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  1. prisonchaplain

    Trump Can't Win

    I am pro-Proverbs. This election does not give us the option of a righteous choice. Although, imho, Pence is the most righteous person on the two main tickets. Judges can serve 30-40 years, and will indeed be deciding on abortion and religious liberty issues. Beyond the judges, what will the candidates actually do if elected? HRC says Christians must change their views on abortion. She will work to overturn the Hyde amendment, so that YOU will be paying for abortions (right now no federal funds directly pay for them). Which candidate's team has openly despised Catholics and Evangelicals? Which candidate inherits the kind of thinking that led to the recent US Commission on Civil Rights saying that "religious liberty" is just hatred and bigotry? Which candidate considers 1/4 of America (present company included) deplorable and irredeemable? Mr. Trump has personal behaviors, mannerisms, and history that bother me greatly. However, Clinton hates me, my kind, my faith, and apparently sees unborn children as fodder for her campaign. I'm willing to use Trump to combat Clinton.
    2 points
  2. @james12 Perhaps some of us are willing to endure the pinched nose, or dirt sandwich, to save our nation from a generation of pro-abortion, anti-religious liberty judges. God has used unlikely, ungodly leaders in the past, so why not now? Now, if my 16-year old daughter talks about a boy like that (pinched nose, dirt sandwich) I'd probably tell her God spoke loud and clear.
    2 points
  3. james12

    Trump Can't Win

    Let me suggest something to you or others who might read this. If in order to perform an action you feel like your eating a dirt sandwich or have to hold your nose to get through it, then the Lord has already answered your prayer and told you what not to do. Don't fight against it.
    2 points
  4. Hey y'all. Some of you may remember me from the start of the year, when I first started investigating the church and had a lot of questions and struggles, which have since been answered. The church has completely helped change my life for the better, I'm no longer struggling with the stuff I used struggle with and I'm grateful for it everyday. I talked with my bishop this week and, if all goes well, I'm due to start my mission in summer of next year. I have done a lot of preparation for it: helping teach with the missionaries every day (I've been called as one of the two ward missionaries), learning my scripture and adhering to the commandments. However, the one problem: money. I make 180 a week. The cost of a mission is around 8500. If I save every bit of money I have between now and then, I'll have at most 6000. The bishop says that the church pays for some of it, but currently there's only 2000 in the church funds and there are two other missionaries hoping to serve around the same time as me, and one other person who said he might be serving but seems to be having a change-of-heart atm. They've been in the church a lot longer than I have, and their families are members of the church, so it's likely that the funds will be used to help finance them instead, if there isn't enough to cover all of us. One thing: My family are okay with me going on a mission. However, they don't want to pay anything towards it because my mum's afraid that, in a few months, i'll change my mind and decide not to go. However, are we able to serve without paying the full price? As in, as long as we have it all paid before the end of our mission, is that okay? If I do go on my mission, then she'll know that I haven't changed my mind and I might be able to ask her to pay for the remainder of it over the two years, for my birthday and Christmas presents of those years, and I'll repay her when I get back. Basically, does anyone have any advice on how to save for a mission and the best way of financing it, and the best way of asking my family to help? I hate asking anyone to help but, if I want to serve a mission as soon as this summer, I might need her input! Also, I've got some job interviews lined up, obviously if I get a job that will help with the costs!
    1 point
  5. Simple you have a court system... designed to be all about law... and irrespective of the color of the skin of the persons involved. You have the police that are a part of that system. When the police shoot someone there is already a system in place to investigate. Now maybe there are some places and cases where the system is broken, corrupted or otherwise not working. I think everyone can agree that those instances need to be fixed. However when such events happen we don't have a discussion on if the system worked or failed... It becomes about RACE it overrides every other consideration... the content of the character of the people don't matter, nor do their actions, just the color of their skin and that is fundamentally racist... Thus instead of moving away from Racism it get reinforced and entrenched,
    1 point
  6. skalenfehl


