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  1. You need to tell him the truth.
    4 points
  2. Yes you're right I have to be truthful and see what happens
    3 points
  3. The one size fits all answer is also very generic.... Go talk to your Bishop and follow his council. There will be more things... but the nature and timing of those things will depend various personal factors
    3 points
  4. Relationships built on lies aren't relationships. Be honest with him, or you're merely looking for your next ex-husband. You need to act like you deserve better than that. Because you do.
    3 points
  5. First, welcome to the forum. You need to come clean about everything. The sooner, the better. It's the right thing to do. Oh, and find a way to get yourself and your son to church and make it a habit.
    3 points
  6. Typically, we work according to a contract for which we are paid a salary. The contract usually stipulates contract hours and duties--teachers are paid for working such time doing such things. From what I gather from the article, the contract stipulated they work education-related duties and that running the concession stand outside of contract hours was hardly a teaching duty and thus ought to be considered separate from the teacher contract. I suppose my opinion is if you really want me to do it, put it in writing.
    2 points
  7. The only answer is "If you've had your name removed and are wanting to come back, or even explore coming back, you meet with your Bishop and the Lord and the three of you council together". I can see this being a quick or a slow process, or anything in between. But kudos, random person talking to Pam, on exploring the notion!
    2 points
  8. One problem I have always had with those that believe that the Trinity is a litmus test is that it goes directly against what I read in the Bible. The Lord never said...unless you believe in the Trinity and come unto me, you shall be saved...ever. The basic message is to believe in Christ, to believe he is God, and to believe he can and has saved you from sin. Then, you need to follow him and his commandments. It never says you have to have an intricate knowledge and understanding of who he is, his background, and relationship to everything else. You acknowledge him and that you are his follower and follow him. That can be interpreted in many different ways, but in the end, you simply take on his name and follow his commandments and as per the Bible, you'd be a Christian. Thus, this twisting of his words seems to be counter to the entire Christian scatology that many Christian denominations claim to follow. Instead, it seems more like they are eschewing the Biblical statement to avoid judging (lest they be judged with the same judgment...especially at judgment day) and making their OWN call on who is or is not Christian. A very scary position to take I would think. I would say we may be the Church, and the only and true one (as we claim)...HOWEVER...I would say that any who accept Christ and consider themselves Christian and follow his commandments and teachings are Christian. It does not matter the denomination and it does not matter how much more than that they know or do not know. If they do their best to follow what they know of his teachings because they believe in him...they are Christian. It seems sad that there are those out there that do NOT follow the Bible on this, even as they claim to believe in the Bible or to follow it as their authority.
    2 points
  9. I don't know if your relationship will survive this. But to have any hope at all, you must come clean immediately. The longer your deception goes on, the worse it will be for you and your relationship.
    2 points
  10. I agree. I don't know why it is so hard to understand that it is as a result of the Fall of Adam and Eve that we have the bodies we have and all their associated carnal passions. Why do people in the Church, people that know the Plan of Salvation, still believe that if a person was born a certain way that that is how God intended it to be as opposed to that particular drive is produced by having a body that is fallen and could go against and even opposite of what that person's spirit would want. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Being "born that way" is not an excuse or an argument for anything that goes against the spirit. Like Elder Bednar said; "The very elements out of which our bodies were created are by nature fallen and ever subject to the pull of sin, corruption, and death. Consequently, the Fall of Adam and its spiritual and temporal consequences affect us most directly through our physical bodies." .... so, yeah, don't use the excuse that God made me that way, then one would be saying that God created the natural pull of sin, corruption and death. That only comes from not really understanding what happened as a result of the Fall to each of us.
    2 points
  11. The average 401(k) balance by age by Arielle O'Shea via NerdWallet -- January 31, 2019 A record number of 401(k) holders at Fidelity Investments hit millionaire status in 2018. Not one of them? You’re in very good company: A seven-figure 401(k) balance is the exception, not the rule. In fact, the average 401(k) balance at Fidelity — which holds 16.2 million 401(k) accounts and is consistently ranked as the largest defined contribution record-keeper — was $106,500 as of September 2018. If that still seems high, consider that averages tend to be skewed by outliers, and in this case, that number is being propped up by those rare millionaires. The median, which represents the middle balance between the highs and lows, is just $24,800. The below numbers show how 401(k) balances increase with age, at least until participants start drawing on their money in retirement. Ages 20-29 Average 401(k) balance: $11,600. Median 401(k) balance: $4,000. Ages 30-39 Average 401(k) balance: $43,600. Median 401(k) balance: $16,500. Ages 40-49 Average 401(k) balance: $106,200. Median 401(k) balance: $36,900. Ages 50-59 Average 401(k) balance: $179,100. Median 401(k) balance: $62,700. Ages 60-69 Average 401(k) balance: $198,600. Median 401(k) balance: $63,000. Read more at: https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/the-average-401k-balance-by-age
    1 point
  12. https://www.wistv.com/2019/08/13/sc-teacher-files-class-action-lawsuit-demanding-pay-classroom-supplies-she-buys/
    1 point
  13. Friend


