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  1. So I honestly need some non-judgmental advice. I am 20 years old. I am part of the younger sister missionary generation. I was on my mission for 5 months and returned home on medical release. I can say that I have a strong testimony of the church and a love for my heavenly father and my savior. But, there is one thing that keeps holding me back. I don't think I was ready to be endowed. I have been endowed for nearly a year now and have never truly come to terms with wearing the temple garment. I wore it consistently on my mission but after a while of being home I could not stand wearing them anymore. I went three months without wearing them, then decided to talk to my bishop to try wearing them again. Since then I have been wearing them on and off. It's kind of hard to explain. I literally just cannot stand wearing them. They feel like a burden. When I take them off I feel like I just got out of a controlling relationship; I feel free. Every sister that I talk to about the garments has little to no problem wearing them. I feel horrible that I struggle so much with them. I just cannot imagine having to wear these things my entire life. Also, I feel like it is nearly impossible to feel attractive in them, which is really hard for someone my age. For a long time I called them granny panties. Need some help!
  2. Hey everyone! So.. There is young man in my ward who is a recent convert. He has a strong desire to serve a mission but is unsure whether or not he is able to. A year or two before he discovered the Gospel, his girlfriend at the time discovered she was pregnant, which later resulted in a miscarriage. I've never come across anybody in this specific situation so when he confided in me, I didn't really have any answer for him. I encouraged him to seek counsel from his Bishop, which he will be doing this coming Sunday. Just out of my curiousity though, I've been trying to find some answers on church websites & I've asked other member's for their opinions but I can't seem to find any information that is supported by Gospel doctrine or resources. So I would love to hear from you all about your opinions or any similar experiences! Also would it be the same outcome for a young woman in that position? Thanks heaps in advance!
  3. Hi, I'm Phillip11. I'm 19 and I'm from Provo Utah, and I need advise. Over a year ago I had a serious issue with Pornography and Masturbation. I confessed these things to my Bishop over a year ago, and turned my papers in during July and became an elder. Due to serious depression and anxiety, I my papers were held and my call took a extremely long time to get here. This period of waiting was a dark time for me, because I allowed the advisory to fill me up with feelings of worthlessness, and in result I reverted back to my pornography and masturbation. As soon as I got my call to serve these evil feelings went away and I haven't had anymore issues with masturbation or pornography. Since then I've gone through the Temple a few times and yeah. I haven't confessed what I did to my Bishop yet and was wondering if I need to, and if I did what will happen? Would I be excommunicated and not be allowed to serve my mission, or will it delay my mission, or will I just need to skip the sacrament a few weeks? Please don't judge me, I've been having these really bad guilt trips.
  4. My first question being: When i write, do I address him as "elder" or as his first name? we've been friends for years! Also, he left fairly recently. Do you think he'll even want to hear from home so soon? Call me crazy adventurous and wild, but if it were me being 2000 miles away from home, I wouldn't want to reconnect too soon. Also, i've heard so many mixed things about what to write and what not to write it's not even funny anymore. "Write about what's going on at home, he'll like feeling connected to his friends." "Don't write about what's happening at home if you can help it, he'll be focused on his mission if you are." I already get the whole "no 'i miss you's and 'can't wait to see you again's." I'm talking a little closer to the fine line of frivolous things. Thanks so much you guys :)
  5. My Sweet 21 year old Niece was excited when she opened her Mission call back in September, to see she was called to serve in the Santo Domingo East mission, in the Dominican Republic. Her call had her reporting the MTC in Provo, in December she was informed she no longer needed to report to Provo but need report directly to the MTC in the Dominican Republic 3 weeks after her original report date for Provo. Sister Mero flew out of the Detroit Metro Airport on this past Wednesday, after a two hour lay over in Miami, she arrived at the airport in Santo Domingo, only to find no one from the MTC there to met her, after clearing customs and looking around, and a touch of panic starting to set in, she decided she needed to pray for help, as she exited the airport to find a quitter spot to call out and plea for help from above, she was approached by a woman who happened to be a member of the church who was sensitive enough to the spirit to realize this young Sister missionary was in a near panic and needed her help. With the help that was provided they got in touch with the MTC there in the DR, and arranged transportation, after the arrangements had been set up this local sister sat and visited with my niece until the cab arrived to whisk her away to the MTC. A couple of neat side notes Sister Mero, also reported the MTC there in the DR has about 30 Missionaries in training at this time, all the classrooms and dorm type rooms are on the 4th floor of a building near or next to the Temple. I assume it is some type of church administration building, as she mentioned the café/lunchroom was on the 1st floor.
