What are you (prone to) wearing?


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Adding to the rest of the "getting to know you" threads, I'm interested in people's fashion tastes or even lack thereof.

While I'm not a total hippy in my looks, I do love that feel. I love bright or bold colors, I love patterns, anything that makes me look like I escaped from a Renaissance Fair or some peasant village.

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I only have one sense of fashion in my old(er) age. That's my Indiana Jones hat -- that I try really hard not to wear everywhere because I don't want to be "that guy". But I do love that hat. I'm old enough now that most people probably just see it as an old-man hat (which is exactly what my dad in his true old-age and his fedoras wears) rather than as the nerd-fashion that it truly is.

Otherwise, I try to match my tie to what my wife is wearing on Sundays. Beyond that, I'm a guy and I wear what comes out of the closet first, unless I have a business meeting, in which case it's slacks and a dress shirt.

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Sleeveless shirts and shorts and flipflops. That's been me. So you can imagine how very difficult getting endowed was for me. It almost made me choose not to get sealed in the temple...

Now, I don't care anymore what I wear as long as it is comfortable and hides garments. Inside, I'm still that sleeveless shirt, shorts, and flipflop girl.

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Sleeveless shirts and shorts and flipflops. That's been me. So you can imagine how very difficult getting endowed was for me. It almost made me choose not to get sealed in the temple...

Now, I don't care anymore what I wear as long as it is comfortable and hides garments. Inside, I'm still that sleeveless shirt, shorts, and flipflop girl.

If we get to play the "used to" card, I had a very natural inclination towards nudity until around age 3. I have never really liked how restrictive clothing feels.

I still like like freedom and my tendency is to wear sweats and t-shirts, but i do try to choose "stylish" sweats and t-shirts so I don't look like a bum. I think my need to move freely lead me into my career path (fitness professional) where the dress code is to wear athletic clothing to work... I'd get sent home if I showed up to work in jeans or slacks:)

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I'm rather "dressy", and have gotten more fashion minded with age. I LOVE dresses and skirts, bright colors, fun patterns, cute shoes, hats, scarves, and dangly earrings and necklaces.

Today, for just lounging around the house and homeschooling my kids, I'm wearing a floral blouse with a wide brown belt, a green cotton skirt, red tights, knee-high brown boots (that match the belt), and a red flower clip in my hair. When/if I leave the house I'll exchange the flower clip for a red cloche hat.

I do also have a few pairs of skinny jeans and trousers in various colors that I like wearing with cute shirts, crop jackets, and scarves.

If you try looking through my closet for a plain jeans-and-a-t-shirt outfit you'll be in there a while. (as I discovered when trying to find something appropriate to wear for helping out with a service project that was going to have me working in the dirt :lol: ) And I only use my sneakers for exercise.

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I really do not care much concerning what I wear. If it smells clean and looks clean and is hanging in the closet - I will wear it. My wife on the other hand is the exact opposite. For her, not only must it be clean and neat but it must meet some fashion standard that makes no sense at all to me. Even for working in the yard the outfit must match! Really?

I am not allowed to buy even my own clothing let alone anything for anyone else and especially my wife. My wife once gave me a fashion test. I was most surprised when she asked what a man's belt was suppose to match. Your kidding me - a belt is suppose to match???? All this time I thought a belt was suppose to help hold up my pants.

If there is an important activity - she will lay out my clothing. If I am traveling without her she will pin numbers to what I should wear each day so I will look "professional". Since it does not matter to me I try hard to please her but there is no sense nor logic to fashion -- none. Anyway that is my excuse for not being able to get it right.

I once announced that I have much better taste to a group of our friends and I proudly stated that I could prove it - much to the surprise of all. I married her and she married me - and that for sure proves who has the best taste. Not only does she dislike my sense of fashion - she very much dislikes my sense of humor. :D

The Traveler

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Sadly I recently got described as a hipster. So I guess jeans and vintage stuff is my way. But I've been that was since I was a kid.

You were hipster before it was cool? That's a new level of hipster. :D

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Except in the summer I love sweaters. I love sweater weather. I love long comfy loungers. When I first got too sick to work I work loungers a lot. I still get excited when I found a cute lounger, especially if its long enough.

But now its Jeans most of the time. When I worked in an office I dressed up every day. When I worked in Home Care I wore scrubs every day.

I like clothes more tailored than frilly.

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Now that I'm retired I wear jeans and a shirt or blouse. I've never been one to wear t-shirts. During the summer I wear sandals or flip flops. During the winter I wear slip-on shoes with socks.

When I was a working gal, even though we could wear jeans to work, I almost never wore them. I usually wore a nice pair of slacks with a shirt or blouse.

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It's been so cold lately, that I just focus on warmth. Sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, jeans, pj pants, warm socks.....it's a pain having to go thru all those layers to go the bathroom.

Turn the heat up to 70 and you won't be so cold. Honestly Beefche, it costs just as much for your furnace to maintain at 63 degrees when your temps outside are 50 or lower as it does to maintain at 70!

Are your windows leaking heat? Is there a draft coming through your outlets and switches? Are your exterior walls cold? If yes, then get the insulating window film, insulated outlet/switch liners and come summer get your walls re-insulated.

I have a manufactured double wide home. It is a 1993- and the furnace was running all the time and it seldom felt like warm air. The electric company had my home checked for heat loss. Low and behold my furnace ducts had two big leaks. They were fixed. This was nearly two years ago now. My winter bill has dropped by 45%. I also got rid of the old, plastic venetian blinds and the thin cutesy fabric curtains and put up black out liners. They cut the extra heat from the summer and the cold of the coastal windy winter rain and winds.

We can't afford to have the windows all replaced - the thermopane has failed, so I just got the heavy liners instead. Since our winter was the warmest and driest it has ever been, didn't need to do the window films.

BACK TO: What are you (prone to) wearing

During the day when the curtains are opened and I will just be inside, an oversize shirt (was hubbies once upon a time) and Just My Size elastic waist pants. If I am going outside then I put on foundation support, blouse and the JMS pants. If it is raining & blowing then it is elastic waist jeans. At night when the curtains are closed and we know no one is going to drop by, then it is just my garmmies and the oversize shirt or a OneSizeFitsSome night shirt from Woman from Within (fits large ladies up to size 4X)

For Sunday it is a loose fitting mostly cotton dress or skirt and top.

At age 61, being 75 pounds overweight (lost 50 pounds already), and now have peripheral neuropathy - comfort is the key. I still make sure my colors don't clash, and my garments don't show.

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I dress like a 12yo boy.

But in my mind I'm Audrey Hepburn.

Annatess! Right? I owned something like 2 million spaghetti strap tank tops before converting.

I would also like to take this time to thank the designers of our stake center. All the mirrors/glass are offset in that quirky way that shaves (or adds, evil things) inches to one's middle. I always feel so thin at church! :D It was built in the 60's ish and one of the members mom was married to the builder. She aligned all the mirrors and glass. I love that woman. Love. Her.


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T-shirts...almost always. That probably comes from having to wear a uniform at work.

I used to wear Levi's a lot, then I discovered 5.11 Tactial pants. I love them and they are really comfortable. I still throw on the Levi's occasionally.

If it is summer I usually wear shorts.

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Dress pants - I don't own a pair of jeans or sweats

Dress shirt for the most part, occasionally a casual shirt (golf shirt type)

T-shirt if I am doing something grubby (working in the garden or garage)

So you wear dress pants when you work in the garden or garage?

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