Sacrament at home prep


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Our stake gave permission to priesthood holders to prepare and bless the sacrament for their families.

We were instructed to review the General Handbook section 18.9

There are some details in the preparation that we do at church that we may not think are important at home, but they probably are.


1) Wash hands with soap

2) preparation prior to the meeting with trays of unbroken bread, clean cups of water, and white clean pressed tablecloths

3) Singing while the tablecloths are removed so that the bread can be broken

4) Kneeling to say the bread prayer

6) Presiding leader partakes first

7) Partake with Right hand if possible

8 )  Cloth now covers the bread trays and the water is revealed

9) Kneel to say the water prayer

11) Cover both the bread tray and the water cups with the tablecloths


Have we considered the meaning in the presentation?  Is it important?

Leviticus 1: 10-13

Leviticus 3:6-11

Leviticus 2: 4-10



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1 hour ago, mikbone said:

Have we considered the meaning in the presentation?  Is it important?

Leviticus 1: 10-13

Leviticus 3:6-11

Leviticus 2: 4-10




On 3/14/2020 at 5:34 AM, Vort said:

Follow the link provided to read it in context. It's vintage McConkie dry humor. Here is the paragraph:

In the Old Testament, Genesis is the book of books—a divine account whose worth cannot be measured. Exodus and Deuteronomy are also of surpassing worth. Numbers, Joshua, Judges, the Samuels, the Kings, and the Chronicles are all essential history, interwoven with deeds of faith and wonder that form a background for an understanding of the Christian faith. Leviticus has no special application to us and, except for a few passages, need not give us permanent concern. 

Just pointing out that Leviticus doesn't usually get discussed much on these forums, and yet here we are, two mentions in different threads in 24 hours, one suggesting that there are some important verses in Leviticus, and the other suggesting that there aren't many imporant verses for us. 

Just saying.........

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Here is the email that our Bishop sent out yesterday:

Good morning Brothers & Sisters,No doubt you may have questions regarding the recent direction regarding the temporary suspending of Church meetings due to concerns relating to the COVID-19 virus.To clarify, all public gatherings of church members are suspended until otherwise directed. This includes sacrament meetings, stake conference, and ward & stake activities (including youth and primary activities).The Stake Presidency has provided clarification on several issues, which has been distributed to the Ward Council. We're currently working on distributing this information. I did want to provide guidance with regards to Brethren officiating in the Sacrament ordinance in their homes (please see below).Regarding the Sacrament ordinance:As Bishop, I have the responsibility to approve worthy Priesthood holders to perform the Sacrament ordinance (including blessing and passing). In accordance with this responsibility, I approve all current Temple Recommend holding Melchizedek Priesthood brethren in the Black Mountain Ward to prepare and bless the Sacrament for your own families and your assigned ministering families if required.Likewise, Priests in the Aaronic Priesthood with current limited-use Temple Recommends can also prepare and bless the Sacrament in their homes.All worthy Priesthood (Aaronic or Mechizedek) holders can pass the Sacrament during this time.Brethren, if your Temple recommend has expired or lapsed, please contact me directly  to seek approval to officiate in the Sacrament ordinance.To any other members who don't have access to the Sacrament or have specific concerns, please contact your Relief Society or Elders Quorum Presidency, and we'll make arrangements for you.Please note that while we hope all can partake of the Sacrament weekly, where this is not practical, we will work to ensure that members have access to the sacrament at least monthly.

It would be interesting to see how much difference, and how much similiarity different bishops around the world respond to the same set of circumstances. 

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33 minutes ago, askandanswer said:

Here is the email that our Bishop sent out yesterday:

Good morning Brothers & Sisters,No doubt you may have questions regarding the recent direction regarding the temporary suspending of Church meetings due to concerns relating to the COVID-19 virus.To clarify, all public gatherings of church members are suspended until otherwise directed. This includes sacrament meetings, stake conference, and ward & stake activities (including youth and primary activities).The Stake Presidency has provided clarification on several issues, which has been distributed to the Ward Council. We're currently working on distributing this information. I did want to provide guidance with regards to Brethren officiating in the Sacrament ordinance in their homes (please see below).Regarding the Sacrament ordinance:As Bishop, I have the responsibility to approve worthy Priesthood holders to perform the Sacrament ordinance (including blessing and passing). In accordance with this responsibility, I approve all current Temple Recommend holding Melchizedek Priesthood brethren in the Black Mountain Ward to prepare and bless the Sacrament for your own families and your assigned ministering families if required.Likewise, Priests in the Aaronic Priesthood with current limited-use Temple Recommends can also prepare and bless the Sacrament in their homes.All worthy Priesthood (Aaronic or Mechizedek) holders can pass the Sacrament during this time.Brethren, if your Temple recommend has expired or lapsed, please contact me directly  to seek approval to officiate in the Sacrament ordinance.To any other members who don't have access to the Sacrament or have specific concerns, please contact your Relief Society or Elders Quorum Presidency, and we'll make arrangements for you.Please note that while we hope all can partake of the Sacrament weekly, where this is not practical, we will work to ensure that members have access to the sacrament at least monthly.