    I should have mentioned Friend is actually my last name
    1 point
  14. Friend


    Hi, I'm a member from when I was 11 but I never really grew my testimony but I have gone to church on and off for a while, but off for the last few years. I have a 4 year old son and I work in cyber security. It's nice to meet you.
    1 point
  15. Readmission is the term the Church uses, for what it's worth. There are a lot of branches you could chase down in a hypothetical discussion. The general premise is that readmission requires that the person demonstrate a commitment to the Church and repentance of their sins. They should expect to have a pretty detailed discussion about their journey out of and back toward the Church. This process may be handled by the bishop, regardless of gender of previous priesthood office. The bishop has the full authority to authorize readmission. No requests to the stake president or First Presidency are required. Things that may slow down the process include having been in the midst of Church discipline at the time of name removal, or having committed any transgressions that would warrant a disciplinary council before or after name removal (though these will not necessarily imply a disciplinary council will be held prior to readmission). All-in-all, it doesn't strike me as a very intimidating process. I think your friend may be surprised at how cordial and pleasant it could be.
    1 point
  16. hzdbl5

    Questions for Apostles

    Agreed. My go to question is, "Tell us about a day in the life of a general authority. What kinds of projects are you working on? What specific assignments do you have?" When asked that question in an adult session of stake conference Elder Larry Wilson talked about an effort to bring clean water to remote villages across Asia. It was fascinating and exciting that the Church is involved in those kinds of efforts. As a member of the temple committee he visited our local temple. He asked how he could help...and ended up taking a couple of garbage bags out to the dumpster. Elder Anthony Perkins came to our ward one week. He attended our PEC and Ward Council meetings. He presided in sacrament meeting but did not speak other than sharing a brief testimony. We corralled him for a combined Young Women and Young Men meeting. In answer to my question, he talked about some of the day to day meetings he has, mentioned he'd had lunch with Pres. Eyering the previous Thursday then talked about the prayer assignments in General Conference, including specific time targets they are given. He also mentioned one of his sons had timed his prayer at a recent conference and texted him that he'd gone 25 seconds over. I like the question as the answer reminds folks that there is more to being a general authority than giving conference talks and reorganizing stake presidencies.
    1 point
  17. Fether


    You have come to a great place 😊
    1 point
  18. If the person is an endowed Melchizedek priesthood holder, the bishop can help, but I believe it is the Stake President who will be the main contact. Also, after he is baptized again (for some reason "re-baptized" doesn't seem right to me) he will have to wait a year or more before applying to have his priesthood and temple blessings restored.
    1 point
  19. Under this model, we should be looking for hundreds of major dispensational heads because large groups of people fall away throughout the history of the gospel. I'm sure the reader can come up with several examples under Moses, Isaiah, Elijah, Alma, Nephi (son of Nephi), Joseph Smith, and Heber J. Grant. My definition of a dispensation and apostasy comes straight from the church...both their website and printed materials such as institute manuals and Preach my Gospel. Can there be smaller instances of apostasy all the time...sure, but there are also larger/more widespread ones. There are 7 major dispensations associated with the opening of the seven seals in the book of revelation. Church leaders have also taught multiple times that the 7 heads of those dispensations are Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. End of story really.
    1 point
  20. dprh


