Noticing Acts of Service Tag


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9 hours ago, askandanswer said:

Are you open to suggestions/recommendations for version 7.5? Iv'e got a list :) 

I'm sure Satan's got a list for me too.

I think I'll stick to listening to the Holy Spirit for my self-improvement model.

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6 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I'm sure Satan's got a list for me too.

I think I'll stick to listening to the Holy Spirit for my self-improvement model.

I tend to use the survival method.  I figure if I survive long enough, I'll eventually get with the (divine) program.

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11 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I tend to use the survival method.  I figure if I survive long enough, I'll eventually get with the (divine) program.

I know too many who have survived just long enough prove this idea false.

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10 hours ago, Carborendum said:

I got to class and I'm now all caught up.  He went to the other building and got the jacket.

TAG: @Larry Cotrell

What a great story and thanks for tagging me!

Someone was telling me a cool story yesterday. He said him and his friend used to go see a particular band every year when they came in town. But when he went off to college in Canada, he wasn't able to go because of the long drive and a test he had the next morning. So while he was sitting in his room that night, his friend skyped him and held his arms up for an over an hour so he could see the concert and "be there with him." What a great example of friendship!

I'm tagging @SpiritDragon

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2 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

It was a joke...

I love it when someone makes a joke and I joke back and they assume that I didn't get their joke because they didn't get my joke. Or maybe they did and their saying 'It was a joke..." was a joke?


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5 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I love it when someone makes a joke and I joke back and they assume that I didn't get their joke because they didn't get my joke. Or maybe they did and their saying 'It was a joke..." was a joke?


You've got to be joking!!!

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I've been retired for almost 19 months, so thinking back at work I would say that there were those I worked with who were great teachers. They just had a talent to teach and make my job easier. I've worked with people that knew so much but they had no clue how to teach. Teaching is a talent and I was able to benefit and learn from those who taught me and made my job so enjoyable.

I used to be on the board of my city's chapter for Cystic Fibrosis. Quite a few people that have taken part on this board or with volunteering are mothers of kids with CF. I have no idea how they do it. They worry about their kids, help their kids, usually work full-time and spend so many hours fundraising for a cure. They are passionate about finding a cure.


Edited by Maureen
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Great idea for a thread @RooTheMormon. Thanks for inviting me to the party @Larry Cotrell

The latest great acts of service that I can think of involve parents of mine and my wife's. I've been on "vacation" the last couple weeks where I go into work for clients only and then spend the remainder of my day painting the exterior of my house. The house was built in 1910 and the stucco is in desperate need of help, so the prep work has been a big ordeal getting the house even to the point where paint will adhere for more than a week and to ensure the stucco is doing a decent job of limiting moisture in the walls since it predates house wrap and we have to count on the stucco alone as our barrier against the elements. It just so happens that my dad is also in the midst of painting his house, but made up an excuse that he needed to let it dry out after some rain so that he could "justify" leaving his monster of a job to drive an hour to my city and spend a day helping me with mine. He showed up around 9:30 in the morning and said, "we have twelve hours until the sun goes down." He was serious too, when food was offered, he said we have lots to do and we'll eat when the sun is gone. So he helped me get a lot farther along in one day than I would have otherwise. He grew up on a farm and the value of a hard day's work is very much a part of him.

My father-in-law is a licenced mechanic and will not let me pay for more than parts when vehicle repairs need to be done. It's sure helpful to have an honest mechanic to do the work at an unfair price  in my favour.

Okay so I apologize if I'm retagging people who've already been called on - I didn't have time to read all of the posts.

I haven't heard from some in a while and don't know if they're around or not, while others I'm sure will be around:

@Anddenex @Wingnut @MarginOfError @Palerider @omegaseamaster75 @Bini @skalenfehl @applepansy @Seminarysnoozer

Edited by SpiritDragon
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At the end of the workday, we had a patient come in with broken glasses. Five minutes before we closed. The optician who helped him was a little begrudging about it. They walked out, and before I could get to the door to lock it, they came back in to see if we had contacts he could get to hold him over until his glasses came back. The last tech left had just clocked out and shut her computer down, and I apologized as I explained the situation. While she wasn't necessarily happy about it, she was moderately cheerful when she handed him the contacts. (She's normally way more cheerful.) 

