What name would you choose?


What name would you choose to replace Mormon Hub?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What name would you choose to replace Mormon Hub?

    • The Spoken Ward
    • Third Hour
    • Last Ward
    • Rolling Forth
    • Ward to the Wise

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58 minutes ago, SilentOne said:

What I was going for is that you said what I was about to say write.

The Write Branch could maybe work. For some reason the word Branch makes me think Broken, but The Broken Branch maybe doesn't give quite the impression the Powers that Be want.

My vote today would go to The Fourth Hour, but that isn't an option. IF they get rid of an hour, then Third Hour would be appropriate when that goes into effect. After that, I like The Written Ward or The Spoken Ward.

Keep in mind that this will change the entire site not just the forums.  And the facebook page where we have 70K+ followers.  So ward would be more applicable.

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1 hour ago, Vort said:

The Grafted Branch.

Nah. Way too obscure. Not really meaningful, either. Plus it encourages graft, which is a sin. "The Nepotism Branch" might be the better choice.

The Tame Branch. Tame Fruit. Fruits of the Orchard.

25 minutes ago, zil said:

:eek: More like stake, or district!

Stake of Zion.

4 minutes ago, person0 said:

Why not just ldshub.com ?

I think the abbreviation LDS is discouraged, too, in this most recent name retrenchment.

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4 minutes ago, classylady said:

Some great ideas have been posted. I can’t think of anything that would be better.  I thought of Israel’sArmy, but that would have political connections. Maybe something like ReasonTogether,  or MustardSeed.

Oooo. I like the MustardSeed. They want ward in it. Maybe Mustardseedward.com, msw.com

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I'd keep Momornhub.  If one was going to do a main rename, just do a redirect to whatever the site is called otherwise.

Mormonhub opens it up to many others and since most of the world understands or think they understand what a Mormon is, when they have questions, having a site like this is good.

If doing away with that, I'd probably try to stick with something very Mormony.


Perhaps something like Mormon's Saints Hub (in reference to Mormon), or Moroni's Hub.  Maybe AlmaandHelaman or HelamanHub (HH?).  Maybe call it the D&CLDSHUB or something.

Something that screams that this is a place that Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can come and read and discuss, but also something that marks it well enough that those that have questions or are looking at the church to find out what faithful (as opposed to complete apostate anti-Mormons?) Mormons think and believe.

Of those listed above, I think only the Spoken Word comes close, but I think that title is trademarked by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Edit:  As always I'm late to the game.  Looks like others have thought of this already and some have some pretty great ideas!

Edited by JohnsonJones
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