Why is there a "crazy" switch with single adults in our faith?


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No, you see the reverse psychology being sucky was reversed again by Vagabond and they the double reverse backslap by Vort was an upside-down double backflip upper cut imitation of irony.  All clear?

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Vagabond, Just curious, how do you feel about sports?  I would like to hear your take on how a grown man screaming and crying about "his" team on the TV when they lose (assuming he didn't bet on the game and lose a bunch of money which is both foolish and a different thing), and bragging about how "we" won when they do win, is any different than being interested in your so called "childish" things.   

Edited by kapikui
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And what childish things would that be?  This whole thread started out with me asking what could possibly drive supposedly normal, well-adjusted women in a Single's Branch to do such nutty things.  How is that an obsession?  But if you want to know my opinion... then yes a person who do JUST that on live TV is childish and stupid.  But I will state my opinions... Members of the church are all types of people with different interests, and come from different circumstances.  Sorry, I've spoken nothing but the truth.  I have stated examples of people I have meet, and dealt with.  If anyone doesn't believe me... to be honest, I wouldn't either.  If you get your pants all wadded up because I said return missionaries come back entitled, naive, and brainwashed well sorry, but that was my experience at BYU and after my mission.  Besides I thought one of you said that you we should just face reality.... Well... mid-singles go nuts.  Mormons are a "STRANGE and peculiar people".  Omega came in here and blasted everyone for being an Anime geek and I'm the jerk?  Nope... I've been calling it as I see it.  I didn't call EVERYONE strange, I didn't call everyone bizarre did I?  NO, I only referred to those individuals I have met who did act that way, and referred to knuckleheads and human train wrecks I continue to deal with on a frequent basis.  You all don't like what I'm saying?  Well don't gang up on me.  You think I'm misinterpreting people's actions, give me compelling examples to illustrate your point........ My point and you've all proven it during the past three days is that the doctrine and the social expectations of this church put pressure on members to conform that is that if they fall short they get desperate (MY EXPERIENCES), or get pulled under the tire (Irons' Experiences).  The idea that one is saved or part of a chosen people makes them confident....Confident to act goofy when content, and nearly unbearable and close minded if anyone questions it... like Omega's response yesterday.  I seem to remember that I NEVER, EVER spoke back to anyone who did not criticize or pick a fight with me first.  Don't like it?  Well... it just shows how defensive members are that they respond to any criticism not about the gospel, not about the prophet, but of some of the saddest examples of our kind by apologizing for them or becoming outright defensive?  NOW...what was that about "childish" things again?

Edited by Vagabond80
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I've kind of skimmed the discussion going on here, still slightly confused, but to address your original statement:

-There are weirdos everywhere you go in the Church. I'm in my early/mid-20's in a very LDS-populated area (not Utah or Idaho!) and I just happen to be in a YSA ward with a lot of strange people. Our ward is a culmination of everyone who doesn't fit in with the other wards, along with those of us who are zoned for the ward and don't "ward hop" because we have callings. So I can only imagine how much stranger they would be if they were just a few years older with the knowledge that they're now in a different age bracket of dateable people. There definitely is something about being past 30 and still single in our culture.

I've dated some pretty psycho people as well. I only really date LDS people but I'm sure if I expanded my horizons I would find some pretty psycho non-LDS people. Lots of fish in the water! Just keep looking and a not-so strange person will come along. Or they'll be just strange enough to match with your strangeness. Cause we're all weird. 

Edited by BeccaKirstyn
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Guest MormonGator
11 minutes ago, BeccaKirstyn said:


I've dated some pretty psycho people as well. 

Irony-one of my exes (A girl I dated for about two years) was named Rebecca. 

Um...do we need to talk in private? ;-) 

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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, BeccaKirstyn said:

Don't worry everyone. We've sorted this out. I am not his ex. 

I tried to convince her to join Zil and I in my polygamy compound-but alas, she turned me down.   