    To attain the fulness of the priesthood is to attain His presence as with Melchizedek, Enoch, Moses and others, who as "priests" unto the most high God, by the sealing power, which comes from the calling of His own voice, can and will reign down terror upon a telestial people who fight against Him and His people. This is why Zion will be terrible to the people of the world who will be at war against each other and against the people of Zion. They are people who will not simply walk into Zion untested and unprepared. One does not simply take up residence without being cleansed. One becomes a Zion individual before coming unto Zion. One must have the kind of faith required to sacrifice all things, to lay down this life for a more excellent one.
    1 point
  7. It was in answer to how does not talking about it helps... If a cop shoots someone there are always investigations in to the shooting. Such investigation need to run and proper response need to happen based on that investigation.. For the ignorant John Q Public the color of the skin of the people involved should not matter... only that it get investigated and handled properly... Instead you get everyone and their dog making it about race (by talking about it) and deciding what the results should be based on skin color and soundbites. That is all about skin color and nothing about the content of their character... and it Keeps racism alive by having society validate and approving such actions
    1 point
  8. Finrock


    Being filled with the Spirit, means being filled with God's power, which is priesthood. Millions of individuals full of the Spirit of God, or full of God's power, can't be messed with, to put it in mundane terms. And when I say full, I mean full. -Finrock
    1 point
  9. Simple... saying "a man was shot by a police officer"... is not racist or supporting or encouraging racism... and allows one to focus on the facts of the case to determine if the shooting of the man person by a cop was justified. Whereas saying "a <insert skin color here> man was shot by a <insert skin color here> police officer" forces race into the equation. If we truly believe Martin Luther King's dream of not judging people by the color of there skin but by the content of the character then we need to stop injecting race into the discussion and focus on character and actions.
    1 point
  10. In the 80’s I was working as an engineer for Boeing in the Seattle area – not long after the LDS church allowed Blacks (African Americans) to hold the priesthood. I met a remarkable guy by the name of Paul Smith that was a black African American and one of the first to receive the priesthood in the LDS church. He taught me more about prejudice than any other single person I have ever known – before or since. What he taught me is that there is in essence two very different kinds of “racial” prejudice and both have their very dark side of separating (isolating) individuals in cultures. The first kind of prejudice is a bitter or even hateful prejudice – we are all aware of this prejudice. It is the hateful prejudice that all good people try to avoid. It is also what most think is the engine of all prejudice – or at least that is what we are told and made to believe. There is another kind of racial prejudice. Sometimes this other kind of prejudice raises its ugly head in a strange makeover manner in people trying to be kind, compassionate and loving; that are being deceived that this very ugly prejudice has a beauty of its own about it. It is a much more subtle kind of prejudice but the result of any prejudice is always the same – it causes people to pigeon hole others and give excuse for thinking that they are or ought to be thought of as different. Paul Smith worked with me and convinced me of my other kind of racial prejudice. As we talked about problems I would make a statement like, “What Blacks need is a great leader.” He would respond and say, “No! that is not what Blacks need – what people need is a great leader.” Then he would remind me that as soon as I see a different need for Blacks – I was exercising a prejudice – and I needed to get over that prejudice. As Paul said – we need to be truly color blind. We are all children of the same G-d – with the same needs and Celestial destiny. I could give many examples of how well-meaning people exercise a very dark prejudice thinking that somehow it is good and kind because they think hate does not have any part in motivating it. But the truth is – it does not matter all that much if we enter into temptation thinking that we are justified in doing so because we are motivated by love rather than hate. Like the adulterer that thinks their disloyalty in marriage is justified; not by hate of their spouse (that they do not hate but do love somewhat) but rather their deep (thinking somehow deeper) love of someone else – and that love is a good thing. As soon as we see through colored goggles and think someone or some group is different for whatever excuse we can think up – we are engaging in prejudice – a prejudice that if allowed to continue will do more harm than whatever good we may think we are dreaming up about it in seeing a difference and making an excuse for it. If police are treating anyone improperly we should be concerned – not because they are black but because they are humans. As soon as we allow race to be an element – we create more to the problem and take away from or perhaps even prevent the legitimate solution. The Traveler
    1 point
  11. Finrock