    Hi Friend!
    1 point
  21. anatess2

    Fly Fishing

    It's a matter of perspective. The activity is called Fishing not Catching for a reason. So, my 15-year-old son does bass fishing. Never did fly fishing. He can spend 6 hours fishing, catch nothing, and be perfectly satisfied. He just loves stringing that pole, picking out lures, throwing that line, getting some bites, maybe some action... even when he fails to catch one. A few weeks ago, my husband taught me to cast a net to catch shrimp. I threw that net about 100 times and caught about 50 shrimp. I was super sore the next day, toiled over cleaning all that shrimp, cooked them into tortas and it was gone in 60 seconds. I've been bugging my husband to go again. I kinda enjoyed it.
    1 point
  22. But you run into trouble if you start comparing benefits. A lot of people have as much vacation as teachers--but paid. I think the things are illegal intrusion of FMLA and murkiness of exempt/non-exempt.
    1 point
  23. “Unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God: for the like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure, by a bound free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God. Believe that nothing is impossible for you, think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, dry and moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky, that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once, times, places, substances, qualities, quantities, you may understand God.” -Giordano Bruno, Italian Dominican Friar / Astronomer, burned at the stake by the Roman Inquisition, Feb 17, 1600 Sometimes I think that many of the Saints think that Jehovah and the Holy Ghost were similar to us in the Pre-mortal existence. In reality they were not like us. Jehovah was spectacularly different. He was already God. He knew the mind of God the Father. And He was like unto God - Abraham 3:24. And He had already created worlds without number -Moses 1:33. If you read the scriptures carefully, in places it certainly appears that Jehovah had a corporeal body. See Ether 3:8, D&C 107:53-55, Moses 7:4, Genesis 6:9
    1 point
  24. I now feel vindicated by this article.
    1 point
  25. I just read the letter again and realized that I missed that it included a deadline for those currently serving. We are supposed to have this done by 22 Sept. I guess I'm sending out an e-mail with new instructions today. And now I'm mad at all of you for not pointing out my error!
    1 point
  26. I have always believed Christ is the head of the Meridian Dispensation. Why I got sidetracked tonight into suggesting that Peter is its head of that Dispensation is beyond me. Perhaps it’s because I usually think of Archangels as being the heads of the dispensations, not God.
    1 point
  27. mikbone

    Fly Fishing

    I wish I lived on the coast and had time to devote to kayak fishing, spear fishing, and abalone diving. I once caught a 65# catfish with a crank antique telephone (electrical generator) and a gaf. Ruined me for fishing with a pole.
    1 point
  28. My reasoning for why Peter is the leader of the 6th dispensation instead of Jesus Christ... And you must have noticed that the image I posted in the origin post of this thread lists the Twelve apostles instead of Jesus Christ as the leaders of the 6th dispensation. I was trying to associate the Seven Archangels with the dispensation leaders. Jesus Christ is God (He is supremely advanced beyond an archangel). Also in the temple narrative we see Peter acting an archangel. Joseph Smith lists Enoch as a dispensation leader and McConkie even associates him with Raphael. The real reason I made this post was to see if others associated Joseph Smith as an Archangel. I sometimes see Latter-Day Saints dismissing some of Joseph Smith’s teachings, or not even bothering to read his teachings. And this gives me concern.
    1 point
  29. Fether