It would be interesting to see how much difference, and how much similiarity different bishops around the world respond to the same set of circumstances. 

Our stake has said no to home Sacrament at this time. They will review and have plans for people to get the Sacrament next week. 

  I don't understand this when all the ones in my family have been told it's okay if you have a temple recommend. 

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1 hour ago, LadyGunnar said:

Our stake has said no to home Sacrament at this time. They will review and have plans for people to get the Sacrament next week. 

  I don't understand this when all the ones in my family have been told it's okay if you have a temple recommend. 

It's the stake presidency's call for every stake.

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We have been given permission to have Sacrament at home too. I have to admit I'm excited. I don't typically get to take part in the Sacrament portion of the service myself since we usually have more than enough young men, but it's been one of my favorite priesthood ordinances to participate in since I was a young man.

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8 hours ago, LadyGunnar said:

I don't understand this when all the ones in my family have been told it's okay if you have a temple recommend. 

A couple of thoughts:
1. Perhaps they think it is wise to gather their thoughts and do a little teaching/training first.
2. Most members have never actually blessed the sacrament in their own home before.
3. I know there is a concern that, without some teaching/training first, the 'ordinance' of the sacrament could easily be turned into something less sacred, more routine and distorted very quickly if left unchecked. People just crawling out of bed, kids pausing their cartoons just long enough for dad in his flip-flops to do the sacrament... know what I mean?
4. The minimum goal is getting the sacrament at least once a month, if missing it a week or two happens as they try to get things properly set up, no big deal.


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If y'all are out of practice like me, time to brush up:

From the handbook, 18.9.1:


Approval to Administer the Sacrament

The bishop holds the priesthood keys for administering the sacrament in the ward. All who participate in preparing, blessing, and passing the sacrament must receive approval from him or someone under his direction.

If members of his ward are unable to partake of the sacrament because they are confined to a home, care center, or hospital, the bishop may authorize priesthood holders to administer the sacrament to them. He may authorize this even if they are temporarily outside his ward boundaries. However, he may not authorize the sacrament to be given to members outside his ward boundaries in other circumstances.



Those who administer the sacrament should do so in a dignified manner, realizing that they are representing the Lord. The bishopric encourages them to ponder the Savior’s Atonement as they prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament.

Those who administer the sacrament should be well groomed and clean. They should not wear clothing or jewelry that might detract from the worship and covenant making that are the purpose of the sacrament.


Members may provide allergen-free bread or another broken bread-like substitute in a sealed plastic bag or cup. They give this to a priesthood holder to place on a separate tray.



Although the sacrament is for members of the Church, nothing should be done to prevent others from partaking of it.


Remember to wash those hands!




  1. Those who prepare, bless, or pass the sacrament first wash their hands with soap or other cleanser.


Prepare the bread first, then kneel and bless it 

D&C 20:77, 79.

Ok Teachers, Priests, and MPHs, time to stand up and do this!

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One might ask if the napkin / sheet / tablecloth is important.  Is it part of the emblematic ritual.

Does it represent the veil between us and the Lord?

Is this significant?  John 20:7

What should we be remembering?

Is it ritual which is important or our understanding and mindset?

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In the instructions I have seen in our own stake, and from another stake, and in the comments I have seen here, I have not seen any direction that the sacrament be administered on a Sunday. Perhaps that goes without saying. But I'm thinking of Brother X who thinks to himself, great, no church today, we're going to the beach. Brother X and his family spend all day at the beach and get home hot, tired and sweaty and think to themselves, it's ok, the Bishop has already said we can have sacrament at home. let's do it tomorrow. Is there anything not quite right about having the sacrament at home on a day other than Sunday? 

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2 hours ago, mikbone said:

One might ask if the napkin / sheet / tablecloth is important.  Is it part of the emblematic ritual.