    Paying for my mission

    I love your attitude, your sincerity, and pure intent. Almost brings me to tears. All will work out for you to go on a mission. Don't worry. -Finrock
    1 point
  12. Bonsheeere

    New here

    Hi everyone. It's been a very long time since I've posted on an online forum. I was reading several posts and enjoying people share their experiences and support each other. I was previously involved in the LDS Church and joined as a convert when I was 19. I left the faith about three years ago, and recently had some conversations with a couple of members who encouraged me to come back. I've been attending church and it's been challenging. Maybe I can share more about my situation later. I hope to get more connected with all of you as I pass in this phase of my faith journey; it's really nice to see such a variety of faith and spiritual backgrounds!
    1 point
  13. james12

    Trump Can't Win

    You indeed may do business with someone that is unethical, but would you chose that same person to rule over you? Why would anyone do such a thing? Because we have to vote as a block? Because we have to support the republican party? Because of a judge? Keep eating the dirt...
    1 point
  14. mirkwood

    Trump Can't Win

    There is no such thing. This is another media driven concept.
    1 point
  15. Jojo Bags

    Trump Can't Win

    It doesn't matter who you vote for. The fix is already in and the Gadiantons will put in whomever they select.
    1 point
  16. Jojo Bags

    Favorite Cookie?

    Chewy oatmeal chocolate chip - heavy on the chips.
    1 point
  17. The atonement is a great healing power. Through the atonement, Christ removes any guilt you have. Through the atonement, Christ removes any burden have having to blame others. Through the atonement, Christ understands all the sin you've done. Through the atonement, Christ understands all the sin you've been on the receiving end of. Through the atonement, Christ has the power to understand all wounds: how they got there, how they hurt, how to remove them. Through the atonement, Christ has the power to HEAL ALL wounds.
    1 point
  18. Well... I don't think it's hard to see the problems. It is shoved in our faces every single election year since MLK got shot. The problem I see is that every single solution gets buried in the game of politics. We can't offer solutions by addressing the problems in the black community because then you'd be Republican. And "Republicans are racists". We can't offer solutions by addressing the problems in the judicial system because then you'd be Democrat. And "Democrats are segregationists". Even just saying Law and Order becomes a code word for racist. So, really... until we can get rid of partisan politics, this discussion in the arena of public opinion will never result in actionable solutions. It will just be another round of rhetoric used to gin up some guy's campaign. The Democrats yell Black Lives Matter, the Republicans yell Blue Lives Matter. When both are actually wanting the exact same thing. I think the discussion between you and JAG can be pulled as an example of this. You are looking at it in the same perspective as Democrats look at it. JAG is looking at it in the same perspective as Republican look at it. But instead of Democrats and Republicans using it to bludgeon each other in the arena of public opinion, you and JAG are not trying to bludgeon each other but trying to talk to each other addressing the problems in the black community and the judicial system both. If only we can get the people who actually have the power to do something about it in the form of meaningful governance, we can talk about it all we want and nothing will change. To me, the solution is to eliminate the racial component and make all colors adhere to the Constitution. A black guy committing a crime is punishable by law. A cop shooting that black guy when it is not called for is also committing a crime punishable by law. Now, let's figure out how to solve the problem of black guys committing crimes and let's solve the problem of cops shooting at black guys when it is not called for. The rest of the discussion should be on why it can't be that simple...
    1 point
  19. This is sooo true! We had 2 missionaries - one a 6'3" 250lb Samoan and the other a 5'5" 120lb Brazilian. I kid you not, we went to Cici's pizza - all you can eat - and the Samoan downed the equivalent of 5 pizzas and the Brazilian probably had about 10... he stopped eating because it was already close to 9pm and they had to go home. Otherwise, he'd keep eating!
    1 point
  20. ....and my head still hurts from crying. I though it would be easier the second time around and it's worse for me. I know my daughter is a woman now, so why do I feel like I just dropped off my little red-haired 3 year old at the MTC? I miss her already and it's only been 4 hours. :-(
    1 point
  21. Let me tell you about the things my kids have gone through... (taking a deep breath) Here goes... I have had a one-sided screaming match with my husband while we were in the car. I was pregnant with my 2nd child and my first child is strapped to his carseat in the back. I ended up opening the door while the car was cruising on the highway, I jumped out of the car. My husband tossed me my phone and drove off with my kid leaving me on the side of the road. I walked home... 7 months pregnant without any money on me even as I had a phone to call a cab. Another screaming session in the car ended with my husband pulling into an empty parking lot where I got out and with all the blood pumping to my screaming lungs, I lost blood flow to my head which caused me to pass out and drop like a ton of bricks on the cement. Good thing I only sustained bruises and scratches and not broken bones or a fractured skull! I have had another screaming match with my husband where I ended up throwing dishes at him making a horrid mess. I can't count on both hands how many times I have yelled at the children. So... from your OP... compared to me, you're Mother Theresa! My kids don't hate me. Well... at least they don't say or act like they hate me. They're 15 and 13 years old. We talk about it all the time. I have anger management problems. Anyway, my advice: You can't control what your children do or feel. You can only control how you react to them. Your daughter telling you that you're a horrible, abusive, mother is her own perception of things. It may be that she really feels that way or it may be that it is just her way of making herself feel better by hurting you. In any case, this is not about you. This is about your daughter. @LiterateParakeet gave you excellent advice. Listening to her can give you a glimpse of why she feels that way or why she finds it necessary to hurt you to make herself feel better. And most importantly, it gives her a chance to vent and start the healing process. I believe she is still suffering the effects of your divorce to her father (If I'm understanding your posts correctly) and she's still really hurt by it so she lashes out at you. The only way she can get over that is if she learns to forgive her parents. Forgiveness. That's something you also need. Forgive your daughter even if she doesn't feel or say that she is sorry. Just forgive her. And... just as important... forgive yourself for your shortcomings in the long ago past. I have to do this over and over and over - to forgive myself - every single day. It's the only way I can survive without hanging myself!
    1 point
  22. Jane_Doe

