Biden's Mandate may be a tad too far


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I make no secret that I feel people should get vaccinated and that we should wear masks and social distance.  I think this is the right thing to do, and personally what I espouse.  I think their is a great amount of evidence to support it.

here is a mandate that the news is reporting came out today which supposedly will effect 2/3 of the American Population.  I know that people who are against vaccines (they've been around forever against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and many other vaccines) have been around for many years, a sign of how anti-science many in the United States have become.  I know that we can require them for schools, but normally these mandates are NOT from the executive branch.

I think that he CAN enforce it upon Federal employees, but mandating that any business with over 100 employees I think may be beyond the purview of his power.  I don't know that this will be something that he can actually DO.  Something seems off with the mandate.  I imagine there will be lawsuits against it rather rapidly (I could also be wrong, but I expect there will be a lawsuit or two that state he cannot force a private business or company or one that is majority owned by an individual or family, to perform such a thing or other such relations to be one that pops ups).

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Too far for me.

And I"m one who believes to quite an extent that the antivaxx community is evil and likes to flatter those in it. I think every person of age without contraindications (I get it, I get it, exceptions exist) should get vaccinate because it's the intelligent thing to do. I think the COVID vaccines are an answer to prayers.

But too far. 

But I, too, doubt how enforceable this will be.

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Guest Godless
2 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

I think that he CAN enforce it upon Federal employees, but mandating that any business with over 100 employees I think may be beyond the purview of his power.  I don't know that this will be something that he can actually DO.  Something seems off with the mandate.  I imagine there will be lawsuits against it rather rapidly (I could also be wrong, but I expect there will be a lawsuit or two that state he cannot force a private business or company or one that is majority owned by an individual or family, to perform such a thing or other such relations to be one that pops ups).

My understanding is that this will be treated as an OSHA issue (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still trying to catch up on all this while processing NFL news). I imagine there was probably a time when child labor laws were considered government overreach. FWIW,  I'm not completely sure that I agree with this mandate either, but I can see how it might be just as enforceable as other OSHA regulations.  I also think the courts are gonna have their hands full for quite a while.

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The historical trend for Presidents (Rep and Dem) to issue more and more Executive Orders and administrative rules, often with dubious legal foundations concerns me. In other countries those types of actions have often been a prelude to the rise of a dictator or a coup - who often justify their actions by saying that they needed to act without checks and balances because it was an emergency.

Politics & Power 101: Create the crisis, then solve it by taking away people's freedom and independence.

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4 minutes ago, Godless said:

I'm aware of the reputation that SLT has around here, but I was curious if anyone could verify this.

Have not heard it, but wouldn't doubt it. From an organizational standpoint you wouldn't want lay leaders asserting a doctrine that didn't exist. Now if it was a mandate to drink coffee in order to keep more alert at work I think we could apply for a religious exemption, but it would get more complicated if the mandate allowed diet Pepsi and Monster as substitutes. 

Living the dream in CA.

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5 hours ago, Godless said:

I'm aware of the reputation that SLT has around here, but I was curious if anyone could verify this.

It would be kinda hard to use one's religion as a reason to not be vaccinated when the leader, the president of the Church, is vaccinated. One can't really say, "It goes against my religion," like a Jehovah Witness could say, "It's against my religion to have a blood transfusion."

I think @clwnuke provided a good example with a mandate for drinking coffee. In that scenario we would have a leg to stand on as it pertains to being a member of good standing.

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Only a tad too far?
If what he is doing only constitutes a 'tad', then we clearly have different understandings about what is going on around us.

Biden Orders VA To Withhold Health Benefits From Unvaccinated Veterans
Biden told Veterans:


As with so many other things in our country, veterans are part of the problem when they should be part of the solution...
There is great honor in doing what you’re told...
But you won’t let us pump some mRNA molecules into your arm?...
It’s time to get real. Some of you are behaving like some real wise guys here, some real dummies. Wiseguy dumb-dumb boys,...

I realize several people here voted for our current President, and thus a natural desire to minimize the damage he is doing in order to feel better about the past vote, but like Biden would say... "C'mon Man!"

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13 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Only a tad too far?
If what he is doing only constitutes a 'tad', then we clearly have different understandings about what is going on around us.

Biden Orders VA To Withhold Health Benefits From Unvaccinated Veterans
Biden told Veterans:

I realize several people here voted for our current President, and thus a natural desire to minimize the damage he is doing in order to feel better about the past vote, but like Biden would say... "C'mon Man!"

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1 hour ago, Vort said:
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All stories herein are parodies (satire, fiction, fake, not real) of people and/or actual events. All names are made up (unless used in a parody of public figures) and any similarity is purely coincidental. is not affiliated with Ohio Wesleyan University or any other publication. is intended for use by those age 18 and older. If you think your child can handle this humor, it is up to you. We are not role models.

All stories are copyright protected by Subvertical Limited, a Limited Liability Company registered in the state of Ohio.

Thanks @Vort.

I'm relieved for the benefit of Veterans. When satire mimics reality too closely, I'll admit I got Babylon Beed. 


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Violators of the Biden Covid-19 vaccine mandate could face up to $14,000 fine per violation.  Fourteen states are already stating they will not comply with these unconstitutional mandates on private business.

One of the worst parts of Biden's speech is he said:  “If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”  I cannot ever remember hear the president talk like this to our State governors.  It is tyrannical speech in my opinion.  He has zero authority to do what he is doing.

Joe Biden is the worst person to ever get into the office of president I have seen in my life time.

Edited by Still_Small_Voice
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1 hour ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

One of the worst parts of Biden's speech is he said:  “If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”  I cannot ever remember hear the president talk like this to our State governors.  It is tyrannical speech in my opinion.  He has zero authority to do what he is doing.

"When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total. The governors know that.”

-the guy that Biden replaced

He was a fool to think that he could bully state governors into doing his bidding, and so is Biden.

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13 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

One of the worst parts of Biden's speech is he said:  “If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”  I cannot ever remember hear the president talk like this to our State governors.  It is tyrannical speech in my opinion.  He has zero authority to do what he is doing.

Such a fun subject.  Compare with Trump's comment, back during the spreading violence and rioting of 2020:


"Portland is a mess, and it has been for many years. If this joke of a mayor doesn't clean it up, we will go in and do it for them!"

He made many other firm statements about sending in national guard troops to quell violence if governors didn't take care of their own business.  And he sent troops to Portland.

Good summary written at the time:


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While we are on this subject - I wonder if the following revelation applies from Doctrine and Covenants Section 58:


26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.


The Traveler

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21 hours ago, Suzie said:

Honestly, seeing Biden lately I'm really questioning if he will make it...

I do not think he (as with most politicians) have ever made it - or for that matter anything else.  It would seem from history that from time to time someone from outside of politics has entered the political fray and accomplished things of use to society - as was the case of our nation's founders.


The Traveler

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Genuine question for everyone, and don’t read too much into the question.

If instead of Covid, it was Ebola and people were vomiting blood in the street and you had first hand experience of multiple people dying of it, would you be down for a vaccine mandate?


- vaccine is 90% affective and so the thought process is that it’s not just about your safety, but mass immunity bro minimize spread, even to those who are vaccinated

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1 hour ago, Fether said:

Genuine question for everyone, and don’t read too much into the question.

If instead of Covid, it was Ebola and people were vomiting blood in the street and you had first hand experience of multiple people dying of it, would you be down for a vaccine mandate?


- vaccine is 90% affective and so the thought process is that it’s not just about your safety, but mass immunity bro minimize spread, even to those who are vaccinated


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