    Famous Last Words

    So... Excuse me if this distracts from the nature of the thread, but whenever I read any profound last words, ai can’t help but think they had said those words a dozen times before because they were so obsessed with trying to make them their actual last words. For example, I can see Beethoven saying “friends applaud, the comedy is finished” every time he left a room. Or how many times did Nostradamus say “tomorrow I shall no longer be here” and then Spend the rest of the day in silence before he was actually right? ... but anyway... I would like to say some variation of Jacob 7:26 as my last words. ”I conclude this life, declaring that I have done according to the best of my knowledge, my life passed away like as it were unto us a dream, I being a lonesome and a solemn man, wanderer cast down from heaven far yonder, born in tribulation, in a wilderness, and hated by my fellow man, which caused wars and contentions; wherefore, we did mourn out our days. Yet here I lie, ready to meet the God that gave me life. To rest from my labors and to bring the gospel to those in prison. Farewell” But again... I don’t know how many times I would have to say this before I actually die. Perhaps it would be more realistic to put it in my journal and call this my final writing.
    1 point
  30. Anddenex

    Fly Fishing

    It is extremely enjoyable and at the same time very frustrating. I am constantly trying to figure out what the fish are eating and if you can't its heartbreaking
    1 point
  31. JohnsonJones

    Fly Fishing

    I went fishing two weeks ago. Didn't catch a thing. Part of it is just the relaxing of it as you cast your line and meditate on the rain (okay, not always on the rain, but it rained on me two weeks ago when I was fishing). It's sort of like golf for amateurs like me. You do it for the quiet and relaxation...and the peacefulness of it all, not necessarily the fish (though catching a fish and eating em is pretty dandy as well). Or, with golf...you don't do it for your score (or you might get crazy furious like some golfers do if they don't get the score they want) but for the quiet and relaxation of the greens and fairways (I also am a walker...good for my age...on the golf course which helps with the relaxation and such), you do it for the fun and slow pace of golf).
    1 point
  32. JohnsonJones

    Fly Fishing

    I fish, but I've never gone fly fishing, so I cannot say I enjoy it. It seems like a fascinating sport to be involved with. I do enjoy fishing occasionally.
    1 point
  33. After investigating some of the genealogical information recorded in the scriptures, it appears that after the death of Adam, Enoch spent 57 years on earth as the Lord’s presiding high priest and prophet prior to being translated and taken to heaven. If one considers the fact that the prophet Joseph Smith had served a mere 14 years as the Lord’s presiding high priest and prophet when he died, yet he now serves as the head of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, it seems to me that serving 57 years as the Lord’s presiding high priest and prophet is more than enough time for Enoch to be designated the head of a dispensation. Peter is the head of Dispensation of the Meridian of Time, and he spent about 35 years as the presiding high priest, 22 years less than Enoch did. The only way mordorbund could be considered correct in his assertion is if Adam outlived Enoch, but he didn’t. Enoch lived in mortality about 57 years beyond the death of Adam. .
    1 point
  34. The question is if he loves you. If he loves you enough to marry you, than you need to tell him the truth. HOWEVER...in addition to that you need to start going to church. If nothing else, go to church with him in his ward. I am unsure what would make it a bad time to ever go back to church. Normally, it is NEVER a bad time to start going back to church, so that phrase puzzles me. If it is something specifically in your ward, find another ward that you do not have the conflict in. If you fiancé is in a different ward, go to his ward with him. There are many ways to start going back to church. This would be in preparation to go to the temple. You may be afraid that you have done things that would prevent you from doing so, and this may be true. The sooner you work on getting those cleared up with a member of the Bishopric, the sooner you would be able to go to the temple. Many times people are afraid of going to the Bishop because they fear punishment. Normally (though not always) what they imagine will happen is far more harsh than what actually happens. It could be as soon as tomorrow that you could go to the temple, or it could be a year away. IF you are in this category, you would not know until you find out for yourself. If you are worthy, or at least there is nothing that is holding you back, go to church for a month or two and you may be able to go to the Temple sooner than you may expect if that is your goal and you wish to be married in the temple and have someone who wants to take you to the temple. A temple marriage is worth waiting for and worth working towards. If this is your goal, and your hoped for future spouse loves you enough to marry you, tell them the truth and the issues at hand. If they truly love you they will work with you through this and also have the goal of a temple marriage.
    1 point
  35. Jane_Doe