I don't know if it's optional, but it's important enough to include in the instructions in the handbook.

Just got back from bringing the sacrament service to one of my families.  Their dad is traveling home.  Lady and two little kids.  We used a napkin over the bread and water, and moved the napkin to uncover the bread to be blessed/passed, then moved it again for the water to be blessed/passed.

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13 hours ago, LadyGunnar said:

Our stake has said no to home Sacrament at this time. They will review and have plans for people to get the Sacrament next week. 

  I don't understand this when all the ones in my family have been told it's okay if you have a temple recommend. 

It may be that the stake leadership was unprepared for such a drastic change in conditions like this.  Other stakes have already had a dry run due to other similar conditions in the past.

Another difference may be the level of preparedness of each family or ward.  Some are very experienced.  Some may be part-member families, recent converts, or other similar conditions which would make it difficult to allow widespread home sacrament meetings.

But it looks like they should figure it out by next week.

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My stake is waiting for the month mark before allowing home sacrament. I’m not worried, if I died prior to the month mark and missed the sacrament 3 weeks in a row, I don’t suspect it will have too much of an effect on my salvation

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There is absolutely no consistency in how this thing has been rolled out. Obviously either the 1st pres failed in delivering adequate instructions or we have a church full of leaders doing their own thing. Our stake has already been permitted to do sacrament every week and so long as there is a priest in the home, the sacrament may be administered. No mention of worthiness, recommends etc. Of course no recommend is required to administaer the sacrament anyway so just curious why some SPs are making up new standards.

An interesting tangent, my nextdoor neighbor who is in my ward has had a raging bbq and party going on since about 8am beginning with a pancake breakfast for the entire extended family. The grills are going right now with the music kicking and never ending game of horseshoes going on. And to think they made sure to let me know a few months ago they saw me bringing in a gallon of milk to the house I obviously just purchased on a sunday lol. Their kids are going to hate going back to church if this keeps up much longer.


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Still waiting for instructions in our ward. At least my ministering brother contacted me (for the first time ever) and I got the chance to ask what the arrangements would be if this was to be a long term arrangement.

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5 minutes ago, mrmarket said:

Obviously either the 1st pres failed in delivering adequate instructions or we have a church full of leaders doing their own thing.

Or 'you' failed to understand what is actually happening.
Backseat drive much?

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18 hours ago, mikbone said:

Our stake gave permission to priesthood holders to prepare and bless the sacrament for their families.

We were instructed to review the General Handbook section 18.9

There are some details in the preparation that we do at church that we may not think are important at home, but they probably are.


1) Wash hands with soap

2) preparation prior to the meeting with trays of unbroken bread, clean cups of water, and white clean pressed tablecloths

3) Singing while the tablecloths are removed so that the bread can be broken

4) Kneeling to say the bread prayer

6) Presiding leader partakes first

7) Partake with Right hand if possible

8 )  Cloth now covers the bread trays and the water is revealed

9) Kneel to say the water prayer

11) Cover both the bread tray and the water cups with the tablecloths


Have we considered the meaning in the presentation?  Is it important?

Leviticus 1: 10-13

Leviticus 3:6-11

Leviticus 2: 4-10

I think these three sources can help us decide what to do at home, which may differ from hoe things are done in the chapel, if only out of practicality: 

For example, while a hymn may be be absolutely necessary, I think it is more than appropriate for the priesthood holders to be clean and neat in appearance, as they would in a normal chapel setting for the sacrament. I like the idea that hand-washing is symbolic as well as practical.


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3 hours ago, Fether said:

That because it’s up to individual stakes. It’s not a church wide decision to be made yet 

If you think this wasnt auth by the first presidency you are crazy. Worldwide sps do not get to just blanket auth the entire stake to do sacrament on their own terms. Perhaps they were given discretion as to when to pull the trigger but this is quite obviously authorized by the first presidency.

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3 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

Or 'you' failed to understand what is actually happening.
Backseat drive much?

Kinda hard to understand when even our neghbors a block away in a different stake have been given totally different instructions as to how to do it and we are under the same area authority. 

My stake pretty much any priest can do it even if there is no melchezedic in the home. Way different than needing a temple recommend and melchezedic priesthood as well.

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17 minutes ago, mrmarket said:

This is quite obviously authorized by the first presidency.

The canceling of church was, but it isn’t obvious to me or most other people that the instruction on doing the sacrament was from the FP

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