More Changes to Come in 2019


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11 minutes ago, pam said:

All I know is President Nelson told us to take our vitamins and get plenty of rest and hold on.

Clearly they are going to ramp up the Word of Wisdom by including 8 hours of sleep and daily vitamins to the other needs of avoiding drugs and alcohol

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But in the spirit of pure non-specific speculation, I can see the following changes

- An additional change in ministering

- Changes in seminary/institute

- Additional missionary changes

- animal sacrifice 

- Additional clarification on the Word or Wisdom

- introduction of worldwide church run education system for k-12


Edited by Fether
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2 hours ago, Fether said:

- animal sacrifice 

2 hours ago, Midwest LDS said:

Clearly this is the most likely change. I'll start sharpening up my knife😉.

We already do this at least annually for the ward Christmas breakfast / dinner (or BBQ or whatever other ward meal your ward has).  I prefer my burnt sacrifice in the form of link sausages (other sacrifices, I prefer not burnt).


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5 hours ago, Kidney58 said:

It is my understanding that we can expect more changes this year! Does anyone have any ideas what these could be?

I love what Elder Holland had to say in the Liahona article, ":Making Your Life a Soul-Stirring Journey of Personal Growth."


What a thrilling time it is to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! When I think about recent developments in the Lord’s kingdom, it seems obvious that God is taking us on a soul-stirring journey with hills and vales and vistas so stunning we can scarcely imagine them until we climb a little higher and there they are before us.

In the past year alone, we’ve bid farewell to a beloved prophet and lovingly sustained a new one. We’ve taken a new approach to Relief Society and Melchizedek Priesthood quorum meetings, with greater emphasis on counseling together to accomplish the Lord’s work. In that same spirit, we’ve seen the Lord bring high priests and elders together in one quorum and witnessed a seismic shift in the way priesthood holders and sisters minister to God’s children. If that’s not enough to take your breath away, consider the First Presidency’s recent announcement about new resources to support personal and family scripture study, with corresponding changes to Primary and Sunday School materials—to say nothing of ongoing advancements in the areas of missionary work, family history research, and temple work.

And surely there is more to come. As our ninth article of faith declares, “We believe all that God has revealed”—that’s often the easy part. It takes a special kind of faith to “believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom,” and then to be ready to accept them, whatever they are. If we are willing, God will lead us to places we’ve never dreamed we could go—as lofty as our dreams might already be. His thoughts and His ways are certainly much higher than ours (see Isaiah 55:8–9). In a sense, I suppose we’re not unlike those in Kirtland to whom the Prophet Joseph Smith said, “You know no more concerning the destinies of this Church and kingdom than a babe upon its mother’s lap.”1

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

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50 minutes ago, wenglund said:

I love what Elder Holland had to say in the Liahona article, ":Making Your Life a Soul-Stirring Journey of Personal Growth."

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

Thanks for posting this.  I hadn’t read the article.

It dosent get any better than Holland heavily quoting Joseph Smith’s final General Conference address.

April can’t come soon enough.


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6 hours ago, Kidney58 said:

It is my understanding that we can expect more changes this year! Does anyone have any ideas what these could be?

I'm fully expecting a revelation that Australia, rather than America, is now the new promised land and that fountain pens really are the tool of the devil.  I'm not sure why the rest of the church has not yet realised this.

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45 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Wait... don't listen to....what?

Is my beard a sin?

The comment was tongue-in-cheek seeing we both know the statements made by prophets and apostles regarding facial hair.

In my college years I became acquainted with a brother who grew up in one of the wards of the apostles, and the apostle was a close family friend. Upon his return from his mission, two weeks later, they had a family party by which this apostle was invited. At this time, he had grown out facial hair on his chin. When the apostle arrived he walked up to him and asked if he had a razor. His response, " A razor." The response in turn, "Yes, a razor, if you don't have one I can buy you one. I am not sure why this younger generation thinks it is OK to disregard this counsel."

He said after that, "I have never grown facial hair." So you can interpret that as you see fit in light of counsel we know the brethren have made.

Thus, as things stand now, it was tongue-in-cheek response specifying I can see a change to the temple (and/or Church universities) that will allow beards and mustaches.

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51 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

they had a family party by which this apostle was invited. At this time, he had grown out facial hair on his chin. When the apostle arrived he walked up to him and asked if he had a razor. His response, " A razor." The response in turn, "Yes, a razor, if you don't have one I can buy you one. I am not sure why this younger generation thinks it is OK to disregard this counsel."

In my mind, this whole scene took place during and EDM dance party at midnight

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19 minutes ago, zil said:

They could make an announcement that bishops have to have beards - then every man in the Church would start shaving. ;)

Haha, this is inline with what I was specifying. We might see bishops, stake presidents (and stake president counselors), and general authorities with beards and mustaches. It is a prediction, but I guess you are probably right, if the Church says to have beards the brethren would probably start shaving. :D

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1 minute ago, Anddenex said:

It is a prediction, but I guess you are probably right, if the Church says to have beards the brethren would probably start shaving.

I was thinking more along the lines of "if all it takes to keep from getting called as bishop is shaving, people will start shaving - in order to avoid being called as bishop".

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3 minutes ago, zil said:

I was thinking more along the lines of "if all it takes to keep from getting called as bishop is shaving, people will start shaving - in order to avoid being called as bishop".

Which confuses me.  Everyone knows that the most surefire way to not get called as bishop is to actively campaign to be called as bishop. Still works for me!


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5 hours ago, Anddenex said:

The comment was tongue-in-cheek seeing we both know the statements made by prophets and apostles regarding facial hair.

In my college years I became acquainted with a brother who grew up in one of the wards of the apostles, and the apostle was a close family friend. Upon his return from his mission, two weeks later, they had a family party by which this apostle was invited. At this time, he had grown out facial hair on his chin. When the apostle arrived he walked up to him and asked if he had a razor. His response, " A razor." The response in turn, "Yes, a razor, if you don't have one I can buy you one. I am not sure why this younger generation thinks it is OK to disregard this counsel."

He said after that, "I have never grown facial hair." So you can interpret that as you see fit in light of counsel we know the brethren have made.

Thus, as things stand now, it was tongue-in-cheek response specifying I can see a change to the temple (and/or Church universities) that will allow beards and mustaches.

Years ago an apostle visited my ward.  I was a returned missionary and my brother was there with his soon to be wife.  After the meeting we were able to say a quick hi to the apostle.  The apostle said to my brother...  "You are not taking her to the temple with that thing on your face are you."  It wasn't a question.  My brother was clean-shaven the day of his marriage.   

As for changes.  It seems like we don't have to wait for conference anymore.  Seems as though it's a steady trickle of changes these days.  

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5 hours ago, MarginOfError said:

Which confuses me.  Everyone knows that the most surefire way to not get called as bishop is to actively campaign to be called as bishop. Still works for me!


It is a surefire way, though I am not sure it is the "most."  It is hard to beat man buns (particularly when worn with a kilt) for repelling higher callings.


Thanks, -Wade Englund-

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