What’s the last movie you watched?


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Interstellar. I just spent 30 minutes writing up a review of it, only to hit the wrong key and back my browser up, thus irretrievably losing it. The worst of it is, this is not the first time I've done the exact same thing. You'd think I would learn, but obviously you'd be wrong.

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Interstellar. I just spent 30 minutes writing up a review of it, only to hit the wrong key and back my browser up, thus irretrievably losing it. The worst of it is, this is not the first time I've done the exact same thing. You'd think I would learn, but obviously you'd be wrong.


Vort, I would have loved to read your review. My inlaws enjoyed it and I've really wanted to see it. I'm not sure how much longer it'll be at the cinemas though. But I guess we can always go to RedBox.

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Vort, I would have loved to read your review. My inlaws enjoyed it and I've really wanted to see it. I'm not sure how much longer it'll be at the cinemas though. But I guess we can always go to RedBox.

Here it is, in case you're interested: http://lds.net/forums/topic/56560-interstellar-vs-europa-report-and-gravity-swing-and-a-miss/

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Still Alice... since I was an administrator of a residential care facility that had Alzheimer residents I was really interested in seeing this movie. I was pretty disappointed in it though. To many things just didn't hold true to how someone with Alzheimer would act. Maybe it was just me.

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American Sniper (Keep in mind that I will, with great discretion, view R rated movies that seem to have merit outweighing the demerits--in this case, some language, alcohol use, and non-chaste suggestions).  If nothing else, it portrayed a man who loved his country, fought inner demons, and found his way to worthy service, and equally worthy husband/fatherhood.  Tragic ending.  Clint did well. 

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Secret Admirer

80's movie.

I was shocked seeing this movie. This was my favoritest of favorite 80's movies, I watched this movie over and over and over as a teen-ager. I found the entire movie on youtube so I watched it. And goodness gracious! There is nudity and obscene language in that movie! I have no words... none of my favorite movies are good anymore. Tuff Turf and Pretty in Pink are other ones - one of my favorites and they have nudity too! Watching it in the Philippines, they take all that crap out in the theaters!

Gosh, how did American teen-agers survive the 80's....

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Rated R. A guy got cut off in half and the bloody mess smashed against a brick wall. My husband said there was nudity showing in a TV screen of one scene, but I didn't see it. The movie moves fast and they talk fast too with Australian-sounding accent (set in South Africa) so I had a hard time following the dialogue... so there's probably lots of obscenities I didn't catch either.

Overall it was an ok movie but it was a mess if you think just a little bit deeper. First, the bad guy is the "loves his bible and his guns" guy. Then they basically reduced a person's soul into a flash drive that they can transfer to a robot. I was like... whatev.

Waste of popcorn, this.

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