GA made a bold prediction

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I was at a leadership training this past weekend and present there was an apostle and 3 GA's, the temple president and the mission president for our area. There were about 110-120 in attendance so a somewhat small group.

They did a little Q&A which was fine and wrapped everything up with testimonies. One of the GA's got up and as part of his testimony said that he would be around for the second coming of Christ. 

This GA is 56 years old and I am younger than him. I do not suppose that this was a conscious statement, but he did say it. I think it was a not well thought out statement. My experience has shown me that many take the words of our leaders and run with them as if it was the voice of God speaking to them. I take this as one mans opinion and if he has received confirmation about the his role in the 2nd coming it should not be for public consumption. Our leaders need to be careful about the things they say and how they say them.

Just an observation. 




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8 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I was at a leadership training this past weekend and present there was an apostle and 3 GA's, the temple president and the mission president for our area. There were about 110-120 in attendance so a somewhat small group.

They did a little Q&A which was fine and wrapped everything up with testimonies. One of the GA's got up and as part of his testimony said that he would be around for the second coming of Christ. 

This GA is 56 years old and I am younger than him. I do not suppose that this was a conscious statement, but he did say it. I think it was a not well thought out statement. My experience has shown me that many take the words of our leaders and run with them as if it was the voice of God speaking to them. I take this as one mans opinion and if he has received confirmation about the his role in the 2nd coming it should not be for public consumption. Our leaders need to be careful about the things they say and how they say them.

Just an observation. 




Well, you didn’t need to share it to the online world if you truly believed he shouldn’t have shared it with you.  That’s not cool.

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1 hour ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I was at a leadership training this past weekend and present there was an apostle and 3 GA's, the temple president and the mission president for our area. There were about 110-120 in attendance so a somewhat small group.

They did a little Q&A which was fine and wrapped everything up with testimonies. One of the GA's got up and as part of his testimony said that he would be around for the second coming of Christ. 

This GA is 56 years old and I am younger than him. I do not suppose that this was a conscious statement, but he did say it. I think it was a not well thought out statement. My experience has shown me that many take the words of our leaders and run with them as if it was the voice of God speaking to them. I take this as one mans opinion and if he has received confirmation about the his role in the 2nd coming it should not be for public consumption. Our leaders need to be careful about the things they say and how they say them.

Just an observation. 




There might be a perfectly non-sensational explanation to the General Authority’s comment. I say this because most Latter-Day Saints appear to be unaware of the fact that the scriptures clearly testify all worthy individuals will “be around” at the Second Coming. Those saints who have already been resurrected, such as Peter and Moroni, will descend to the earth by the millions with the Lord. Then those who have ‘died in the Lord’ will be resurrected and ascend through the air to meet him and the previously resurrected multitude and descend to the earth with them. Finally, those who are alive on the earth and worthy of the honor will die, and then be resurrected in the ‘twinkling of an eye,’ and also ascend to meet the Lord and his gathered resurrected hosts before they all descend to the earth. So all the worthy will ‘be around” at the Second Coming.

Those living on the earth who survive the destructions attendant to the Second Coming, but who are not worthy of the privilege of ascending to the Lord and his hosts and descending with them, will be like unto the Nephites who were visited by the Savior around the time of his resurrection — more righteous than those who were destroyed but not yet fully converted.

it would be very interesting to hear what this General Authority said before and after his comment so as to be able to understand what he said in full context.


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1 hour ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I was at a leadership training this past weekend and present there was an apostle and 3 GA's, the temple president and the mission president for our area. There were about 110-120 in attendance so a somewhat small group.

They did a little Q&A which was fine and wrapped everything up with testimonies. One of the GA's got up and as part of his testimony said that he would be around for the second coming of Christ. 

This GA is 56 years old and I am younger than him. I do not suppose that this was a conscious statement, but he did say it. I think it was a not well thought out statement. My experience has shown me that many take the words of our leaders and run with them as if it was the voice of God speaking to them. I take this as one mans opinion and if he has received confirmation about the his role in the 2nd coming it should not be for public consumption. Our leaders need to be careful about the things they say and how they say them.

Just an observation.

I would assume when you specified GA you weren't meaning the apostle. If the Lord wants us to know the second coming as a Church collectively that will be revealed through his servants the prophets.

Time and the Spirit are the only authors that will either prove/disprove the GA's prophecy. As I wasn't there I can only trust that we have enough details to say one way or the other.

Also, with regards to prophecies they aren't "opinion" per se. This isn't a teaching. Prophecies are either true or false. There were many who said to Noah the flood isn't coming, and took it as Noah's opinion rather than a prophecy that is to come.

I would be more interested in the apostle's words to the GA (assuming it wasn't the apostle) after his testimony and prophecy. If it was the apostle then my heart would listen more closely and not think I am more wise than I am, and then take the matter to the Lord.

One thing for sure about the second coming is there are a lot of unfulfilled prophecies that must happen. I would pay attention more to those and watch carefully as they are fulfilled.