  6. One of my friends was just called to serve in Armenia, which is in/near (depending on who you ask) the Middle East. I was under the impression that the Middle East was not available for American missionaries, but apparently there are parts open. I have another friend who is studying in Dubai, but the missionaries there are local or from the Philippines. I was just wondering if it was possible that I could be called to an Arab speaking mission when I am of age (2 more years). If not, are there other missions that speak Farsi, Urdu, Pashtu, Kurdu, etc. because I would really love to learn a critical language. Obviously, I will happily serve wherever I am called, but I just hope to learn one of those languages while on my mission. Thanks!
  7. So my oldest child is rapidly hurtling toward the college application process. Since we're residents of the United States, most of her search is concentrated in this country, but she's also looking into high-level anglophone institutions in other countries (e.g., U of Toronto, U of Melbourne, National University of Singapore, Trinity College Dublin, U of Hong Kong, and so on). She has also been focused, from an early age, on serving as a full-time missionary once she comes of age to do so. However, if she goes to college outside the United States, she'll be on a student visa. So: How possible would it be for her to take a break in her education to serve a mission? I've found a lot of advice on the internet (including in these fora) for students who are coming from other countries to the United States with such plans, but nothing for those who go the other direction. I suppose this makes sense, since that's the most likely direction (what the Brigham Young Universities and all), and the rules are probably different from country to country, but the question remains. Anybody with any experience/knowledge on this who can help someone who doesn't know where to look?
  8. I am at a crossroads. I'm a 20 year old woman who (like many other people my age) was recently very impacted by the new age requirements for missionaries. I moved to a new area about a month ago, and I fear that I am not worthy. Over a year ago, almost two years now, I participated in some fairly (not incredibly) serious inappropriate behavior with a boy (chastity wise). I was guilt tripped into making some mistakes with him that I would not have done otherwise. I am not, however, making excuses for myself, because I know that it was my own weakness that allowed it to happen. I had a lapse in confidence and a bigger lapse in self control. I kept a minimum standard for myself and I am so thankful for that, but I still did not keep the law of chastity like I should have. I have been kicking myself for the last year and a half over what I have done, but I was (and still am) so afraid to tell my bishop. I have prayed for forgiveness time and time again, cried for hours, felt the most incredible spiritual sorrow I have ever felt. I even kept myself from taking the sacrament because I no longer felt worthy. It has been very hard for me, but I find that I am ruled by fear, and telling my bishop is going to be the hardest part for me. Now, the mission age requirements have changed. I am so nervous, for two reasons. First- I had the most incredible prompting to go. I've prayed about it several times and every time I get an amazing confirmation. But I'm nervous also because I know that I cannot rightfully serve until I tell my bishop. I'm afraid that since I have moved recently, it will be hard for my bishop to understand my circumstances. I'm so worried that my ability to go on a mission will be either delayed or taken away completely. What do I do? What will happen? It was long ago and since it ended over a year ago, I have not participated in the same behavior. I have had resolve to keep myself away from that lifestyle for quite some time, and I have had a change of heart, but I'm afraid that my past transgressions will hinder my future progression. Please help. I'm incredibly scared.
  9. So I was baptized when I was 24. I am a male and now 25 going to be 26 at the end of the year. I have had the thought of going on a mission increasingly present in my mind. I've spoken to the bishop and he is supportive. I am looking for some input on the matter as I haven't said anything to anyone in my ward or family who are not LDS. I know I have a testimony of the gospel, and I am afraid I will regret not going someday. I do feel like I should have my bachelors by now and I am working on it.. so I will delay that even more. I've also just started a job that could be a great paying union job in the future. I am also in the hiring process with a few law enforcement agencies which has been one of my dream jobs since a kid. I will be leaving some relationships that I sincerely cherish and am unsure if they will be there when I get back. I hope that second paragraph doesn't sound like a bunch of excuses. Although they probably are. Having stability and a family I can support is my priority as I never really had that as a child. Then there is my age... I know I have had so many spiritual feelings in regards to serving a mission. Yet there are times I am confused and feel the opposite about it and that I should keep working towards my degree and career. Thank you for any advice/input I sincerely appreciate it.