Her attitude helped me see it as an act of service, and I know the patient thought so, too. (And I let our HR person know she helped off the clock, so I'm sure her time will get adjusted to reflect that.)

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I woke up one winter day after working another graveyard shift.  The snow had been falling heavily all night and was still coming down when I went to sleep.  I got up and was going to go shovel.  I looked out the window and my drive and walk were already taken care of.


I too don't like to talk about the service I've given.  Suffice it to say that I do so.

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Growing up in a single parent family, the senior elder at my church (equivalent of LDS Bishop), had me help hm on his farm. The pocket money was great but the thing i value most now was the virtues that I saw him display. It was only years after that I really valued the gift of time that he spent with me was worth.

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6 hours ago, AnthonyB2 said:

Growing up in a single parent family, the senior elder at my church (equivalent of LDS Bishop), had me help hm on his farm. The pocket money was great but the thing i value most now was the virtues that I saw him display. It was only years after that I really valued the gift of time that he spent with me was worth.

Yes. This was a great act of service!

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Dropping by to see what's new and saw I've been tagged. A regular act of service I have noticed is from my front door neighbors. They spend some of the Sundays at a local park where many other gather to set up food, donations and kindnesses for the homeless folks in the area who don't have anywhere to go and don't know where their next hot meal is coming from. Well, on those Sundays, they get a hot meal. I've helped out by collecting boxes of winter clothes and donating them so they can have extra clothes to wear and stay warm. I've met a lot of folks on the streets and had conversations with them and have helped them on their way, too. They are beautiful people just like the anybody else. They've just run of of luck and resources. 

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Showing others acts of service can not only help someone else, but it is the best form of self help!! It shows you that YOU can make a difference, and NO act of service is small.

"Love one another as Jesus loves you. Try to show kindness in all that you do. Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought, For these are the things Jesus taught… Im trying to love my neighbor; I'm learning to serve my friends…"

I thought that this song that every primary student is taught, perfectly states why we need to do acts of service. As we try to be like Jesus, we follow His example. Jesus was kind to EVERYONE, and always but others before himself. He died for us!! We must show that love toward everyone that He showed for us.

Thank you all for sharing your stories! They are all so beautiful, and I see the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus reflected in every single one of them. Thanks again!

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  • pam unfeatured this topic

I visited with 2 aunts and 2 uncles over the weekend who are staying in a 2-bedroom vacation condo.  We walked into this beach condo on the Atlantic ocean and I immediately felt like I was back in my hometown in the Philippines.  They had this tiny kitchen with a 2-burner stove and they were working together preparing dinner.  One burner was grilling burgers the other burner was frying chicken, a rice cooker was steaming in one corner of the tiny countertop.  Somebody was washing pots, plates, and utensils as fast as people were dumping them in the tiny sink.  I went to join the fray, to start making fresh lumpia.  The uncle grilling the burgers would hear the cheers on TV and go take a look and somebody steps in to finish the burgers, then the aunt frying the chicken would join in on a conversation and somebody else takes over the frying pan and then she'd walk away from the conversation, and find out her spot at the frying pan is taken, so she goes to the vacated sink and wash dishes and then starts rolling fresh lumpia with me... it's like everybody just knows what the end result is gonna be, so everybody just pitches in where they can until it is accomplished.

So, we sit down to dinner and nobody can claim they made any of the dishes because... everybody made them.


I don't know who to tag that hasn't been tagged.  Has @a mustard seed been tagged?  How about @Grunt?


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A friend of mine does acts of service/kindness every day, although, he'd tell you it's no big deal. Once a week he brings treats into work for his coworkers, sometimes it's as simple as doughnuts and other times it's an actual lunch, regardless he foots the bill and does it because it brightens up everyone's day. I should note that he's done this the past eight years and he isn't even a boss or supervisor of any sort (I mention that because sometimes that's what higher-ups do from time to time) - nope - he's just a regular guy that clocks in from 9-5 making the same pay as everyone else.

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