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Our old bishop used to say in Sacrement meeting that the second coming will be around the year 2000.   

I'd take any predictions/opinions on the matter with a grain of salt, no matter who says it.  The scriptures say that no one knows the day nor hour so anything else heard is merely an opinion.  


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3 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

he would be around for the second coming of Christ. 

My dead grandmother will be around too. She was a very righteous woman I fully suspect that she will be raised in the first resurrection just like this GA you are speaking of.

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3 hours ago, Rimon said:

Well, you didn’t need to share it to the online world if you truly believed he shouldn’t have shared it with you.  That’s not cool.

No one said this was a top secret meeting, and I think we need to be able to discuss openly what our leaders say. I think this 70 stepped in it. That's my opinion. I don't think it was purposeful, nor with the intent that people think that the 2nd coming is eminent, but members have a tendency to take things very literally.

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2 hours ago, Jersey Boy said:

There might be a perfectly non-sensational explanation to the General Authority’s comment. I say this because most Latter-Day Saints appear to be unaware of the fact that the scriptures clearly testify all worthy individuals will “be around” at the Second Coming. Those saints who have already been resurrected, such as Peter and Moroni, will descend to the earth by the millions with the Lord. Then those who have ‘died in the Lord’ will be resurrected and ascend through the air to meet him and the previously resurrected multitude and descend to the earth with them. Finally, those who are alive on the earth and worthy of the honor will die, and then be resurrected in the ‘twinkling of an eye,’ and also ascend to meet the Lord and his gathered resurrected hosts before they all descend to the earth. So all the worthy will ‘be around” at the Second Coming.

Those living on the earth who survive the destructions attendant to the Second Coming, but who are not worthy of the privilege of ascending to the Lord and his hosts and descending with them, will be like unto the Nephites who were visited by the Savior around the time of his resurrection — more righteous than those who were destroyed but not yet fully converted.

it would be very interesting to hear what this General Authority said before and after his comment so as to be able to understand what he said in full context.


I was there, he didn't quantify his statement, it was part of his testimony. He said it and moved on to other aspects of his testimony. 

I agree that all worthy individuals will "Be around" but the way he said it, it was as if he would be alive in this life to see it. I guess you had to be there.

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11 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I was there, he didn't quantify his statement, it was part of his testimony. He said it and moved on to other aspects of his testimony. 

I agree that all worthy individuals will "Be around" but the way he said it, it was as if he would be alive in this life to see it. I guess you had to be there.

I don’t put any merit in your description of what he meant.

Not sure which GA it was, but I do know some leaders and teachers like to put emphasis on certain words when they want a shock and awe factor and drive a point. Like when a Brad Wilcox says “we aren’t saved by grace, we are CHANGED by grace” ...Well actually we are saved by grace but I get your point.

 He was probably just trying to turn a traditionally faithful statement into a factual statement in an attempt to raise the faith of its members.

Whatever it may have been, him declaring that the second coming is in the next 50 years is the least likely meaning behind his words.

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45 minutes ago, mikbone said:

Matthew 24:36

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Then there is this floating around. Maybe somebody misquoted Joseph Smith. 

Christ says no man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh (Matt 24:36). …Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations? Oh no, he spoke in the present tense. No man that was then living upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour. But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generations that should not know the day or the hour. No for this would be in flat contradiction with other scripture for the prophet (Amos 3:7) says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets.Joseph Smith

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15 hours ago, Scott said:

Our old bishop used to say in Sacrement meeting that the second coming will be around the year 2000.   

I'd take any predictions/opinions on the matter with a grain of salt, no matter who says it.  The scriptures say that no one knows the day nor hour so anything else heard is merely an opinion.  


Well, even it if were the year 2000, the scriptures say that the heavens will be closed for around half an hour where all is silent (different opinions on what that means.  One, which doesn't jive with what some feel is that this means that there will be no visits from heavenly messengers and other things from heaven will either not occur or be less).

If we use that, even if we did it mathematically, it would mean in relation to 1000 year periods, that for at least around 20-25 years there may be silence before the beginning of the end.  With the idea that we are off a little on our calendar as well, that could be 2030 or later.  With time periods like that sometimes meaning just periods of time rather than set years, it could mean anything else, with the idea that sometime during this millennium the Lord would come.

Many feel it is close now because some of the signs are truly becoming manifest.  We see in the West (not worldwide yet though) that Evil has become good and good become evil.  Where those who stand for the things of the Lord are considered doing evil, and those who promote wicked things are considered good.

Many feel 2000 was the time, as it conjoins with the idea of 1000 years being a day, and 1000 years being a dispensation.  It also correlates with the Lord having come in the meridian of time if there were 4000 years prior and 3-4000 years after (with the 2000 years of apostasy and then the restoration, then 1000 years of the millennium, and then the final time of the earth before it's destruction which some think could also be a last dispensation or period, which would be the final 1000 years if it lasts that long).

I had indications that I may not be around for when it occurs (though I may be as well, these things can be hard to understand).  We will see what happens in the future, but as you say, no man knows the day nor the hour.