  10. I want to serve a mission and want to know if certain places are out of the question due to my medical needs. I'm not medicated for lymphoma or anything similar to that, but I need to have access to proper doctors so that I can continue to get my proper medication. I've been looking for a while to see if I could find anything out, but couldn't find anything. Is there anyone out there who knows anything about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Hello, I'm 18 at the moment and I live in mapleton ut. (10 mins south of provo) I fell away from the church when I was 15. Due to family issues.. I have been a good person and have made mostly good desicions except for a problem with two young women I felt horrible and did not do anything of the sort again. Untill My senior year of high school my best friend died in a car crash and i was the driver. I soon after got a girlfriend she is a awesome child of god and beautiful young lady. Me and her dated for quite awhile and because of that got very close. We made some big mistakes and had sexual intercourse. The relationship ended and I'm stuck here now. And just tonight I was with a friend wjo has been making some wrong choices and it hit me really hard that that life is not me and I refuse to be apart of it... And the spirit hit me hard... And I feel like I need to go on a mission... Is it even possible for me to go...? I would love some help... I simply can't wait for Sunday for some input... :s
  12. Can LDS members read non-Mormon or anti-Mormon literarure as they are searching for answers to their spiritual questions? Or are you constrained to read only LDS litereature disregarding all else as I understand it is while you are on you LDS missions.
  13. I leave in 13 days to go to the MTC and then to the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission. I've been told that music is allowed on the mission if it is Church appropriate. What do I use to play the music? Am I allowed to bring headphones? An iPod? CDs? I know the answer "It varies from mission to mission." This is the answer I usually receive from people when I ask this question. If you have another answer to this question, then that would also be helpful.
  14. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this thread. I couldn't think of another one that would work. I am going to Russia Rostov-na-Donu on my mission and my bishop got me a Russian CTR ring. I am confused though because the ring says "ви." When I type Choose the Right into a translator I get a direct translation of "выберите право." Where is the и coming from on the ring. Is there another meaning to it other than the exact words Choose The Right? Thanks.
  15. 25 more days until I report to the MTC!!! I'm a little nervous but also very excited! The thought of spending two years in Nevada serving in the Nevada Las Vegas West mission is hard for me to get use to. It's especially hard to think about how HOT it's going to be lol, but I know I just have to keep hydrated and I'll be alright. These last days are just dragging on! It feels like time has stopped. My call came in really early and I've spent the last 5 months preparing, and it's time for it to just start already! It's nice that General Conference will be during my time at the MTC, but at the same time, there might be less visits from the General Authority because they are occupied with General Conference. I'm looking forward to being one of the oldest missionaries. My birthday is 8 days before I leave, and I'll be 25. I can joke about how I can remember when VHS and tape decks were used! I still really believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That it has been restored, through the prophet Joseph Smith and that the Book of Mormon is (quite clearly) the word of God. It is almost goodbye for two years, Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
  16. Let me start out by saying that I'm a girl, turning 21 in a few weeks. I have been dating my current boyfriend since we were 16... we both really care about each other a lot. A few months ago, I started to think about the decision of serving a mission because I am turning 21 soon. The more I thought about it, the more right it felt. My boyfriend and I have been very serious in our relationship, however, I have been more than slightly hesitant to move forward because he is NOT going to serve a mission. He's a member of the church, he just doesn't want to go on a mission. I don't look down on him for that, I think it's worse for someone to be forced on a mission than it is for someone to just not want to go... Any way, I became really excited about the idea of a mission. So I turned in my papers and got my call, and I report to the MTC on March 2... Here's my problem: as I have been preparing to leave for my mission, I have become increasingly aware of how much I will miss my boyfriend, and how much I care for him. I always loved him, but thinking about leaving for 18 months makes my heart ache. I truly, deeply want to be with him, but I guess what leaves me hesitant is the fact that he doesn't want to serve a mission. So there's my dilemma. When I got my mission call, it felt so right. But how can I focus on my mission if I'm always missing my boyfriend? But how can I be with my boyfriend right now if it felt so right to serve a mission? I hope I didn't confuse you as much as I'm confused! Any sincere advice would be appreciated.