    1 point
  36. In the letter sent to me Dated Aug 16, 2019 From Priesthood and Family Department Subject Children and Youth Protection Training. The next to last paragraph states: Stake presidents and bishops are responsible to ensure that, as needed, help and resources are available for members to access and complete the training. My Bishopric added in the email that Members in these positions who do not have or use computers will be assisted by their leaders to take the course at the church. Over the pulpit the Bishop announced this, and asked that ALL adults take and complete this training. According to my husband [SS President] in the Ward Council, the Bishop requested that all in attendance ensure that those they have stewardship over take and complete this training. Husband asked that I take it also - even though my calling is not included - - T&FHC - - there could be times when I am instructing the youth. So, I will take it within the next couple of days.
    1 point
  37. I'm not speculating. No where in the scriptures, temple, or anywhere does it say that the Holy Ghost has a body of flesh and bone or even of flesh. It says nowhere that he is a resurrected being. There ARE locations where one could have an inference that Adam was part of the Godhead. It was so strongly felt by Brigham Young that he gave talks about it that inspired people on the non-doctrinal interpretation of his statements to create the Adam-God theory. It is from these statements that we get various other items regarding eternal families, genealogy, temple work, and the eternal nature of the Father and our ability to become like him. What this appears is that you are confusing THE GOD with Godhead, and the FATHER with gods, as well as Exaltation with being the Children of God. You have a different interpretation and as such, we probably will not see eye to eye on this (as I think I've stated several times previously to this). Your interpretation and belief on this seems to be at odds with what my belief is. As I said, my speculation on Michael also being the Holy Ghost during a period of his pre-existence is not contradicted by anything that I can see. You have not really posted anything from the LDS beliefs that contradicts this idea (though from your personal belief...sure...but not from the official teachings of the church) as far as I can see. It never states that for godhead one is required to have a body of Flesh. In fact, as per the Lord in the New Testament, a verse I already quoted, he says something very different than that.
    1 point
  38. Just_A_Guy


