Kamala Harris? Really?

Emmanuel Goldstein

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Well, considering the short list he was supposed to be considering, she's probably more towards the middle and less extreme than some that he was choosing. 

If he is elected, many probably expect she will become the main voice (if not president) at some point in the next four years. 

She also is a big draw for minorities which Biden cannot accomplish himself. 

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"Harris faced criticism from reformers for tough-on-crime policies she pursued while she was California's attorney general." - Wiki

I think I like her already. (I mean, I don't like the progressive tax stuff, or the Obamacare support, or the wrongheaded weapons banning, or most of the rest of her positions. But hey, I found something I could like on her Wiki.)

So, with Biden's increasingly-obvious neurodegeneration issues, what do you folks think?  If they are elected, will Harris be calling the shots, or will it be their handlers speaking through them?

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She is the attack dog, so expect her to play the race card as hard as she can against Trump.  But she won't bring out the black vote.  She has too much baggage as a prosecutor including questionable acts of evidence suppression.

Oh, and she will not call the shots. The puppet masters will manage Biden behind the scenes. She is only here for the votes, not for anything she could actually contribute to the administration.

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1 hour ago, bytebear said:

She is the attack dog, so expect her to play the race card as hard as she can against Trump.  But she won't bring out the black vote.  She has too much baggage as a prosecutor including questionable acts of evidence suppression.

Oh, and she will not call the shots. The puppet masters will manage Biden behind the scenes. She is only here for the votes, not for anything she could actually contribute to the administration.

When it got announced I posted on facebook that I was taking bets.  Will she claim to be Indian American as she did for her senate seat or will she now use the black race card?

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9 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

"Harris faced criticism from reformers for tough-on-crime policies she pursued while she was California's attorney general." - Wiki

I think I like her already. (I mean, I don't like the progressive tax stuff, or the Obamacare support, or the wrongheaded weapons banning, or most of the rest of her positions. But hey, I found something I could like on her Wiki.)

So, with Biden's increasingly-obvious neurodegeneration issues, what do you folks think?  If they are elected, will Harris be calling the shots, or will it be their handlers speaking through them?

I'm not sure.  I think Biden (or his handlers if one thinks that way) will call the shots...at least at first.  If he degenerates to the point where he is obviously incompetent or incapacitated, I expect he will then step down and she will be the one in charge...OR...he steps down so the Democrats can claim a historical character with her as she would be the first Asian (or Black, or both) Woman President (actually, just claiming to be the First Woman President would probably be historic enough, much less everything else) of the US.  Even if elected she is already historic as the first women Vice-President of the United States.

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3 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

I'm not sure.  I think Biden (or his handlers if one thinks that way) will call the shots...at least at first.  If he degenerates to the point where he is obviously incompetent or incapacitated, I expect he will then step down and she will be the one in charge...OR...he steps down so the Democrats can claim a historical character with her as she would be the first Asian (or Black, or both) Woman President (actually, just claiming to be the First Woman President would probably be historic enough, much less everything else) of the US.  Even if elected she is already historic as the first women Vice-President of the United States.


During the campaign Harris will be the attack dog.  Biden can't get out of his own way, so the media will keep him out of the spotlight because Trump will destroy him.  Harris will mostly ignore Pence and campaign as though she is running for President.  She'll attack Trump relentlessly.   If Trump attacks her using the vulgarity he has in the past, then those attacks will be pushed by the media as misogynist and racist. 

It's their best plan, really,

Edited by Grunt
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19 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

"Harris faced criticism from reformers for tough-on-crime policies she pursued while she was California's attorney general." - Wiki

I think I like her already. (I mean, I don't like the progressive tax stuff, or the Obamacare support, or the wrongheaded weapons banning, or most of the rest of her positions. But hey, I found something I could like on her Wiki.)

So, with Biden's increasingly-obvious neurodegeneration issues, what do you folks think?  If they are elected, will Harris be calling the shots, or will it be their handlers speaking through them?

This would be a repeat of Wilson's administration during his last two years. His wife ran the show and signed bills for him. No, Kamala Harris will be President before the first 100 days are over. Biden just lost the election, barring some serious voter fraud. The next few months should be interesting, to say the least. Get your food, fuel and ammo storage in order, especially if you live in a large city. Might be a good idea to get a good trailer and stock it with supplies in case of a need to leave quickly. Keep your faith active and be in tune to hear the guidance of the Lord. Remember what was said by President Nelson last April in General Conference,



"My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our Heavenly Parents and be with those we love. He invites us to “come, follow me.”

Now, as President of His Church, I plead with you who have distanced yourselves from the Church and with you who have not yet really sought to know that the Savior’s Church has been restored. Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out."



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46 minutes ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

Might be a good idea to get a good trailer and stock it with supplies in case of a need to leave quickly.

That bit of advice by itself, is useless advice, unless you know your destination ahead of time.  The further you get away from your cities, you're more likely, not less, to get shot for trespassing.  

