and your relationship with Christ.  If you are willing to humble yourself and do whatever is required to restore that relationship and receive again the blessings of baptism, the priesthood (if male), and temple blessings, then there shouldn't be a problem.  It may take time, but people do return to the Church after resigning and after excommunication.  Be completely honest in any interviews involved (again, it's not about "files" or whether "they" already know something, it's about honestly working with the Lord's representatives to work your way back into full fellowship, which is a process, not an event).

It's often recommended here by folks who have come back from inactivity that you just show up at church one Sunday and see how it goes.  Share only as much as you're ready to, do only as much as you're ready to, and work your way back into church attendance.  When you're up to it, go talk to your bishop - he'll know what to do.

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38 minutes ago, Tyme said:

I'm just wondering if the church will allow me to regain membership status after resigning. I'm sure I have a pretty thick file with the Church Membership Committee. I want to get back to the Temple and receive revelation. I miss and love those things. After reading Revelations I have a longing desire to be marked as one of God's servant. The problem is that I have weak and wavering faith. It's like one min I love the church and the next I'm thinking about all the problems. In addition, I have trouble with the fact it's ran by man. Then again all churches are led by man. I'm also a Targeted Individual who is going through extreme torture -- sleep deprivation. I've came to the realization it is probably something spiritual. I don't think man is capable of what I have experienced at least I think. Ive always said I would rejoin the church when my daughters inevitable ask me to. It's not to that point, but I feel the time is right. What do you all think? Will they let me back again? I think they will I just don't know what they have in my file...

As I understand things, a return to membership is permitted pretty much on the same basis as initial membership--i.e. one's willingness and capacity to live up to their covenants.

In other words, it is less a matter of timing, and more a matter of obedience to commitments. Are you ready to faithfully keep your covenants? Because, if not, then it may be worse for you to regain membership and take on sacred obligations you aren't yet up to, rather than where you are currently at relieved of that responsibility--the blessings of the covenants notwithstanding.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-.

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3 hours ago, Tyme said:

What do you all think? Will they let me back again? I think they will I just don't know what they have in my file...

The first step: walking through the front door.  You don't need to have a hugely-strong faith, or not have questions, or not have a past.  Just walk through the door and work on building your relationship with Christ.  

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Christ stands at the door knocking, but you are the one that has to open that door.

A man does not run the church.  The church is run by God and his Son Jesus Christ.  This takes faith to believe this.  This is a church based on faith..  Not blind faith, but faith.

There are various things that the church teaches that are out of step with the philosophies of men.  We can certainly know the truthfulness of these things through the testifying of the spirit.

However, we can forget these things as well.  

You don't physically see a God sitting at the head of the church because he requires us to have faith.  True faith is trusting in the Lord.  Trusting that he is leading the church and its teachings.

As for the sleep deprivation...  Why is that happening?

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22 hours ago, Tyme said:

I'm just wondering if the church will allow me to regain membership status after resigning.

Short answer: Yes.

I was a convert that resigned and had my name removed from the rolls. At one point I began looking for answers to the questions that led to my leaving. I fully expected that I would be returning to the church. During that time I was also attending meetings, studying in the Institute library, and attended a couple of Institute classes & events.

All of this to say, the Bishop of the ward I was attending was very helpful and friendly. He did do some sort of check to verify my status, and assured me afterwards that I would be welcomed back and what steps would be involved (I had not been excommunicated; nor had I targeted the church).

Like others have said: attend meetings; talk with the Bishop. But I am telling you from first-hand experience. I hope that you find comfort in this and can move forward with your desire to return to the temple. Don't worry about your file. Be honest and sincere within your own heart and trust that He will lead you to where you need to be. Like my grandmother would say, "Turn it over to the Lord."

p.s. I haven't been here in years. What are the chances that I would see your post? eh?

Edited by kiwii
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On 8/14/2018 at 10:52 AM, Lost Boy said:

As for the sleep deprivation...  Why is that happening?

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations. That defies common sense and the BOM. I guess my only hope is that Jesus heads the church and one day will have dominion over all the world. That currently the devil has control of the world. I'm just not sure how a church controlled by the "Illuminati" can be Christ's church. That's what I'm currently struggling with...