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8 hours ago, e-eye said:

Then there is this floating around. Maybe somebody misquoted Joseph Smith. 

Christ says no man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh (Matt 24:36). …Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations? Oh no, he spoke in the present tense. No man that was then living upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour. But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generations that should not know the day or the hour. No for this would be in flat contradiction with other scripture for the prophet (Amos 3:7) says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets.Joseph Smith

I remember hearing a man talk about a priesthood leadership meeting in a stake building where elder Maxwell was talking about the last days and someone mentioned that no man knoweth the hour. Elder Maxwell responded with “oh dear brother, that is old revelation “.

I imagine this story is as real as the story of the sister missionaries putting water in their gas tank on Sunday to avoid breaking the sabbath.

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9 hours ago, mikbone said:

Matthew 24:36

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Repeated again in D&C 49: 6-7:


6 And they have done unto the aSon of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the bright hand of his cglory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies dunder his feet, which time is nigh at hand—

7 I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the aday no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes.

As of today 2/12/20, the Church's website: Second Coming of Jesus Christ


While no man knows exactly when Christ will come for the second time, He has given us signs to watch for that indicate the time is drawing near

The signs to watch for were given to his prophets, does this sufficiently satisfy Amos 3:7? I don't know the answer to this.

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6 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Repeated again in D&C 49: 6-7:

As of today 2/12/20, the Church's website: Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The signs to watch for were given to his prophets, does this sufficiently satisfy Amos 3:7? I don't know the answer to this.

I think these verses of scripture are interesting in that there are prophets who have been shown the beginning and the end.

I am of the mind that even if a prophet has been shown when Christ would come, he would still say and quote the same scripture because he has not received permission to share it.

The Lord who is one with the Father, who was the first to specify this, would have known the day and hour he would come, just as he knew the day and hour he would be born. My thoughts with this verse though :)

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2 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

1. there are prophets who have been shown the beginning and the end.
2. he would still say and quote the same scripture because he has not received permission to share it.

1. Wonderful observation, very true.
2. Agreed.

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19 hours ago, e-eye said:

Then there is this floating around. Maybe somebody misquoted Joseph Smith. 

Christ says no man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh (Matt 24:36). …Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations? Oh no, he spoke in the present tense. No man that was then living upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour. But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generations that should not know the day or the hour. No for this would be in flat contradiction with other scripture for the prophet (Amos 3:7) says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets.Joseph Smith

Hate to burst your bubble, but I guess you’ll have now have to decide if an entry in a Church member’s notebook supersedes the word of God, spoken from his very mouth, and given as holy scripture to the Church in THIS dispensation... 

And they have done unto the aSon of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the bright hand of his cglory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies dunder his feet, which time is nigh at hand—

I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the aday no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes. (D&C 49)


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1 Ne 14:26 And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have written them; and they are sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.


Likely some prophets have seen visions including the second coming.  But if they have, they have kept this information to themselves & sealed them up.

Whenever I hear someone present hearsay about predictions of the second coming I dismiss them out of hand.  

Now, if 2 prophets died in the streets of Jerusalem or if there came a year without a rainbow I would be on the edge of my seat.  

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23 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

We will see what happens in the future, but as you say, no man knows the day nor the hour.

Given the fairly specific prophecies that were made to the Nephits about when Christ would come, it seems to me to be odd that there are no such publicly known prophecies for His second coming. 

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8 hours ago, Jersey Boy said:

Hate to burst your bubble, but I guess you’ll have now have to decide if an entry in a Church member’s notebook supersedes the word of God, spoken from his very mouth, and given as holy scripture to the Church in THIS dispensation... 

And they have done unto the aSon of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the bright hand of his cglory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies dunder his feet, which time is nigh at hand—

I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the aday no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes. (D&C 49)


I think the various posts that have included this scripture might be overlooking the possibility that for some, the week, month or year, might be very well known, even though the hour or day is not. Again, no comments from me as to likelihood about this being the case, but it certainly seems like it could be a possibility. 

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On 2/12/2020 at 5:36 PM, e-eye said:

Then there is this floating around. Maybe somebody misquoted Joseph Smith. 

God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets.Joseph Smith

Perhaps ^^

But not always

14  I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following:
15  Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter.
16  I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face.

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 130:14 - 16)



D&C 130:14 - 16 might be a thought provoking contrast to James 1:5

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10 hours ago, Jersey Boy said:

Hate to burst your bubble, but I guess you’ll have now have to decide if an entry in a Church member’s notebook supersedes the word of God, spoken from his very mouth, and given as holy scripture to the Church in THIS dispensation... 

And they have done unto the aSon of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the bright hand of his cglory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies dunder his feet, which time is nigh at hand—

I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the aday no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes. (D&C 49)

Not at all.  Amos 3:7 and this scripture can still exist.  

So hour and day no, week, month, season, year, decade - all still open for God to reveal to his prophets.  The righteous who are watching won’t be surprised when he comes. 


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