    1 point
  39. In theory you need to be registered. In order for the Scout office in our area to register anyone they need to see that they have Youth Protection. This is applied even beyond Cubmasters, Scoutmasters and Den Leaders. It also applies to EO, CORs, and Committee members. That said, if you do not include someone on the charter when you chartered and never actually registered them in the Scout Council, but called them, they would still be in the calling. Thus, though not registered on the actual council rolls, they would be placed in the calling on the church rolls. I have been guilty of doing the charter at times and simply glossing over it when I couldn't get a particular leader to take the training (or, as the scout office requires SS numbers for backgrounds checks, if a member did not feel comfortable with that and refused to include it on their application) in years past. I hope that I have improved in recent times and normally will just release the individual and call another...though it can be particularly hard at times to find those willing to be Scout Leaders. I have done my YPT as it is required (actually, normally more than is required) so I'm almost guaranteed I'm going to do the Church's training...but had the very wicked thought of a what if??? As this is connected to one's membership, this could be more mandatory in the future. I expect as the deadline is shortly before the fireside, we will get further guidance then on those who have not completed the training.
    1 point
  40. As an expert in industrial automation (artificial) intelligence - there are two classical ways that artificial intelligence (automation) operates in a complex industrial model. The first is what is termed as the overseeing centralized intelligent model. In this model the primary higher intelligence oversees the entire complex model and commands the lower (often broken down into simplistic) operations. The lower level simplistic operations only know their particular operation and are controlled by communicating with the centralized primary intelligent overseeing source. This model is the foundation of the assembly line operation and means that there was not much intelligence needed on the assembly line much beyond following specific simplistic instructions. I believe this is the primary model that many see in the religious model as the relationship between G-d and man. G-d being the overseeing centralized superior intelligence and man being simplistic inferior intelligence operating on simple command via communication with G-d. The second classical model is called the distributed intelligence model. In this model the communications with the centralized overseeing model is minimized. The concept is to distribute the decision making to that level of operation where the data is most available for making the decision or to the closests possible level to make the decision. This model still requires a centralized overseeing intelligent (decision making) process that maintains oversight of the entire operation. The main difference is that the most possible decisions possible are made at the lower levels. In the previous model all decisions are made at the centralized level. There are strong advantages and disadvantages for each model - I will leave the advantages and disadvantages to be determined by the readers. I personal came to prefer the distributed model because I saw that as more closely resembling the divine model expressed in my understanding of the Plan of Salvation. But there is a new model of artificial industrial intelligence. It is called "The Hive Mind". I have shared the Hive Mind intelligent model before but I will share again. In the Hive Mind there are unlimited intelligent nodes and each node is consider to be equal. The nodes exist on a network and all communicate with each other through the network. Via the network all nodes operate as one single entity. Questions derived and any node are broadcast on the network as are any suggested responses are also broadcasts on the network. As the reader may surmise - this is a lot like the internet. Every intelligence with access to a node becomes very intelligent through the network. In short - this model outperforms the two classic models in every way possible. I am sure that many may think they see possible problems with this model but the truth is the problem is not diminished intelligence but design problems of the network. I currently believe that G-d in the implementation of the Hive Mind. Some religionists resits this notion saying we will never be equal to G-d. But that is a gross misunderstanding of scripture and being "ONE" with G-d. If we are not equal we are not one! The plan of salvation is the essence of becoming one with G-d as Celestial nodes on the divine network. I believe it is Satan that is trying to establish the first model with him as the overseeing intelligence. And that he is smart enough to realize that the final model with outperform his model at ever possible consideration. He will never be able to compete - ever. So his effort is to destroy the network that connects independent intelligences and make them dependent on him. Anyway some thoughts. The Traveler
    1 point
  41. I do not intend to argue nuances of doctrine as much as principles that are and must be true. Jesus was a member of the G-d head from the very beginning of the plan of salvation and all associated covenants long before he was born of Mary. He was the Great I AM of the Old Testament and the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sometimes I have a difficult time trying to figure out terms used by people. For example, when you say "Fully Divine" - I do not understand what difference you are trying to describe (or make) that is so unworthy from singular term "Devine"? For me the adverb "Fully" adds nothing to the conversation and appears to be meaningless. The Traveler
    1 point
  42. Something that might help with letters sent out or topics thereof is similar to what is done for subjects occasionally with Priesthood. Go to the Conference Ensign talks and choose one. Use that as the subject for one letter. Next time use another talk. Unless you write a LOT of letters, you'll probably have a new Conference Ensign come out before you get through all of the talks.
    1 point