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1 hour ago, Tyme said:

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations.

You can always tell the conspirators by their denials. Proof positive.

By the way, Tyme is one of them. Don't believe me? Just ask him and watch him deny.

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2 hours ago, Tyme said:

The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations.

:confused:  I can only find references to him saying the exact opposite. Mostly this talk:


Among today’s secret combinations are gangs, drug cartels, and organized crime families. The secret combinations of our day function much like the Gadianton robbers of the Book of Mormon times. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1997/10/standing-for-truth-and-right?lang=eng


and another reference to groups of conspiring people stirring up the people to wickedness in 2003.

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Hi Thyme,

Sorry you're not getting enough sleep.  I hope you can get on top of that issue, and reflect back and your thoughts from a future full of sufficient rest. I've gone periods of time with 4 hrs of sleep a night - it started to wear on my big time.  I started to wonder if I was safe to drive.  Then I got more rest, and many things got better.

Yes, you can most likely come back to church.   Do right by your daughters!  Try to get sleep!

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On 8/13/2018 at 2:23 PM, Tyme said:

I'm just wondering if the church will allow me to regain membership status after resigning. I'm sure I have a pretty thick file with the Church Membership Committee. I want to get back to the Temple and receive revelation. I miss and love those things. After reading Revelations I have a longing desire to be marked as one of God's servant. The problem is that I have weak and wavering faith. It's like one min I love the church and the next I'm thinking about all the problems. In addition, I have trouble with the fact it's ran by man. Then again all churches are led by man. I'm also a Targeted Individual who is going through extreme torture -- sleep deprivation. I've came to the realization it is probably something spiritual. I don't think man is capable of what I have experienced at least I think. Ive always said I would rejoin the church when my daughters inevitable ask me to. It's not to that point, but I feel the time is right. What do you all think? Will they let me back again? I think they will I just don't know what they have in my file...

Tyme, I see no reason why not. Joseph Smith was a great example of forgiving and forgetting; he always welcomed people back to the fold with love and fellowship. 

Question, does this kind of waffling happen in other aspects of your life? Like education and career choice(s)? Or is it strictly regarding the LDS faith? 

I've never waivered regarding my faith, meaning, whether or not it is true - I've had such wonderfully powerful experiences by the Holy Ghost I know it is true; I can't deny it even if I wanted to. However, my life is full of peaks and valleys of obedience/disobedience to my gospel covenants. No major sins per se, but unlike my wife who is rock steady, I to often step off the path and into the midst of darkness, or neglect prayer/study because of the easiness of the way. I'm more stable in staying on the path than ever before in my life and hope to keep up that trajectory thru Christ's strength and grace. 

Edited by Semi
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15 hours ago, Tyme said:

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations. That defies common sense and the BOM. I guess my only hope is that Jesus heads the church and one day will have dominion over all the world. That currently the devil has control of the world. I'm just not sure how a church controlled by the "Illuminati" can be Christ's church. That's what I'm currently struggling with...

1) where is this talk that Ballard gave.  I would love to read it.

2) The illuminati do not control the church.  The Saviour is at its head.

3) The devil does not have control of the world.  God is in control of the universe including Earth.  Satan is allowed to be here as part of God's plan.

Being sleep deprived because of the things you mentioned are strong signs that you are suffering from paranoia.  Unfortunately, those that are paranoid would view an accusation of paranoia as me trying to lie to them.  Your best course of action would be to get some professional help, but you and I both know that isn't going to happen.  So I do hope that you can find some sleep and peace.  Keep praying and looking for the answers you seek.

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19 hours ago, Tyme said:

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations. That defies common sense and the BOM. I guess my only hope is that Jesus heads the church and one day will have dominion over all the world. That currently the devil has control of the world. I'm just not sure how a church controlled by the "Illuminati" can be Christ's church. That's what I'm currently struggling with...

Link to the talk?

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On 8/17/2018 at 2:26 AM, Semi said:

Tyme, I see no reason why not. Joseph Smith was a great example of forgiving and forgetting; he always welcomed people back to the fold with love and fellowship. 