  17. I feel like I should re-introduce myself because I haven't been on here for 2 years. I was busy serving a mission I just got back last week. Tonight I have to report to the high council. What should I expect from that meeting? (Any RM's in here?)
  18. I am a prospective sister missionary and have started the application process to go. I want to leave at the very end of the year. I have been attending church for almost five years now so I did not grow up in the church (my family has been inactive for as long as I can remember). I decided a year ago during my first year of college to go on a mission. Because of all that, I don't know much about the application process. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice. What would you have liked to know when you were applying? Also, I have a meeting with my bishop this upcoming Wednesday to discuss some questions, but it would be nice to know more before I go. One big question I have is: When is the earliest that I can turn in my papers? How can I get help to pay for my mission? I have been saving for it since I decided to go, but that doesn't amount to much. PS. Please no negative comments about sister missionaries. I have heard a lot of it already, and I still know that I want to go.
  19. I have a younger cousin, who is 22, and currently serving a mission. We exchange letters from time to time, just to keep tabs on each other. But now there is a problem-- my cousin is teaching a new member, and claims to be "falling in love" with that person... The exact quote was "I know its a bad distraction, but the second we shook hands, I got this feeling that we knew each other all our lives, and I got a flash of us being married with kids-- it felt so right, and so real." In our letters, the subject of soul mates came up, and my cousin asked me what I think about soul mates... Well... I'm currently sitting here working on a letter back to my cousin, wondering what to say. Of course, I plan to say the obvious-- DON'T DO ANYTHING WHILE ON YOUR MISSION! And my cousin knows better than to do such a thing (or at least I hope so!). But beyond that, I was also asked what I thought about "contacting someone you teach after your mission is over". Anyway-- It now seems that both my cousin and I are wondering what the church thinks about soul mates, eternal companions, and weather or not they are the same thing? Also, the "pre-existence" and how it ties into all this. Does the church believe that we "remember" our eternal companion from the pre-existense? Is there a specific person we are all meant to be with? (lord knows, it certainly seems so!). For me, this can all be a bit confusing. My personal deffinition of a "soul mate" is someone that you either knew and cared for before you came here and throughout your life you "remember" loving that person, and search for them again while on earth. Or it could be someone who is your "complementing oposite", meaning that although you are different, all your oposites complement each other-- and that god created one for each person. Weather or not you care to find that person while you are on earth, is up to you. And sometimes, you may have to wait until the afterlife, because they may have lived in a different time, or much too far away from you (hint-hint people who just "never found the right one" lol). I'm not sure how I would define an "eternal companion" though, especially by the church's standards. Or weather or not the church has a different view on them than I do on "soul mates". Well, actually, I guess my deffinition of the church's "eternal companion" label, is just someone you met on earth, and later decided that you wanted to spend eternity with them, because.... Well, just because, lol. Would that be correct? I guess what I'm confused about is--- does the church believe that two specific people can be "predestined" to be together, or not? I ask, because I've heard two conflicting statements on this: 1-- More than one long-standing church member has told me that ANY two "worthy" people can "make it" together, and I have also heard that the church encourages this. 2-- But then my cousin says that their bishop AND their MP preach to them that they "will not meet their eternal companion while on their mission", and that most MP's preach the same thing. This (to me) implies that there is a "certain person" we were each meant to end up with, and god will make sure you do not meet that person while on your mission... I personally think they are told that just to keep them focussed on their mission-- which they should stay focussed! But if the church does not believe in something similar to MY deffinition of a predestined "soul mate", and if they really do believe that any two worthy people can make a marriage work... Then why on earth CAN'T you meet your eternal companion while on your mission? That is, assuming you would only act on your feelings AFTER you have returned home-- after all, you do know their name and address, if you've been teaching them... Gosh this is confusing, lol. Help?