  43. I don't think you understand the point. Joseph Smith as a MORTAL sinned, obviously, but he existed before he was Known as Joseph Smith. The Holy Ghost has not gotten their body yet, they are still a spirit, the same as others who are spirits in the pre-existence and have not yet received their bodies (or in theory, those who have died but not yet been resurrected). The same with Adam, who was Michael the Archangel prior to his coming to earth and after his coming to earth. As Children of Humans are Humans, Children of gods are gods. They may not be exalted, but that heritage of theirs helped them to build this earth (at least that is a belief some believe in that are Latter-day Saints). (refer to the Book of Abraham). The idea is that the Godhead is composed of three beings. This can be seen as a Heavenly First Presidency. My feeling on this then would be that Adam as Michael, before he came to this Earth was part of that Presidency of Three individual beings. If he was part of that presidency, and the Holy Ghost is as well (as default being a member of the this Heavenly Presidency), than that would mean that Michael, by default, would have been the Holy Ghost in that organization at the beginning. Obviously, when he came to earth, and was a Mortal Adam, he could not have been the Holy Ghost, thus the idea that another was called to be the Holy Ghost in his stead. Now, that is obviously opinion, as nothing in the Bible or Book of Mormon confers that Adam was part of the Godhead or part of the First presidency. There is nothing to even say that he was part of this three fold governing body that we can find in the scriptures, thus anything dealing with the idea that he would have been part of a First Presidency of Heaven is, obviously, something that is of my own opinion and not particularly with scriptural basis. The same could be stated of Joseph Smith also being the Holy Ghost at any point in his pre-mortal existence. However, there is nothing that says they could not have been either. I will say that I do not feel that the scriptures as you read them back up this idea of mine where I feel that the Father, the Son, and Michael were the ones who organized and created the Earth, and thus you are free to disagree with that idea and my opinion of it. (though as per prophets, we do know that Michael/Adam did help to make this world, though at least one also infers we also helped to make this world). However, as far as I can see and understand, nothing you have posted actually goes contrary to this idea either, nor my ideas of who the Holy Ghost could have been. There is some of it that I cannot discuss my reasons for my opinions on HOW I formed these opinions, at least in this forum or public locations or outside specific and certain areas that I have aforementioned, but that said, even if it is speculation, it is something that we can agree we simply don't see eye to eye upon.
    1 point
  44. No, I'm saying I won't discuss things discussed in the Temple outside of it. I cannot go into more detail than that on this subject specifically right now, as far as I can tell. However, for your answer to your question, that's the best place you are going to get it. It's not an invalid item that I have suggested. If you say there are only THREE (and without discussing the temple, how did you arrive at that idea?) who were before the beginning of the World...who were they? I will say, there are three members of the Godhead...is that who you are referring to? As reference to Adam in creation and his noble heritage (and ours as well). the Man Adam from Churchofjesuschrist.org footnote excerpt from this link of the PoGP student manual
    1 point
  45. My thoughts were that actually the Dispensation heads were Adam - 1st Dispensation - 1st Thousand Years Noah - 2nd Dispensation - Second thousand Years Abraham - 3rd Dispensation - Third Thousand Years Moses - 4th Dispensation - 4th Thousand years Jesus Christ - 5th Dispensation - 5th Thousand Years Joseph Smith - 6th Dispensation - 6th Thousand Years Jesus Christ - 7th Dispensation - 7th Thousand Years Of course, the thousand years may not align specifically with when the Dispensation was organized. Of course, it could be different than that as well, but I though it was the LORD, NOT PETER that is the Dispensation head, Peter stands below the Lord. Each Dispensation Head organizes the church and gives out the Law and the Gospel to each of their respective Dispensations. That said, if we do not recognize the 7th dispensation to be the one that is during the Millenium, and that Joseph is the 7th Dispensation head (doesn't align with the Milleniums though) then that would by default mean that Enoch would be the second Dispensation head and the others move on down the respective line. It may be that at that point, similar to how we View Abraham and Shem, that Shem may have also been the Great High Priest who gave Abraham the Great High Priesthood, that though the gospel obviously was still there and those who held the keys still alive, that so many had fallen away from the Gospel that a restoration had to be done. Thus as it was in the time of Abraham, so it was also in the time of Enoch.
    1 point
  46. I mirror a similar idea, though not as organized as you. If we view with logic that the First Presidency was originally the Father, the Son, and Michael the Archangel...it would also go to reason that if Michael was the third member of that Presidency in Heaven, than he would have also filled the role of the Holy Ghost. In that likewise, I had heard a rumor that Joseph Smith likewise had fulfilled the role of Holy Ghost at some point prior to his mortal existence. It would thus seem to me that it is indeed a calling as made, though how it is done is beyond my ken. I don't have an organization or any other item, and have at times theorized that maybe there are multiple beings aiding a primary leader of it? I do not know, but it does seem to reason that the Holy Ghost may be a position that changes in who holds it as per a calling or some other similar item.
    1 point
  47. The concept of artificial insemination isn't the problem with your friend - it's that she doesn't understand that a child reared in a single mother home is harmful to the child's development. At some point she'll need to tell her child why she made that choice, and viola - we have another man-hater. If the friend has any concept of eternity and how families fit into the plan, she won't do it.
    1 point
  48. English is hard... most days I am lucky if people understand me.
    0 points
  49. Do your own. This one is all about me. Me me me me me
    0 points
  50. I totally think you should plan everything like dropping kids off at school and all around me. I mean seriously.
    0 points