    New here

    1 point
  23. NeedleinA

    New here

    Welcome as well. We are varied bunch but regardless we all share a love for the gospel, God and helping others.
    1 point
  24. Larry Cotrell

    New here

    Welcome to the forum, @Bonsheeere
    1 point
  25. unixknight

    Trump Can't Win

    I think another boost Libertarians are getting is, surprisingly, from Hollywood. The movie Captain America: Winter Soldier was a surprisingly Conservative movie in featuring things like Government surveillance, overreach and corruption. This is also true of The Batman movie The Dark Knight in depicting surveillance on a scary level. Just comic book movies? Maybe, but they actually have something to say that Libertarians like myself appreciate. I do agree with you about Gary Johnson. I supported him at first but for his abortion position as well as some general wackiness, I switched to Evan McMullin.
    1 point
  26. unixknight

    Trump Can't Win

    I know you didn't mean it this way, but I kinda wish you hadn't said that grownups accept this and vote for the lesser evil. I'm not doing that and I'm pretty sure I'm a grownup. (I admit, I'm a grownup that has Captain America and the Planet Express ship on my desk at work) I completely understand the reasoning that says voting for Trump is the better of two awful choices. My wife is doing the same. For me, I reject the dichotomy that says that my vote MUST be for one of the two or somehow it paves the way for the other. Like you I'm speaking only for myself here, but I firmly believe that adhering to that line of reasoning only strengthens the two party lock. It's how they WANT us to think. They WANT us to believe that they are the only two worth choosing from. Otherwise why would they give us such awful options? They're not at all worried about a third party. And the world would be a better place if they WERE worried about it. That will never change as long as people go along with the "two and only two option" model.
    1 point
  27. Just_A_Guy