  20. okay i dont know what to do. i have a girlfriend. and i love her(please dont say im to young to know what love is). Now i know tht every young man has been called to serve a mission. but is every young man suppose to go on a full time mission? my P. blessing says i need to PREPARE for a mission and serve in w/e capacities i am called to. so it doesnt directly say i should go it says i should prepare to go. and i want to marry this girl of mine. and she wants to marry me. we have went through hard times and easy times. its been a year. we find that our worthiness is getting harder and harder to keep. now i am preparing for my mission and if i get a call i will go, bc ,if i understand right, if i get a call and turn it down i will be going against god. there is a chance that i may have cancer and im currently in the process of finding out. but i find myself praying that it is cancer just so i can stay home and marry this wonderful woman. to be honest what i want to know is what should i do? i know if i want our relationship to succeed i have to do what is right. so if i must leave on a mission then i will. but if i get to stay i would love to stay and marry her. i have thought of writing the prophet and asking this very question lol. she moved back home to Las Vegas on Monday, and i find that im lost without her. she is having a hard time at home and to be honest we would both be happier if we could just finally live together. BUT in 2 years she will be a RN and $$ wise things will be much easier. honestly i have prayed about it but i haven't(to my knowledge) revived an answer and i am so confused. like i said I'll do what im told but i want to stay and get married in the Provo temple. so what should i do i just need any advice/help/thoughts i can get. im so confused right now. and scared. so please reply.
  21. Guest

    Mission required?

    I have heard it said that missions for young men are a commandment, required, mandatory, encouraged, expected, and/ or obligatory. what are your thoughts on the necessity of missions for young men? will a voluntary decision not to go on a mission place a young man in jeopardy of not being exalted? how do you feel about the social pressures put on young men to serve especially on those who don't serve? would you think less of a young man who didn't go on a mission? women, would you marry a man who didn't serve a mission?
  22. For the past few months I've really felt the urge to take out my endowments in the temple. The only issue with this is I don't plan on going on a mission for another 2 years or so and I don't see marriage in the near future considering I want to serve a mission. I'll be 21 in January which finally qualifies me to serve a mission and I know you have to be endowed before you can serve, but I don't know if a year and a half would be too far in advance considering things could always change. So are there any sort of rules or stipulations on this that you guys know of? If there's any chance of me being able to take out my endowments early I would meet with my Bishop about it, but if there's not a chance for me to do it right now because of a rule I'd rather save the discussion for a later time. Thanks for your help!!:)
  23. Hey there all. I'm new and probably won't be on much. I'm really trying to find anybody who may have served with my father on his mission. He served in the Navajo mission, I don't know its official mission name. It was sometime between 68 and 71 or 72.....he never spoke much of his mission, he has passed and I am very interested in more of his mission. Anyway, this was in the Four corners area and his mission president was "Tingey"....I don't know a first name and not sure if it is the same Earl C. Tingey or not. Anyway.....I'll be searching for anybody who may have known him or served with him.....Thank You.
  24. My husband and I have been in China since August of 2006. First with the Kennedy Center for Internationals Studies at BYU with the China Teachers Program (CTP) for two years, teaching in Qingdao at Ocean University of China. Upon arriving home we received a call to return to China, this time for 23 months as Humanitarian Volunteers. We arrived back in China in February of 2009. As LDS Charities representatives working with a local charity here, The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), is a lot of fun. The ACWF has asked that we teach at the China Women's University, which has 4,000 girls and 39 boys. Which is great! Most senior couples when they elect to serve have to pay for their own "M" - we don't because the university provides us with an apartment, maid service to clean every week and change the sheets!, and we receive a wage to teach - which is sufficient for us to live off one income and bank the other! Can't beat that with a stick!! So, we are here in Beijing teaching, serving, NO PROSELYTING, active OR passive - PERIOD!!! But there are those that have a spark in their eyes! And there are those that have dull eyes. Life is absolutely wonderful!!!! Oh, we have 7 grown children, 15 grandchildren. . . . and they all support us and cheer us on!! How can we lose?
  25. So... just wondering. kind of confused right now. I was dating this girl for a while and then last night she said we couldn't date anymore because she didn't want to get too attached. I said, "why", and she said because she was going on a mission. Obviously I am happy that she is choosing to go on a mission and I support it so much, but it just kind of hurts. I asked if she wanted me to keep asking her on dates and she said no, and she started to cry. I am just really confused. Maybe I am just too dense to realize that she didn't want to be with me anymore, but shouldn't it be a happy decision? I want to keep dating her, but I don't know what to do. She doesn't have her mission papers yet but she said she plans on getting them soon. We are both in our early 20s. Please give me any advice you have. Thanks