What Religion Are You?

Guest Ruthie-chan

What religion are you?  

679 members have voted

  1. 1. What religion are you?

    • LDS / Mormon / Latter-day Saint
    • RLDS
    • Atheist
    • Jewish
    • Catholic
    • Agnostic
    • Protestant
    • Nondenominational Christian
    • Islam
    • Other (please post)
    • Jehovah's Witness
    • Southern Baptist
    • Pentecostal
    • Evangelical

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I am LDS and I do belive in the Book of Mormon, but there are some things that I am having a hard time with, so as for now I am saying I am

Nondenominational Christian.

It's so good to see that whatever doubts you may be having, they are not keeping you from faith in Jesus, the Savior. :cool:

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Ever since I read this talk I've been happy to be called Mormon :)/quote]

Thanks Heather for letting me know the thread is back up again!

I can happily say that ever since I had a 4 hour pow wow with my missionaries 20 years ago, I have been happy to be called a Mormon too!

I know, I know.... Latter Day Saint :D

I grew up going to different churches when I could, and I found wonderful things in each of them, however, I found the answers I needed in the LDS church.

I have enjoyed the discussions with my non LDS friends and co-board members.... you guys are the best! (even if you aren't LDS) :P

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Personally I do not believe in religion - I do believe in covenants.

By covenant I am a Saint of the Last days and a disciple of Jesus Christ after the order of Melchizedek

The Traveler

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If the question is what religion, the answer is I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ, so Christian would be appropriate. That I consider myself part of the Christian church and believe that all others that are my Lord's servants are part of His church with me. That I purposely seek to exclude none in my veiw as being members of His church that call up the Lord and seek to follow him according to scripture, regardless of what walls of seperation our current sinful divisions place between us.

That I may attend and even be a member of a particular local church, and that church is a part of a grouping that could be labled a denomination is just a failing of humans that my Lord will one day sort out, if not here, then certainly when He returns.

Edited by AnthonyB
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I was raised Church of Christ, my dad was a preacher sent to do mission work in Utah when I was 4, so I have some knowledge of the LDS from an early age, but didn't get into study of the LDS faith until I married a Mormon lady. At first I was put off because I asked questions. Then the anti-LDS had an open door because they were more than willing to 'talk' about LDS and give their views. After years of study was wasted on historical accounts I discovered the teachings of Jesus Christ. Once I discovered that no one is taking His teachings as seriously as He said they should be, well, I don't belong to any organized 'church' fellowship. I feel uncomfortable most everywhere - some more than others.

As one who investigated every major fellowship from Catholic to Pentecostal and LDS to SDA, my faith view is broadened extensively, but the truth is that I've discovered no one takes Jesus seriously. I almost checked the "nondenominational", but that does not fit. Most "nondenominational" are generalists who have separated from one or another Baptist of other basic fellowship and are more about 'feel good faith' than they are about growing in Christ in faith, word and deed.

So I checked 'other.' It isn't that I'm not a Christian, it's that I don't want to marginalize my faith. It has cost too much to not put a high value on it.

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I am LDS and I do belive in the Book of Mormon, but there are some things that I am having a hard time with, so as for now I am saying I am

Nondenominational Christian.

Why do we call it non-denominational when we have a common denominator?:huh:

Okay, I'm done being a nerd for the next, oh, 30 seconds.

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Put other cos I don't fit into a box really. But since I picked other, I thought I would explain.

I'm Agnostic but I am leaning towards LDS. I finally wrote out my beliefs to see where I was....and I'm basically a mormon who questions Joseph Smith, sexism, racism and polygamy as an eternal thing. These things might change with time. Heck, 10 years ago I was considering myself an exmormon or a recovering mormon...and look at me now. :) So there is hope!

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