    Trump Can't Win

    So, I re-read my twelfth amendment; and it looks like the House would have to vote between the top three electoral vote-getters. Even if Johnson gets his home state of New Mexico and McMullin gets Utah--Utah has more electoral votes than New Mexico, so Johnson's out and the House has to pick between Clinton, Trump and McMullin. Each state delegation votes as one. The Republicans currently have a majority in the house delegations of 35 states; the Dems, 15. If the election goes to the House, Hillary has no path for victory even if the Republican delegation split nearly 50/50 between Trump and McMullin--she would have a lock on 15 votes, to at least 18 for Trump or McMullin. Realizing this, the Dems' state delegations may decide to at least keep Trump out of the White House by backing McMullin. Fifteen Dem delegations, plus an anti-Trump revolt by substantial minority of eleven Republican delegations, could put McMullin over the top in the House.
    1 point
  28. I am not trying to get you to say that you worship Satan. I was just trying to understand what @Traveler meant. This terminology must have been what confused me. I actually am a hermit crab. There was a mutation that made it so that I have thumbs. That's how I'm typing. Thanks for clarifying.
    1 point
  29. Sarcasm fail. ? We are so quick to bear testimony of unverifiable things that appeal to us, yet so quick to reject other unverifiable things merely because we personally find them disturbing to our worldview. Mormons immediately assuming that their ecclesiastical leaders not immediately giving them what they want constitutes leadership error--or Mormons trying to out-lawyer their leaders--is a pet peeve of mine.
    1 point
  30. I am not a person who believes church leaders are infallible, because only Christ is. You can sustain and support a church leader while simultaneously acknowledging their shortcomings. Here's my observations thus far: 1) @bethreilley has this prompting and it's from God and super important. I do not know if that means it has to be fulfilled right now or later. 2) Right now the SP is being unrelenting on the issue. I do not know if that is due to a prompting from God or his own stubbornness. I do not know if he will change. I don't think any of us can know this. 3) The bishop is going to talk to the SP about this. Cool, though I know from personal experience this can sometimes take a few months (I was also a special case going to the temple) 4) Regardless of when @bethreilley gets to take her endowments out, it'll be a marvelous experience. That I do know with absolute certainty.
    1 point
  31. Traveler

    Why Pray?

    I have found that if I begin my day with a prayer highlighting my plans for the day and a petition to G-d that he approve and assist (support) me in my efforts and then at night report to G-d what I did and was able to accomplish – that my prayers are less of a struggle. Often I discover that things I think are so very important, when presented to G-d, seem quite trivial in the more important grand scheme of things and then when I report my day – that I did not put forth the effort I should have. The effect of my prayers become more of an engine for my need to change and view things than to change anything else in the world. Often I pray for other and then realize that they have their agency and need to make their own decisions. The Traveler
    1 point
  32. I don't feed the missionaries at home, but take them out to restaurants. Yes, they all seem to be able to eat like horses, even the skinny ones. dc
    1 point
  33. Whatever else you tell them, tell them not to offer to feed him. He's a 6'1", 175 lb. stomach. The $400 I'm paying to keep him in the mission field is a drop in the bucket compared to my grocery bill when he was at home.
    1 point
  34. I can relate .... My son just turned 29. When we dropped him off at MTC I thought it would be easy for me after having served a mission. As a parent it was much harder. He served in Panama City Panama.
    1 point
  35. I don't have kids, you know. That's just the way it worked out. But, I think you all can be rather glad you are dropping your kids off at MTC. Rather than the county jail or a prison for them to begin their jail time. So, I think you can be proud and happy that you done all right. dc
    1 point
  36. I dropped my son off at the MTC a week ago today. I had a lump in my throat and an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, and yet I was still happy. Isn't that a wonderful dichotomy!
    1 point
  37. You have my sympathy. My second missionary comes home three weeks from today! It's almost two years since I've hugged him and talked face-to-face. It may be small consolation, but you have two Christmases and a Mother's Day when you'll be able to see and talk with her. And she'll be home a month after that Christmas 2017 conversation. Time marches on.
    1 point