(Just a quick friendly note, from a guy who lives out in the middle of nowhere.)


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2 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

That bit of advice by itself, is useless advice, unless you know your destination ahead of time.  The further you get away from your cities, you're more likely, not less, to get shot for trespassing.  

(Just a quick friendly note, from a guy who lives out in the middle of nowhere.)


Oh, we have a location to go too up in Montana. Family retreat.

Edited by Emmanuel Goldstein
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Harris might be liberal in my book, but she is moderate to almost-conservative in the Democratic field. Pence was chosen to appease social/religious conservatives like myself. Harris was chosen to appease Biden. He got a woman..of color...who mouths liberal policies but practiced relatively tough on crime prosecutions. She's safe, and yet checks enough boxes. I'll be open here...I'm voting for Pence (and yeah, will take his running mate as part of the bargain ... :::sigh:::).

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On 8/11/2020 at 3:51 PM, Emmanuel Goldstein said:


Now we see the moment a major political party came to the end of the line and derailed.


Can you elaborate what you are referring to?

I admit I don't know that much about Kamala Harris.

Why does the pick make the party come to the end of the line and derailed?

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On 8/11/2020 at 5:51 PM, Emmanuel Goldstein said:


Now we see the moment a major political party came to the end of the line and derailed.


McCain picking Sarah Palin back in 2008 was not a good choice as Obama-Biden went on to victory.
But the Republicans eventually came back.

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One of the main problems with politics is that nothing ever works out or happens as planned by whoever is in power and those that wanted them in power.  Having some experience and being raised in a politically power family - I sort of understand the dynamics of elected officials and why they are so easily corrupted.  Trump seems to be immune to the political dynamics which I believe is why he is so bitterly hated by the political inside types of both parties.  My problem with Trump is that he seems to possess all the corrupt narcissistic tendencies of corporate elites.  

I do believe and it seems very logical that Kamala was chose because Biden had to pick someone that would at least have the appearance of some relation to the "very uncomplicated" political mindset of the so called black demographic.

It is my opinion that politics has become too much into polling.  For those knowledgeable of sound systems - putting a microphone in front of a speaker will eventually create an unmanageable feedback loop of noise that will drowned out everything else.  I believe that especially the Democratic party has catered to so many victims that they are experiencing a unmanageable political feedback loop - that will likely go nuts if Trump is elected or subside a bit for a while if Biden is elected - like an eye of a hurricane.  I see no way out of the political storm that is coming from either party that is so happy to solve everything with money we do not have.


The Traveler

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Harris' experience as a prosecutor and supporter of laws that landed a lot of people of color behind bars causes many Democrats to perceive her has moderate-to-conservative. During the campaign she attempted to find a moderate-somewhat-liberal lane, and fell flat. Warren and Sanders were seen as having the left flank, while Biden had the right flank. Her voting record and policy statements may be more liberal, but, come election day, perception is everything.

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14 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Harris' experience as a prosecutor and supporter of laws that landed a lot of people of color behind bars causes many Democrats to perceive her has moderate-to-conservative. During the campaign she attempted to find a moderate-somewhat-liberal lane, and fell flat. Warren and Sanders were seen as having the left flank, while Biden had the right flank. Her voting record and policy statements may be more liberal, but, come election day, perception is everything.

I have long debated with myself and others over what is more important - what is real or what is perceived to be real.   I have come to believe that this little principle is the greatest engine that exist to cause differences of opinions.  How is it that I seem to be the only person in the world that is aware of reality????  And those with whom I disagree so unaware of reality????  Especially in Politics and Religion and I have yet to figure out why Science seems to be immune?


The Traveler

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1 hour ago, Traveler said:

I have long debated with myself and others over what is more important - what is real or what is perceived to be real. The Traveler

I remember my History & Historiography 101 class (on exchange at Hong Kong Baptist University), and the professor saying quite strongly that, in our field, perception is more important. Eternally, no. However, in terms of learning from our past, what people believed and believe is more impactful that what was and is.

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3 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

I remember my History & Historiography 101 class (on exchange at Hong Kong Baptist University), and the professor saying quite strongly that, in our field, perception is more important. Eternally, no. However, in terms of learning from our past, what people believed and believe is more impactful that what was and is.

The biggest problem as I see it is: What we cannot perceive we cannot believe.  If we do not perceive a certain truth we do not have the liberty to act upon it but are at the complete mercy of that measure that will determine the outcome.  In short we are not free nor justly responsible.  But we also must live by faith and so there is a paradox.

And so my hope is that G-d is merciful for all things (truths) that we only see or perceive through a glass darkly.  But if justice has any claim on that which is to any degree above that which is perceived - the only answer is the atonement of Christ.  Which must then have the greatest effect on those that have not perceive that truth - and yet we think that without that perception, of the atonement, we cannot be saved????  That is a most interesting paradox.


The Traveler

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