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15 hours ago, Vagabond80 said:

And what childish things would that be?  This whole thread started out with me asking what could possibly drive supposedly normal, well-adjusted women in a Single's Branch to do such nutty things.  How is that an obsession?  But if you want to know my opinion... then yes a person who do JUST that on live TV is childish and stupid.  But I will state my opinions... Members of the church are all types of people with different interests, and come from different circumstances.  Sorry, I've spoken nothing but the truth.  I have stated examples of people I have meet, and dealt with.  If anyone doesn't believe me... to be honest, I wouldn't either.  If you get your pants all wadded up because I said return missionaries come back entitled, naive, and brainwashed well sorry, but that was my experience at BYU and after my mission.  Besides I thought one of you said that you we should just face reality.... Well... mid-singles go nuts.  Mormons are a "STRANGE and peculiar people".  Omega came in here and blasted everyone for being an Anime geek and I'm the jerk?  Nope... I've been calling it as I see it.  I didn't call EVERYONE strange, I didn't call everyone bizarre did I?  NO, I only referred to those individuals I have met who did act that way, and referred to knuckleheads and human train wrecks I continue to deal with on a frequent basis.  You all don't like what I'm saying?  Well don't gang up on me.  You think I'm misinterpreting people's actions, give me compelling examples to illustrate your point........ My point and you've all proven it during the past three days is that the doctrine and the social expectations of this church put pressure on members to conform that is that if they fall short they get desperate (MY EXPERIENCES), or get pulled under the tire (Irons' Experiences).  The idea that one is saved or part of a chosen people makes them confident....Confident to act goofy when content, and nearly unbearable and close minded if anyone questions it... like Omega's response yesterday.  I seem to remember that I NEVER, EVER spoke back to anyone who did not criticize or pick a fight with me first.  Don't like it?  Well... it just shows how defensive members are that they respond to any criticism not about the gospel, not about the prophet, but of some of the saddest examples of our kind by apologizing for them or becoming outright defensive?  NOW...what was that about "childish" things again?

What specifically did I say that got you all in a wad?

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15 hours ago, kapikui said:

Sorry Vagabond, My mistake, I was actually meaning to address that to omegamaster and his statement that things such as anime were childish.  I apologize I got screen names confused. T

I don't have a problem with people looking at Anime I really don't but when someone gets on and whines about not being married, or not being successful in their career etc,  and they use an anime reference I think that it is time to leave that stuff behind. 

I know that this board is full of exceptions, but in general women are not into cartoons like guys are. There are some but it is a small percentage. Now find an LDS woman who is into these things. It is a percent of a percent.

I overheard a return missionary in my ward talking about Pokemon. I asked him what a "pokemon" was (my mistake because I already knew) he went into a detailed description about all that stuff. I then asked him if he liked girls. He said that yes he did, so I followed up and asked if he was sure. He assured me that he was. I looked around and didn't see a girl with him........hmmmm.

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1 hour ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I know that this board is full of exceptions, but...

I think we all have our own perceptions of reality. (I know... duhhh).  The thing is that we see all sorts of women.  And some women stand out more than others TO US.  I see plenty of women who are like the "exceptions" you allude to.  I married one.  My wife is more into anime and D&D than I am.  And I was a pretty hard-core gamer.  Lately, I have had higher priorities in my life.  But at heart, I'd still love to watch some anime and play D&D.

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On March 17, 2016 at 10:36 AM, omegaseamaster75 said:

I only focused on one thing in your post, all the whining was just background noise to me. Really I can narrow it down to one word ANIME.

You are a mid single, at this point your reasons for not serving are no one's business, I happen to think that you made the right decision for yourself at the right time. Lets check off some boxes and see why you're struggling finding an eternal companion

1. Current temple recommend holder? While not an absolute it is a key indicator of worthiness

2. Education? You have taken the time to prepare yourself for life right?

3. With no wife can we assume that you have dutifully pursued a career, make a good living are debt free, own a home, drive a nice car,  etc. etc?

4. You are cultured right? Enjoy the arts, know how to dance (girls love guys who can dance), can eat at a nice restaurant without looking like a caveman?

5. You take care of yourself physically? not to fat? well groomed and dress nice?

6. Lastly I will address the Anime thingy, my understanding is that this is japanese cartoon stuff, I lump this with role playing games and other silly childish stuff. KNOCK IT OFF. You are a grown man act like one. 

Ok I am ready for it guys, all the exceptions will come out and say "well my wife likes anime also" or "we play D&D together" this is the EXCEPTION not the rule.

If you do all these things and women aren't lined up to marry you ....guess what...it's you not them. See a therapist. 

Is it OK to play Clash of Clans?


i have two adult sons that do this constantly.:eek:

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20 hours ago, kapikui said:

Vagabond, Just curious, how do you feel about sports?  I would like to hear your take on how a grown man screaming and crying about "his" team on the TV when they lose (assuming he didn't bet on the game and lose a bunch of money which is both foolish and a different thing), and bragging about how "we" won when they do win, is any different than being interested in your so called "childish" things.   

NFL football, particularly the Raiders...................lets just say you're getting close to Sacred Territory.  Yes, sports are OK.;)

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