What’s the last movie you watched?


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Just -- finally -- watched the second Breaking Dawn movie. While I have not been a huge fan, I thought they got progressively better. I enjoyed the last one. Good flick.

I bought it the day it came out on DVD(I wasn't able to see it in theaters) I didn't like how they did the battle scene and the vision

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Jeff Dunham's Spark of Insanity(there Pam, it's not related to Rent. :D )

:lol: But..but...well now I won't have a song stuck in my head for hours on end. Well maybe not hours...525,600 minutes. :P

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That's kinda Tom Cruise though isn't it? Entertaining but generally predictable, at least as far as his action flicks go.

yes it is. The choices were limited. It came down to PG-13 Oblivion or PG The Croods. Hubby doesn't watch animated movies unless he's with our grandson. :)

Hubby wanted to see The Host, I didn't. Neither of us had heard anything good about OZ. And neither of us wanted to see the remake of The Great Gatsby.

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Life of Pi. We got the DVD. I couldn't believe that there was actually no tiger, zebra, orang utan or meerkats. They looked perfectly real to me! Apparently the film makers did use a real hyena, though this only appeared in a couple of shots - the rest were CG.

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yes it is. The choices were limited. It came down to PG-13 Oblivion or PG The Croods. Hubby doesn't watch animated movies unless he's with our grandson. :)

Hubby wanted to see The Host, I didn't. Neither of us had heard anything good about OZ. And neither of us wanted to see the remake of The Great Gatsby.

The Croods was loads better than Oblivion. Even for adults who don't care much for animated cartoons. We watched Croods twice on the theater and I still busted out laughing the 2nd time around.

OZ was OZ-some! Loved it!

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From most recent going backwards:

1. Great Gatsby (today). Tragic. The story telling was decent, some great cinematography. Hated the decadent party scenes. Not my kind of movie, but it was well done.

2. Into Darkness (yesterday). Loved it. Been a Trekkie for decades. I can accept the new parallel universe and the characters, developing story arc, etc. Fun to watch.

3. Ironman 3. Good, but not great. The first Ironman was the best. Disappointed in the Mandarin. Also, the writing in Stark's character after Pepper fell to her "death" was dumb. Aside from his initial reaction of disbelief, he didn't seem fazed by it afterward, but all's well that ends well, I guess.

4. Oblivion. Decent sci-fi movie, probably hard sci-fi. Ending was dumb and anti-climactic. Rip-off from Independence Day. The alien bad guy was some computer brain with a female voice? Blah.

5. Croods. One word: Awesome!

Everything else is a blur. Really looking forward to Man of Steel and Ender's Game. Perhaps even Thor.

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Wow I really need to get out more with all the movie going on here. I haven't been to a movie in ages but I will be going to a movie on the 31st. Can't wait.

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Just saw A New World on TV with Colin Farrell and Christian Bale... I loved and hated it at the same time.

Also saw X-Men: First Class for the umpteenth time. Fassy is such a great Magneto but I had to really work at forgetting the comics to like this one.

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