Joseph Smith Jr. is great! I wish he were around today. I'm sure I would be a follower and have a strong testimony. He was always great about letting people back. I remember his letter to W.W. Phelps. There are a lot of similarities between me and W.W. Phelps. I hope to be received back into the fold the same way W.W. Phelps was. I've experienced hell and long for Heaven again.

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On 8/16/2018 at 11:27 PM, Tyme said:

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations. That defies common sense and the BOM. I guess my only hope is that Jesus heads the church and one day will have dominion over all the world. That currently the devil has control of the world. I'm just not sure how a church controlled by the "Illuminati" can be Christ's church. That's what I'm currently struggling with...


That actually sounds more like paranoid schizophrenia than testimony challenges, man. And that's all right - We all have our issues. For some, it's mental health. Just continue to take your medication and you'll do all right.

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On 8/13/2018 at 4:23 PM, Tyme said:

I'm just wondering if the church will allow me to regain membership status after resigning. I'm sure I have a pretty thick file with the Church Membership Committee. I want to get back to the Temple and receive revelation. I miss and love those things. After reading Revelations I have a longing desire to be marked as one of God's servant. The problem is that I have weak and wavering faith. It's like one min I love the church and the next I'm thinking about all the problems. In addition, I have trouble with the fact it's ran by man. Then again all churches are led by man. I'm also a Targeted Individual who is going through extreme torture -- sleep deprivation. I've came to the realization it is probably something spiritual. I don't think man is capable of what I have experienced at least I think. Ive always said I would rejoin the church when my daughters inevitable ask me to. It's not to that point, but I feel the time is right. What do you all think? Will they let me back again? I think they will I just don't know what they have in my file...

I am not Latter Day Saint yet myself but my all time record for getting disfellowshipped from Christian churches is two......

in not much more than one month back in 1991.  I suggested to the Worldwide Church of God pastor in Halifax that he should 

probably disfellowship me...... because I could not remain entirely silent on what I had found out to be a terribly incorrect 

teaching.... Soul Sleep. 


From my own experience I suspect that the L.D.S. will take you back......

I have a suggestion....... take a bottle of olive oil.....  consecrate it into the name of Jesus... .and or Messiah Yeshua - Jesus... .and wipe some with a cloth on the window frames and door posts of your home or apartment.  

This turns your home into a Spiritual Fortress where fallen angels, unsaved ghosts or even aliens cannot go.......


My wife is off the scale gifted and back around 2005 when I first did this in the house that mum had given to us......

she felt it shake.... even though she was in the bathroom while I was doing the anointing in the basement.  I had not told her what I was doing,......

until she asked me if I had felt the earthquake.  I had felt nothing...........

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On 8/16/2018 at 7:27 PM, Tyme said:

Secret combinations doing their thing. Most people call them the Illuminati. I'm sure they go by some other secret name. They have control of everything including the church. The biggest tell about that is how Ballard gave a talk saying there are no secret combinations. That defies common sense and the BOM. I guess my only hope is that Jesus heads the church and one day will have dominion over all the world. That currently the devil has control of the world. I'm just not sure how a church controlled by the "Illuminati" can be Christ's church. That's what I'm currently struggling with...

Very interesting..... former Satanist John Ramirez

spoke about how Satanists.... do attempt to infiltrate every large Christian church.  On the theme of 

anointing your home....... you can also anoint your shoes and walk into areas.... or even anoint the tires of your car and drive around a building.......

and then sit back and wait in faith as.......


7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.




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I am almost certain that you will find the following theory rather encouraging......


Does a major fallen angel return to G-d and divide the kingdom of Satan and...

cause it to fall?

but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness to Aza'zel.(Leviticus 16:10 RSV)

In a nutshell I have came to strongly suspect that Azazel is the fallen angel who will be somewhat like General Abner who brought the ten tribes over to King David or to Rav Shaul/Paul who repented of persecuting Christians and followers of God.

I suspect that when the fallen angel Azazel returns to the God of Abraham with his whole heart...when Yom Kippur is completely fulfilled....then a major step will have been taken toward the ushering in of a truly new era of worldwide peace where even the eating habits of wild animals like lions will be altered!


And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
(Matthew 12)
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